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I sped off my driveway and couldn't help but regret being a bitch to Laura.. It's just that she depended so much on me sometimes..
But that comment kept all my 'guilty' thoughts at bay..
How could she?
She knew that was a sensitive topic..
ESPECIALLY in front of a stranger..
I blinked back some grit.. My contacts were overflowing with them as I hadn't realized that I was twisting the handle  all the way back and was burning rubber and will be having speed cameras flash at me like paparazzi pretty soon if I didn't-
"Slow down!"
How coudld I forget?!
"The whole reason was to go fast, didn't think you couldn't handle the heat, grow some balls green eyes.." I smirked while looking at him sideways, expecting him to be lagging..
But I was wrong..
He was effortlessly cruising alongside me, almost not holding the handles on his 'bad boy' (that's literally the bike model's name)..
"You know I didn't mean it that way, I just don't want you getting a ticket, that's all.."
"Didn't know you were so law-abiding."
"I'm not actually, it's just  different when I'm sober you see.." He smirked..
But what irked me was that he wasn't pokey or curious, he was just, well he knew when to shut up..
Actually surprised me there..
He wasn't even 'casually' trying to bring up the matter, he just rode along being him..
"So, uhmm...
Maybe I spoke too fast..
do you have any panadols on you for the after party orr?"
"Yep, stashed some in my pockets, how about you?"
"Yeh, have a few, but well, I don't just walk into frat parties, I visit Mcdonalds and then go, cause I just need some of that sometimes.."
I raised my eyebrows, this dude was seriously similar to me..
"It's not like I'm inviting anyone I'm stating a fact.."
"Well, I thought maybe I could accompany you." I replied smirking..
"Thought the day was coming.."
"Don't get too lucky, it's only a quick stop.."
He smirked and then cuts a left, with me following suite..
"Suit yourself.."
We entered Macdonalds after literally verbally wrestling a bearded Harley biker to back off our spot..
It was pretty fun watching him spurt out so much bullshit..
"I'll have the giant big Mac."
He raised his eyeborws and amused-dly shook his head before ordering the same..
As we took a booth, I slowly noticed his eyes travelling along..
And it wasn't at the food...
Our eyes met when he finally looked at my face after surveying me top to bottom..
"So uhmm.. Uhh.. Which proffesion do you want to adopt when you go job hunting?"
"I meant as a woman.. Perv."
"How was that perverted?"
"I dunno, you just radiated that.."
He smirked before placing his elbows on the countertop..
"So.. Mind telling me your name now?"
I gasped so loudly I was expecting the customers near us to turn..
This son of a sun actually knew my name before.. How didn't I realize?!
I narrowed my eyes at him while his smirk instantly turned into something grinch-like..
"You little shit.."
"What? You're friend was the one who blurted it out.."
"Alright, now that we're even stevens, I get to know your name."
"Connor.. Connor Marksen.."
"Well, now that's out of the way 'Connor' our meals here, so stop oogling me like I'm a cheetah and it's hunting season.." I smirked as a pretty huge tinge of pink blushed his cheek...
But not before I heard him mutter..
"Wow she's somethin else.."
I tucked into my burger, even though I wasn't a fan of it and would've gone for a nugget ANY DAY, I still wanted to try something new...
5 mins later
"Well, uhhh, we better get going.."
"I'm just gonna wash up.."
I got up and started towards the toilet, and abruptly stopped when I heard wolf whistles..
So I stopped and turned around to see Connor glaring in that direction..
But I didn't need an overprotective person above me..
I twirled around and stomped over to the table of hooligans with piercings and black eyes...
And ripped T-shirts..
Thuggish hairstyles an nasty breaths..
In a friggin Macdonalds mate...
If anyone thought this was 'thug life' then wow, just wow..
"Why's the view so.. Humongous huh boys?" This ring studded dude asked..
"Well, maybe her momma raised her right.."
They started cackling, but stopped when my fist connected with dude number one's face..
Connor was right behind me in a flash and built a human barricade..
"Step off, this isn't the place" said he to a now growling gang acne induced teens..
"Tess, I might..."
"I think I'm qualified to fight my own fights I don't need you.." I pointed a finger accusingly at him and glared at the boys behind, who shrunk ever so little...
"Listen, I know you can handle yourself, just saw, but this is a family environment... Take it outside is all I'm saying, but we have somewh-"
He got cut off by the dude regaining his posture and shoving Conor down with one boot..
A heavy one boot..
But amazingly, Connor landed on a push up on the ground, almost like a spider monkey with accurate muscles and leaped up..
"Fuck what I said.." Connor swung an expert punch to the stomach and sent the guys battling for breath..
The other two guys cowered but the last three bulked up and started sqeezing out of their booth..
Now if you haven't seen grown men trying to squeeze past friends to hit their opponent, you have now..
I know..
It looked pathetic and I burst out laughing while Connor had a cocky smile on as the guys were trying to look 'thuggish' while making the plastic seats sqeak..
I have now officially seen it all..
Connor grabbed my hand while they were struggling, swiftly paid the bill and raced out before they actually got a real swing in..
This party just had a really bad streak for getting us late..
I laughed my ass off all the way to the bike while Connor's smile reached ear to ear..
It looked pretty normal..
The hand holding felt normal...
Could actually get used to this...
But I stopped myself..
I stopped this façade I was trying to pull off..
I gently shrugged my hand away and Connor's smile dropped a new notches when I wriggled..
It left me feeling a bit uneasy as well but I just had to....
I was actually beginning to enjoy that..
Like we'd ever have a chance..
But the thing that kinda freaked me a little was that I had never felt these feelings before, I was never left feeling, dare I say, gushing like a girl over a guy before..
Sure we all have a hot or not scale and Connor broke it with that totally drool worthy muscle T-shirt..
But, I wasn't this girl that he got me feeling..
And nobody had the power to change me..
But maybe Connor changed this..
I wasn't going to budge so easily..
We were nearing our vehicles in an awkward silence..
So I broke the ice..
"Where did you learn to fight like that.".
"LA academy of boxing" he answered rather gruffly...
"Oh, I learnt in.."
"We're late.." He scowled looking at his watch and almost spitting the words at me..
"Yeh, but we couldn't help that brawl.."
I stated in an adamant scowl..
"Well, if you hadn't marched over to their-"
"And if you hadn't been such a pussy we'd actually have gotten somewhere!" I screamed at him, bunching up my fists and casting aside all thoughts of atleast a remote hint of me feeling an attraction for an accusing jerk..
They're all the same..
He just blamed me for standing up for myself and not going and sitting on their laps..
"Whatever mate, I should've never taken that left turn anyway, forget you knew me.."
I again jogged to my bike, it felt like I was doing this angry walking away thing a lot of times already and it wasn't even twelve....
Sue me for thinking otherwise...
Sue me for actually...god drama queen isn't shit..let me just get drunk already...
I wanted to hit those neon lights so bad.. And the worst part? I'd ditched Laura...

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