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Like legitness that was all that was running in my head when Connor went on a full ramble on how this wasn't my expected reaction...
I just nodded and started to punch, completely zoning out of our conversation..
Well at least the conversationalist...
I rolled my eyes when he kept his hands on my shoulder and whirled me around..
He was just like everyone else...
He felt sympathy towards me..
I shouted for a second time that day at the same person..
"Who told you to stop? Were you even listening.?"
Asked a very unfazed Connor..
"Wha? Cause, no.. No I wasn't Marksen.."
"Well I said you needed twice the effort, ain't nobody got TIME for pity right about now Rowling.."
I nodded in all sincerity...
"Fine, hit me.."
"That's not gonna happ-"
"Well fine, more for me!"
I swung an uppercut at that defined jaw, screw people always not hitting girls cause of our weakness.. I was not gonna stand around blushing anyway..
He stepped back and looked pained and for once, I seriously doubted my actions..
"Man I just thought-"
My jaw exploded as my neck snapped right, temporarily putting me in a coma..
I seriously couldn't move and I was stuck...
But I had been in this postion before so I cocked my neck left real fast and rolled out of my former spot where Connor's feet now slammed into..
I got up and took a stance, wiping my bloody nose..
That was how it must've felt for him...
"Game time.."
He swung left and I blocked, banging my forehead with his..
He staggered back but not far away, so I reveled on the balls of my feet and swung a roundhouse..
He was totally prepared and caught my foot, twisting it, definitely giving me a sprain...
I collapsed as he loomed over me.. Smirking..
Good god the rugged badboy was back...
I smirked back and dragged his collar on top of me, making him straddle..
"C'mere, where did you learn that?"
He started stuttering and gushing around his words like a freakin 13 year old who just got on her periods and has finally gotten a boob enlargement...
"I-uhhh-uhm-guh, L-LA boxing.."
"Ahhh, remind me to sign up.."
"Right sure.."
And then there we were just looking at eachother..
That uppercut had bent his jaw, the pain would've been pretty painful..
But he still managed to cause hefty damage to me...
But suddenly I felt sorry and I reached out to touch his jaw, making him wince..
"S'okay... Listen wanna get-"
I grabbed him and smashed his lips against mine....
I couldn't help it..
He was everything I wanted him to be..
He was it..
His warmth always surrounded me when I was with him...
So there...
I kissed him hard and after a millisecond of hesistation (which almost made me pull back) he started really doing his thing..
And boyyyyyyyyy was he good at his proffesion....
That boy could kiss sweaty and straddled...
I seriously loved every second or was when I heard a cough and my eyes widened..
Oh shit...
We quickly pulled off eachother and swiped invisible dust off our attires..
"Uhmmm Sorry for the interupption but, this isn't a private gym and you guys gave a good show.."
"Well, since you're done, pack your ass back home T, and don't do something I wouldn't ..;)"
He winked at me after smiling at Connor..
"And mate, you hurt her, well she knows what to do.."
His tone turned serious and then immidiately got all plastic and bright again..
"See ya kids!"
"Adieu John.."
I huffed before grabbing Connor and my bag with me....
As we tumbled outta the gym, I slightly caught my breath at the lovely sunset..
Cool, right?
"Cool right?"
"I'm gonna go get some coffee, how'bout you?"
"Yeh, uhh, I might just take you up
on that offer but.. Well.."
I raised an eyebrow in question..
"But I seriously need you to change.."
I blew my hair outta my face in a huff and grabbed his car keys..
"Fine give me and my fine skateboard a ride then.."
"I was gonna anyway.."
He smirked and then held out his arm..
"Shall we, m'lady?"
"Yes sir, we shall.."
Please keep in account this was between two sweaty, pretending- to-be -british-and-doing- a-horrible-job-at it, teens..
I giggled and we walked off...
Atleast in my head, my suspension was going off pretty well, off to a good start anyway....
+++++a change of clothes later+++++
I dumped my skateboard and pleaded for a couple of extra minutes for a reallly quick shower..
Connor nodded and actually we both came to the realization that we BOTH needed a good shower...
So Connor drove away to clean up as I finally relaxed into the warmth of the water instead of flinging towels aside and angrily pulling my hair out to erase the shampoo...
I even put on some music...
While 'Poison' by Rita Ora was playing, I just recollected our pretty crazy closure im the gym and couldn't help grinning with water running all over my mouth...
I quickly hopped off the shower after really making sure I felt diamond-like and started applying my favourite 'Bath and Body' shop moisturizer to help keep cracked skin at bay...
I always had a tough time with rashes and what-not..
I slipped on some pale blue shorts and a turquoise green mid-riff...
It was actually pretty warm out so I opted for some short shorts..
After slipping on my Addidas sandals and grabbing my phone and purse, I rang Connor up who said he was already waiting outside and had just pulled into the curb..
After quickly leaving a sticky note indicating to my mom that I had gone off to 'Urban café' with my friend, I left..
I always told her where I was going in case she really wanted to talk to me..
As I stepped off into the evening sunshine, I couldn't help but bask in the orange glow which seemed to immidiately lift my spirits up...
I ran to Connor's car and hugged him tight when he stepped out..
I couldn't help these random surges of affection..
Suddenly, I just wanted care, sappy ass protection instead of always being out there on my own, fighting and defending others but being put out to dry when someone had to defend me..
Maybe now things had a chance..
Connor hugged me back and rested his chin on my shoulder...
I just snuggled deeper into his warmth and settled there...
After about a minute I pulled away amd got into the passenger seat, much to
Connor's discomfort..
"Chill, I can open the door.." I assured him and got in but winced when I folded my legs into the sports coupé...
"Tess, you okay? This is EXACTLY why I don't hit girls or anyone for that matter.."
"You win some you loose some pal, I've learnt to take a hit.. Plus I dented your awesome jawline, this has to count for something.."
I had actually gone home and jiggled the metal thingy in my nose for a bit because all boxers had to remove their cartilages out for actually looking at a coureer or winning any championships...
I for one, was doomed with this stupid thing stuck in to hold my nose...
I had also washed off the dried blood
off my knuckles and face, thus having a glow around me...
He looked concerned but then I lightened his spirts by kissing him, dragging the fluctuation...
He immidiately pouted when I pulled away..
"Eyes on the road my man.."
I winked before sticking my tongue out..
He chuckled, with those alluring green eyes, twinkling..
As we pulled off, his Nissan 370 started getting faster....
"Woah, cooool ride though..."
"Thank you, and cute ride as well.."
He nodded towards the garage..
I shrugged before I started pairing my phone with his Bluetooth...
The speakers blared 'Poison' by Rita Ora...
As I shamelessly showed off my moves..
"Woah, slow down, you might end up being the next meme.." Said a very extremely amused Connor..
I chuckled before calming down but still moving to the beat..
"But I gotta say, you can dance.." Said a very appreciative Connor..
"Thanks, I took lessons.."
Connor raised an eyebrow and shrugged..
"Well I'm not surprised..".
I just kissed my teeth..
"Yeah, so aren't a lot a people.."
He smiled, a nice genuine one before the air bags blew.....

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