I did anyway...

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I skated out of the studio and went to a deserted park and sat down..
I took out my earphones and started listening to the hits..
Then I saw a gang of guys coming toward me, wolf whistling and looking me up and down..
I was just exhausted.. So I played along, bearing in mind that it was getting slightly dark..
"Ayo, lookin sweet thang!"
There were all thug, but american..
I seriously restraint a loud harsh laugh..
Petty wannabes, I was filled and surrounded by them in my life..
"Sup' mate!" I cheered while jumping up and air fiving them..
Key was to never look frightened..
That way it always startled them like now..
"Uhhh, you wanna have some fun?" The second one out of the three asked, shuffling his feet..
I seriously lucked out by not getting real thugs who were ready to gang bang people..
And just shakespear's backup dancers..
With heavy gold chains and droopy pants..
Real 'swag'
I chuckled while waving it off..
"No thanks, I have places to be.."
Thats when it got serious..
They blocked my path and the first bulky one opened his filthy mouth..
"Aww, we have other plans though.."
"Great! So do I so if you could just"...
I beckoned for them to let me through..
"Naww, we have plans involving you.."
He pointed his finger right into my left eye..
I staggered back, clutching it..
It was excessively watering thus blurring my view..
Stupid stupid me..
I should've knocked their lights out the first vulnerable chance I got..
Now is their perfect oppurtunity to whisk me somewhere treacherous..
And I was right..
I felt both my arms being dragged backwords..
It got yanked and I was jerked suddenly, the pain wrenching through to my neck..
Oh lordie...
I knew I should've just gone to uni, but I just wanted some more serneity so I came here..
Well, I still decided to play along and attack them at their weak spot..
A mask got put on my head as I wrenched about to find a more comfortable position...
"Ohh, gurl's got no moves.. Didn't think so.."
"Buddy, you know shigh, don't judge mate.."
My voice was muffled but the wrenching seemed to ease a bit..
I took it..
I grabbed my hands forward while simultaneously ripping the mask apart...
I got my ass off the concrete and took a stance..
They had literally dragged me to the entrance of a rattled van..
I punched one in the nose and took off, grabbing my skateboard once I reached the sandpit..
I skated so savagely, not wanting a chase, and thankfully I didn't get one..
It had grown dark, so I sent a text to Laura to not worry about me and told mom I was coming home after staying with Laura for a bit..
As I skated home, heaving when I reached civilization, I noticed many shady people liked to hang around that park..
Was a shame, I really liked that area..
Upon nearing my house, I went through the whole menagerie of getting up through the window, wearing my uni clothes, grabbing my skateboard and book bag purposefully, and proceeding to ring the bell signaling 'I'm home..'
My mum opened the door and cheerfully smiled at me, well, tried anyway, with one hand balancing her work laptop amd the other holding the door open..
"I got it.." I said, grabbing the door handle and saving my mum's laptop from slipping..
"Thanks hun! How was uni?"
"Went well, I guess.."
"Huh? Lemme guess, some Laura problems?"
"What?! No! I was at her house rememeber?"
"Right right.. Sooooooo, something ELSE you wanna talk about?"
I internally winced, it was going to be about the dreaded 'question' about the other night..
I hadn't interacted with her that day or this morning, whatever..
"Ohh yehhh, uhm that was Connor.."
"So he stated.."
"He...He's a pal mom! Stop making this twisted.." I bashed out, twirling my fingers around and vigorously shaking my head..
"Ahhh, the ol' 'nothing else' fib eh? Well listen.. You broke the simplest of two rules, thus successfully earning yourself a wee-"
She suddenly caught sight of the bandage and glared at me... All of this in the hallway..
"Mum can I atleast sit?"
"What HAPPENED?!!!"
"Nothing ma! I just.. A small accident that's all.."
"Right, care to re-enunciate or expand..?"
"It's.. I slipped off my skateboard, tearing that skin off.." I shrugged as if it was nothing..
"Well then, no..
She grabbed TJ violently out of my hand, almost giving me a 'skateboard cut'
TH.. For a month.." She spat out..
"Ma it's TJ, and this is the only fun thing transportation I like to go through.."
"Potato potato on the first one and you have a freakin Harley and a Beetle, you can shut your trap Rowling!"
I rolled my eyes and slung my dreary pack higher..
"Oooooh, alright! Fine! But don't blame when..when... When I need gas money!" I waved my hands and went up my stairs, carefully grabbing a granola bar on the way up..
"Kids these days..." Was the last thing I heard her mutter while she went into the hallway..
As usual she looked tired..
She was still in her striking pencil skirt and button up Louis Vuitton blouse..
She had however removed her Loubotins and had replaced it with bunny slippers.
You could say we were alike..
In some ways...
I flung my backpack down and collapsed in a tired, drenched-in-sweat and seething..rage at inanimate object rage heap on my bed....
Actually no not really..
I just craved a shower, a hot meal and a good sleep time with Beethoven playing in the background..
Of course there was always going to be homework, and the call in from school probably tomorrow claiming that 'your child skipped school through chicken wire like a lunatic on wheels'..
But I was too tired to analyse and contemplate on what to do about that issue..
Maybe Laura covered up for me..
Ohh and I needed to giver her an 'explaination'  as well..
'Jeez time out...
Instead of taking a bath or having a hot meal or even reaching for my backpack, I just dozed off to sleep with my ripped/bloodied jeans and my legs hanging over the bed, with my hair tangled with some loose screws on my windowsill and my contacts in..
My mum came to wake me up at ten to go to sleep properly and that's when I dragged my feet to the washroom, removed my contacts and washed my crusty eyes with water and untangled some flakes of wood from my hair..
After taking a quick shower to jog things along, I put on some Nike basketball long shorts and a loose T over myself and flew across the landing to dunk my clothes inside the washing machine..
My mum screamed at me, claiming that she was gonna be up for a wee more hour because that prick had issued another 'urgent' email and she had to reply..
So I shouldn't bother with making dinner for her..
I signed, balling my fists knowing that this had been going for too long and she needed a break, but I couldn't divert her from work once her eyes focused back on screen.
It's like trying to wake me up to study math...not gonna happen..
I sourly made myself some chicken noddle soup and carried it to my room, hurriedly writing some random script and leafing through a sheaf of papers for my open book test tomorrow...
After gulping down the watery bits of the noodle, I turned off the lamps and tugged the quilt over my head, plugging in my earphones to listen to 'Carousel' by Melanie Martinez..
After I felt myself falling asleep, I disconnected the earphones and put the alarm on while simultaneously replying a lazy 'cya tomorrow' to Laura's hour long essay on 'where and what the fuck happened and did  you go?!.....'
I dozed off after flinging my phone across the charging dock...

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