The Drive

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I kept driving..
I just focused on the road, daftly trying to ignore Connor's wandering eyes..
He wasnt necessarily staring, just observing, I hope..
But that didn't last long..
"Hey, you okay?"
"I'm alright.. I...would like some..I dunno...time to process all this.."
I gestured wildly, waving my hand into open space and doing my crazy eyes..
Connor smirked and laughed.. A husky one and dare I say totally drool worthy at that...
"Well, I understand.."
"Cheers, you always seem to.."
And then, in that brief second of a sideway glance, I saw someone.. something I had blantantly failed to notice at first..
I knew this guy, from somewhere..
I was still shaken up over Cameron and Alex snogging and I had indeed been pissed off at every inanimate object..
And after directly ignoring Amatullah I had just started staring into space when I had noticed Laura (even at that time still being rebellious and extremely drunk, arriving at school) she was gripping onto some chicken wire and was dangling precariously over it, but still acted like a cool sloth at gaping passer-bys..
She was totally my type.
I ran over amd helped her down, while almost slicing my own stomach over the sharp fence..
We were hauled free when someone from behind me took my leg and gracefully lowered me from the other side..
He literally did it so gently I didn't get pricked over the wire...
When we both slided on land on the other side, I looked at the kid/tall ass.. Reedy guy..
Seriously, he looked all bone..
But cute in a way with his outta control afro hair..
I just smiled at him, but couldn't ignore the naiëv details..
The kid had glasses and overly baggy cargo shorts and a huge Mckenzie T-shirt with braces..
Your classic 'before' before a massive glam up sesh...
He literally resembled a very vague newbie..
But obviously looking like that he wouldn't exactly be high on the eye catching group..
But almost top notch on the 'yet to be harrassed and swnt into depression' group..
So I just smirked at him and grabbed his glasses, startling him..
"Kid, replace these with contacts, the kids here are vicious to prey like you and will torture you to till the end of time.."
I nodded at his still surprised but totally raptured look..
"Oh and work out and build on muscle.. But that's totally all you, you're perfect in every other way, don't let anyone tell you otherwise or put you down.. I can only speak for you, not program your head, so you're totally responsible for how you take their insults and whether or not you dwell on it...
And learn some not too major but some pretty dropkick moves all the same from a sports center alright, harassments are big here... Mkay?!
And don't worry, be yourself..."
I winked at him and handed back the glasses, quickly staggering at the height with one leg in a heavy-ass caste..
He quickly caught me from falling backwords.
"Fast reflexes, that's a start pal." I patted his shoulder..
He smiled.. And that's when I noticed his evergreen eyes shine ever so more fluorescently..
I wouldn't forget this face..
But that's when someone sharply tapped my shoulder from behind...
I veered around to find a very drunk but still wearing a sloppy smile kid waving at me..
I smiled and held onto one of her shoulders to steady and offered to drop her off..
She nodded sideways, gesturing at my leg and doing a surrender gesture..
I nodded again and turned around to say my name to the kid behind me..
"What's your name?"
Is what he asked before I had a chance to reply..
I replied just as the bell rang out a shrill ass DINGGG!
I smiled sympathetically and hopped away from a crestfallen 'green eyes'..
I helped Laura into the school's elevator, using my lift pass as an excuse..
After safely handing her some Panadols ( found from her coat jacket) and some water from my flask, she introduced herself..
"I'm Laura, and what about you?"
"I'm Tess, nice to meet you.."
Now, sue my formality but I offered my hand for a shake..
Bear in mind this was with a drunk girl who couldn't even keep a straight posture and was under-age drinking right in-between finals..
I know..I'm way too polite for my own good...
She smirked and hand shook back after shaking her head in a sigh and headed out of the elevator after saluting...
I laughed while I hobbled off to my class..
Little did I know that that wouldn't be the last encounter I had with that rebel..
And I guess the same went with the 'green eyes..'
End of flashback
I blinked at the road..
I was finding this hard..
It was getting hard to focus on the road as reality hit..
I had never seen that kid around school anymore..
And when me and Laura were sneaking out to get that Jack Daniels..
Everything clicked as I almost veered off the road..
I grinded to a halt at the side lane..
Connor shook my shoulder as my eyes went back to the normal size.
Never say never they say..
History was repeating itself, only now in a hotter version..
This 'hottie' was who he was after he took my advice..
Connor's forehead was crinkled..
"Tess, shit, god I'm gonna kill that fucking Cameron.."
I just exhaled and got out of the car..
I hurriedly unbuckled my seatbelt and slammed the door open, just craving for some fresh fresh air instead of that contact-drying-conditioner coming out of the vents..
Connor got out and stood next to me..
"Tess, shit.. You alright.."
He moved closer and cupped my left cheek..
I moved away slightly shoving him and keeping him at arms length..
Now he was getting pissed..
"I've been understanding for so long, so can you please tell me WHAT. THE. FUCK. IS. GOING. ON?!"
I sighed and came closer muttering.
"It's you.."
If he already knew he had been taking this EXTREMELY well, but I was a girl who loved seeing the facts instead of some cover -up..
"What? You lost me.."
"You're 'green eyes.."

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