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"God that was one heck of a français lesson..."
We both chuckled as we approached the exit..
"You know the drill right mate?"
Lisa nodded before coming to a halt next to the rigged door which apparently sends a shrill *BEEP* throughout the school when pushed against...
Well we are about to find out..
Turns out there isn't an *apparently* to that sentence...
It blasted my ears and had me go cross eyed right there....
As we both dashed out at full pace and heard various screams of faculty, I couldn't help but glance behind myself to look at this....this guy just.. Just looking at me...
I blinked a couple of times before turning around and boosting my speed, he looked way too familiar..
He looked like this adorable deja vú.. This person I had seen somewhere but couldn't put my finger on..
I figured I was just hallucinating from the adrenalin rush..
"Whooooo!!" I screamed, letting it all out....
Lisa was just panting by the time we reached my bike...
"*Pant pant* have we put enough distance between us and them yet?"
"Yeh... Yeh we have.. "
I smirked, what? I'm.a.5k.runner..
You can't blame me for not breaking a sweat..
Lisa was an alstar in basketball and they do plenty of running as well...
Well, we're twin alstars but that's besides the point...
"Zoo wee mama.. You *pant* didn't break a friggin sweat!"
"Well, I also box for a living.."
"Start ignition?"
I revved the engine while she swung her legs on either side..
Those extremely long legs of hers wondrously didn't hit the engine..
Lisa has amazing blue eyes and to die for hair!!
She's 5'10 and wears extremely chic clothes..
Always leather pants and streamlined jacket, enhancing the curviest of curves if that's even a term...
She wears high studded boots and has her hair loose, like her attitude...
Me on the other hand am the stark opposite when it comes to dressing taste..
I wear a riding jacket and Levis, sure it's pretty skin tight, and it had some leather patches on it, but it's not the EXACT same thing..
I have purple dyed hair, and green eyes with blue splotches..
I'm 5'9, just a few dew inches shorter than Lisa..
Maybe that's why we're single ladies, men just don't have the height to 'bear hug' us because they're too busy trying to hide their intimidation when they're looking at us..
We blend in with the jocks but, they're not exactly clear minded people..
Some even have the nerve to pat my ass..
That's when I stopped hanging out with douches...
But that dude, I had never seen him around in school before..
I just... It was driving me crazy having a mysterious person just observing me..
Shaking away my thoughts I hit the gas and we sped off, hair flying, and screams amplifying...
"That's seriosuly all you scream?"
"That's all that comes to mind when I piece speed and rebellion together.."
I can picture Lisa shrugging behind me and trying to hide her smile..
That girl..
"Where to?"
"The nearest liquor store.."
"Well I'm pretty sure the teachers didn't notice us, right?"
"Affirmative, except roll call might round up some trouble.."
"Meh, they don't know our vehicle.."
"I'm seriously doubting this rigged exit' shit.."
We parked and rushed into the liquor store, grabbing the nearest bottle, flashing our IDs and retreating to the vehicle..
"Alright now giddy up!"
We both sped off and sneaked in through a cut open chicken wire..
After creeping around for a while and finding out that the coast was clear, we dashed to science class.. Frantically checking our watches to make sure we didn't arrive late..
"Sorry we're late!"
"It's alright just sit down and let the after hours begin, which will go on for 2 hours.."
"It's a wonder I'm feeling kind hearted today and not telling the principal..."
We both slump in our seats, tightly clutching the rattling glass Jack Daniels...
"Excuse me while I get a refill"..
Show time..
"Its all YOUR fault we have to get 2 hours you know! If you hadn't opened your big filthy ass mouth and insulted him, two hours WOULDNT even have been in the picture, now we're gonna miss that frat party!"
"Well well lookey HERE, she's crying over me getting her a 2 hour when she was the one who got cocky and I had to step in to save her sorry ass.. Your welcome dear friend!"
I huffed and then lunged..
Lisa looked startled and then caught on, nudging herself out of the seat and making her way, with me clinging onto her, towards the coffee table..
"GIRLS, it's both your faults!"
"But..but I wanted to go to that party!" I start blubbering, almost making myself feel sorry for me..
"Yeah, but I tried to save you! You called yourself on this one!"
Uh oh.. This isn't where it's supposed to be going, fight mode again not...not THIS..
I slowly nudged her towards the coffee table and started conversing with Wade..
"She always ruins stuff for me Mr.Wade, she either pranks teachers to supposedly 'save' me or just backstabs me and pretends like she's the good person it's simple not adorablé although she considers it so.."
I start whining and really hitting it up...I must've looked the sight as I saw the repulsive-ness in the eyes of Wade..
"You need to calm down sweetheart, because friends do get cuckoo sometimes.. But it's both of your faults, you BOTH were disrespectful, one after the other.. I can't really point fingers.."
"But I'm your prized student, I get the good marks while she just slouchs off"
I wave, moving my arms wildly around to illustrate my point...
His eyebrows furrow before raising..
I daftly turn sideways to look at Lisa stirring and looking intently at me, trying to beckon me to get Mr.Wade to add the coffee substance..
"Mr.Wade your coffee powder, the milk might go cold"
I said, a bit too blatantly..
"Ahh, yes thank you for reminding me.."
I grab Lisa and squeeze her beside me and smile.. Almost sickly sweeet..
After he stirs it's round two..
Lisa starts talking, distracting Wade again..
"Ya know Mr.Wade, she always thinks she's queen bee, like Beyonce got nothing on her, when she's just a piece of shit with weak clothing details.."
I internally wince, that was way too girly for her punk rock personality..
Lisa must've noticed too cause she immidiately changed track..
"I mean, even for her standards.."
"Young lady, I will NOT have you guys using unparliamentary words in front of me.. Totally unacceptable and disgraceful, have you no manners?!"
She blushes while Mr.Wade advances towards her..
I slowly back away, feigning hurt and looking quite the part..
I slowly slip out the Jack Daniels while Lisa blocks my view and pour some into the already brown mixture..
I slowly retreat like as if I was looking out the windows and just wanted to re-join the conversation..
"Well, all this talking has made my tongue go dry, now if you excuse me, I want my coffee..
How convenient..
I cautiously slip the Jack Daniels inside my bag as we both back away to watch the action unfold..
As we both retreat to our places, looking apparently subdued..
I look up to see Mr.Wade's eyes widening and then contracting as I poured in quite the pint..
He slowly starts staggering before glugging down the stuff..
Gosh, I've heard it's addictive but this..
Suddenly Wade's voice goes all woozy..
"Hey, wheresh Miss Whatsherface Wolinski? I mean, like isnshent she supposed to collab wish me?"
I supress a giggle and shrug like I don't know what he's talkig about although that could've been a MAJOR flaw if he'd been sober and questioned me..
Surprisingly this thing worked fast cause it usually needed time to kick in..
Guess Wade was actually pretty tired or depressed or both for it reacted quite fervently...
Wow... Guilty please..
I actually felt pretty guilty but on the bright side, this would actually help him...

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