Adventure girl

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After we sent off Alyssa, Connor and me continued to get inside my Beetle, me literally, mercilessly twisting his wrist to smithereens...
As I literally shoved him inside the car, I began talking, and boy did I talk..
I sputtered out in a single breath..
Connor lookes at me with an amused smirk and calmly replied..
"In english please?"
"Will 'just because' work?"
"I hate you.."
I pouted and leaned into my seat, slouching and dragging my lower lip..
"Now now, I can surely set that pout straight.."
Said a suddenly very husky Connor..
But he never got to finish...
God forbid he did..
Gosh, don't tell me I owe shit to...him..
I mentally pointed outside the window..
"HEY MUTHA******!"
I just spluttered and started laughing, like maniacally and hysterically at the. Exact. Same. Time..
Must've looked a sight cause Connor started falling about the place until we both were grabbing onto the window and banging our fists on the dashboard, gasping for air and seriously trying to wipe the tears to clear our blurry vision..
It was Cameron..
But wait that wasn't all..
He was leaning on John with a very venomous, or seemingly venomous face but failing terribly in making any such expression as his nose was in a 180
degree angle to the left and his right eye was purple, swollen..
His spit was dripping from a cut to his lips..
Boy oh boy, that dude looked a SIGHT..
Me and Connor caused some regal damage to that pervert...
But we still couldn't help laughing our asses off at Charlie Chaplin right there..
But that would be an insult to Charlie Chaplin..
He looked worse than Rowan Attkinson..
After we finally calmed down and tried to focus on him, I saw John, biting his lip hard not to sputter something out..
But we failed to try and control out laughter after seeing THAT expression as well....
Her laugh was so charming I often forgot what I was thinking, what I was doing, or what it was that we were looking at..
Gosh, those kinda girls were extremely rare..
Her speckled eyes always crinkled as her head tilted skyhigh, hair spilling everywhere and dimples on full freak show..
But she always stared right into my green eyes when she laughed, taking me to a different timeline..
After we stopped looking at asshole's well deserved new look, we got out, still stuffing out knuckles into our mouths..
"So, something you wanna tell me?"
Tess was tearing up under the pressure..
She was still suffering from the shock inside..
I on the other hand was a reckless mess but stood close to her, ready to bend his nose the right way if he tried anything..
"Why you.."
He reared up right as I blocked Tess and as John tightened his grip by a tenthfold and yanked Cam backwords...
"You just favour them more you sad fucker.."
"It's against the rules..."
"But them making a long lasting abstract painting on my face wasn't breaking the rules?!"
"But what did you do first?"
I spat out, glaring at him, all the lighthearted jokes diminishing as quickly as they came..
He sneered as he glared at Tess behind, who dodged my shield of a body and stood beside me, shooting me a cool glare as if to say ..
Fucking. Do. That. Again. And. I. Will. Kick. Your. Balls. White. Nigga..
I just winked and stared at Cameron, who seemed to be seething, but then he did something nobody had anticipated..
He smiled and looked cockily at Tess..
"Man oh man, and here I thought Cameron Furdswood was lying.."
She lowly growled amd tried to lunge but I grappled onto her as John dragged Cameron a few steps back..
"One more cocky work Hemsworth and you're getting booted.."
That shut him up, but still didn't erase the smile..
Tess just showed him the middle finger and stepped down, fighting out of my grasp and heading back into the car..
I just shot him an icy scowl and followed suite while whispering 'cunt' in his ear..
He just went stock still as John now shot me a glare..
But I just ignored them both and as I got into the car, tightening the set belt as Tess reared the car backwords..
"Have we loaded the bags in yet?"
"Please can you get it?"
I got out, grabbed the bags from the pavement (from our last encounter) and rushed to the Beetle, flinging them onto the backseat along with my nessccities as well..
"Tess, you okay?"
"Whatever, I don't want to talk about.."
Upon hearing the amount of finality in her words, I decided to shut up, for now..
But Cameron just reminded me of the carefree hazel coloured D-bag who had Tess crying on that day..
So I set to work on my body..
Because as a kid, I was always reed stick thin..
Anorexia had nothing on me..
Like it was pure TORTURE going clothes shopping for flesh and bones..
I exercised everyday and did massive body-builing without steriods almost every second at home..
But studies did not go unnoticed so I just shoved it all up time management's arse..
So yeah, I was this kid, slowly climbing up the skin and flesh scale.. With the brains..
The girls started noticing that the 'weedy' boy on the football team wasn't so 'weedy' anymore and could kick the ball or tackle a mile high/away...
This kid made the school team and looked HOT doin' it..
Finally, those girls noticed..
And boyyy, did I score them by the millions on the first shot..
I got all the hate from the guys, but once they knew that they couldn't beat me up or around anymore, they whimpered away and some actually formed a gang around me..
Although some were actually original and had my back..
Eric Hales and Stephen Mcguire being one of them..
Eric Hales was the guy with the spiky hair and cool demeanor..
Stephen Mcguire was more bulk as he was on the quaterback team and looked really surly, but was a nice dude once you got to know him..
Me and Stephen could relate a lot, cause me, Eric and him all started off as reedy kids..
It took everything we got to make it here...
Eric was your classic surfer boy with beach blonde hair and twinkly blue eyes while Stephan was just mostly stubble and piercing blue eyes, not charming like Hales'...
He just always looked gloomy.. And dark and gothic..
But was always upbeat on the field, thus making him our signature mystery boy/chill guy...
He had spiky black hair like glassy grass and toned abs...
Like, rugged..
I was more on the rugged side as well, but I didn't have it bulging out of me in every spare inch of my body..
Eric just had abs..
Defined ones like mine and a well off V-line but that's basically all..
So Steph pretty much looked like our bodyguard...
When I got into Harvard the girls came by the millions..
Even Steph got hyped..
But then, I could never forget that girl on my first day of school.. Advicing me to get rid of my ridiculous looking glasses and always telling me to always believe in myself..
She was upset but trying to look strong with a broken leg..
She was helping up a rebelious/drunk chick climb over the chicken wire when I had hauled her in with my reedy arms from the other side..
Thus saving those two..
That's when that girl had introduced herself, right when the bell had blared in my ears..
And then she ran off, dragging her dazed friend with her..
I just stood there and replayed those eyes..
They were always in askance for adventure and always shined skyhigh when her dimples showed...
She looked..beautiful..
Not hot..
Nor pretty
She was pretty much both combined..
She just stuck in your head, always making you want to share what she had, join what she was going to join..
That's what that speckled mess spelt out..
Her green-blue eyes..
With hazel hair..
This girl was what I saw when I fist saw Tess running from the school's entrance with Laura..
Dragging her friend..
When our eyes locked for a spilt second, I caught that girl I had thought I had lost all those years ago..
I saw Tess..
And guess what, I just knew this was Adventure girl from about 5 years ago..
And I swore to myself I would never let her slip away..
Not this time.....

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