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I huffed out..
"Tess darlin' what wrong?"
"Oh nothing, I'll just crash at my friend's place.."
"Are you sure?"
"Because your son's being a dick."
"I told him to feed you.."
He muttered..
I involuntarily smiled...
"No Mr.Marksen, he was a dick since day one, point was, I continued believing...... Good day.."
I rushed out before he had a chance to speak, I never gave anyone a chance to speak when it was just going to be shitty explanations...
After I picked my ass off the ground with bleeding gums and a crooked tooth, I went over to gather my books..
Cameron could chase him all he wanted..
I had my own problems to deal with to let in a protective classmate..
I had heard the bell chime and started heading out, limping slightly.
I slipped and fell down the stairs..
You see I was around 133 kg that time
Soo, I wasn't surprised when I couldn't walk let alone hobble with so much flubber
It would've given the bully a nice arm workout, carrying me like that..
I somehow got myself up in front of a jeering crowd..
But Alyssa knocked me down..
The school's bitchiest bully..
I skidded on my knee, scraping it against the friction of the floor..
"Look what the whale coughed up.."
"...because it couldn't chew.."
Yep, of course she had croonies, otherwise how would it be exciting?!
"Alright girls, time to move now.."
"Not just yet!"
I held my hands in defeat and slipped back unto my original position..
"..and you're a LONER.. Wait... What?"
Yeh, I had never acteed 'tired' before..
"Did you just.. Did you just.. SIGH at me?!"
I nodded my head..
"That's it girls, this has gone way too far that the little bitch has gotten tired of us.."
"Your telling me.." I mumbled..
"What was that, obese?"
I just signed again and said..
"Your telling me.."
One of the girls grabbed my arms and attempted to haul me off he floor..
Of course they didn't succeed what was she thinking..
Oh BTW, Alyssa practically starved herself to have a sexy body, but she was just ruler straight, no curves at all.. Thus the boys were just attracted to her because of her popularity...
I smirked..
"Oooh.. Look at that girls! She's actually proud of her fatness.."
"Yeah, it helps in these situations.."
She was fuming now..
So she kicked me with her Valentinos..
Right in the gut where I had been shoved from earlier..
I couldn't help myself groaning and then regretting it because taht was a sign of weakness and bullies preyed on those things..
She smiled evilly and then landed one right in the forehead..
Yeup..no mercy.. As always..
I almost blanked out, but I had obstructed it with my hand..
"Little spiteful bitch!"
She tried another time, but at that exact time I found exact momentum and rolled to the side..
Alright, now I was stuck with my face squashed to the floor..
"Alright, the whale dodged once.. Let's see if- GAHH!"
I almost wished she had booted me again in my forhead just so that I could blank out again to avoid the shrill scream..
It looks like she tripped over something..
And that's when I saw it all..
Some dude with killer muscles and a sharp jawline was standing next to her..
It was pretty self explanatory that he has abs... I didn't really have to mention that..
Yeup... Defined as day..
He was wearing a skin tight shirt.. Which showed off the entire collection..
The kinda guy girls like Alyssa would go ga-ga over..
So no wonder that she tried to flirtatiously get up while trying to not trip over her heels for tumbling down again..
It was hilarious, even with my dim vision...
Now steadily depleting vision...
I heard him growl something at her, which made her wink look like a bruise..
Then his head turned towards me..
And the only thing I saw was BLUE..
Before everything hit black..
I heard Connor's voice yell from behind me..
He's soo early, I swear...
I flipped him the finger and started running...
I should've just gone home..
I was so freaking screwed..
Suddenly I tripped over the curb..
What did you expect? For him to catch up with me?!
Yeah, I'm pretty much an expert with running away from assholes...
I hit my forehead.. And lay there in the curb..
And that's when it fucking hit me..
This was a repeat or history, just with a more fitter me..
And a guy chasing me..
I groaned as everything spun and as a bedraggled looking, blurry Connor came into view..
I started slowly going backwards as be started runnig towards me.
Unfortunately he caught up, cause this move was completely new for me...
So I just laid flat on the cruel concrete, grazing my skin, with rocks scratching my back with wounds and gashes...
Uhh, when your back bleeds, it's the worst..
"Tess, shit I'm so sorry.. I just.. I didn't tell you.. I mean.. The reason why is because-"
"Save it.".
"But you don't under-"
"Fuck you and you paintballing date.."
I yelled at him..
And then I slide underneath him..
If there was a will, there was definitely a way..
I slowly got up, clutching my forehead..
And slightly limping cause I don't think you could walk any other way with your damp shirt runnig into your gashes..
Suddenly, he grabbed my shoulder..
When I twirled around HE was fuming..
"Don't you DARE fucking diss my friends when you don't hear the full story....bitch.."
I slapped him..
A hard and heartless one..
A one that almost had him wishing that he should've just gotten punched again..
"You don't get to call me that dickhead.. So fuck off.."
I spat out and continued to limp off at a steady pace...
I could hear his growl from a mile away..
Then I heard rocks crunching as his footsteps receded..
What. Had. I. Done?!
I had taken my anger out in Tess, who was just taking the most female appropriate clothes out...
I had her clothes in my closet..
It wasn't Tess' fault she didn't even know why I had a girl's clothing in there..
She probably thought it was some fling's attire..
But it's not..
"So Zack? Huh?! Cool man! Nice partayy!!"
Joana yelled when she was went inside his house..
My twin and me were at Zack Morgan's house..
Who's Zack Morgan?
Only the wildest party-er ever!
I had the wildest hair around and I was so hyped at getting called to a popular guy's fling!
Of course, only because the guys all went goo-goo-ga-ga over my twin's body and structure..
She was a wild partier so she went all out for this event..

I just wish I had noticed how much the other guy's eyes wandered..
I was so engrossed in actually being recognizable, I lost all thoughts of actually paying attention..
None of the girls glanced my way, except when they viciously glared at my twin..
Almost like foam was dribbling out of their mouths..
We had gotten out of the house that day because mum and dad were at it...again, and I couldn't stand just sitting there and failing to block my ears..
So she had dragged me to the one of the many parties she had gotten invited to over a week..
We got high..
We went on such a buzz, I didn't notice when a guy started moving towards her, curving his hand around her hips..
Licking his lips...
I didn't notice when my sister kicked him and he growled at her..
And as she dragged me out of the party, running towards the car with me in a confused tow..
But do you know what I did notice?
When the airbags blew, and she wasn't next to me anymore.
It all happened so quick, in a flash, I didn't get to register fully..
One thing she was in a rush, gunning the accelerator and the next her head bangs into the wheel, her neck making a sickening snapping sound in the process..
And the next, when the momentum carries her out of the car, cracking the glass, in slow motion..
Her silky light brown hair, spilling all over her distressed face..
Her lips in a scream..
Her eyes in a stream..
Her forehead creased..
Her hand getting caught in the glass..
Her dress billowing around her.
Her legs getting embedded in the glass as they splay all over the mirror frame..
Her scream getting me out...
The lorrie's loud HONK as it goes over a bump..
The glass spraying over my face..
My consciousness slipping...
When her hand was in the seat right next to me as the rest of her body was flung out..
Out into a T- junction turning..
Into the way of a lorry..
I only then noticed..
I only then knew....

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