Iron Gurl.....

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I woke up looking like Anna from frozen, with drool hanging off one side of my mouth and my hair ready to star in Hurricane by Bridgit Mendler...
I slowly sat up to the tune of 'The weekend' blaring through the speaker..
After doing some lame ass bed gymnastics, I sprang up, still sloutching..
As usual I almost tripped over backwards when I saw my reflection in the mirror..
Then I proceeded to do all normal proceedings and started putting in my contacts, erasing that 'nerdy ass shy little girl' Tess look off my fonté...
I applied nude lipgloss and straightened as much of my hair as I could...
After picking out some Vero Moda pants and a Nike shirt, I headed out, succumbing to the smell of pancakes..
"Hey mom!"
"Hey T! What are you gonna have?"
"Pancakes! With extra syrup!!!"
She smiled and started expertly doing some stunts on the stove..
But the momenet got ruined when her phone rang..
"Your phone, it's buzzing.."
"Yeh, but well he can go suck some dick cause I ain't answering in the morning or anytime else for that metter, except inside the office, he can go and FUCK himself.."
She temporarily fumed while having me engrossed in her motivational speech and smiled, winking at me.
"Congrats MOMMMMM!"
I lept from the bar stool, jumped across the island and slammed into her almost toppling the pan...
She giggled while straining to get ahold of the damn pan...
"Alright, mommy's glad your happy babe!"
I detached myself and collected my pancakes, after dumping half the syrup bottle inside it...
My mom.. My life..
Suddenly thunder SHOOK the steel covering across my house, sending the metal clanking down our roof...
"Woah! That's some rain!"
I seriously hadn't noticed, but now that I did, I carelessly flung my plate on the coffee table and ran up the stairs, wiping the sticky mess on the tea towels..
I ran to my bedroom and opened the curtains, revealing a FREAKIN WASHOUT...
It was just raining cats and fucking dinosaurs out there...
I was actually for once a bit scared cause it looked like if I stuck my hand out, the force of the pelt would hurt..
How come I didn't hear the sound?
Oh yeahhh, I slept with headphones in..
No, and also the house is soundproofed over my utter happiness for mum getting over her office demand addiction...
I shrugged, still really surpised..
The raindrops which dotted my window looked like translucent diamonds..
Gleaming but getting washed out at the same time...
The leaves and the branchs of my bedroom tree were swaying violently..
Almost like the leaves were going to tear off with the branches...
I opened the window and stuck my hand out, and I was right, it did hurt..
But not throb.. It just felt like a few leashes/whips on my hand if I kept it out for too long...
I just stuck it out for two seconds before my mum screeched from downstairs....
I winced at the first one and sprinted downstairs after slamming the window..
"Sorry mom! I'm so sorry! It's just I love rainy days (and you know California..) and I hyped!!! Uhm, yeh.. I'll go now.."
She nodded with a raised eyebrow...
After kissing her cheek and apologizing, I grabbed my bag and car keys...
After grabbing a small umbrella I rushed out the door and got into my car, putting the wind screem wipers on full force and rearing up....
I immidiately docked out into the main road and started driving at 95 mph..
Beetles were hopefully not too slippery..
After slowly reaching the school gates, I rolled into the parking lot and dashed out, forgetting the umbrella and just praying I could protect my valuables...
As I ran inside, I bumped into a solid wall of muscle and flesh, toppling me backwords into the rain again, now, hitting my face and piercing my skin..
And just when I thought my books might not get wet..
And my phone..
See, I couldn't open my eyes to haul myself off the ground, so when I suddenly got picked up by my shoulders, I was only slightly freezing..
Just a tiny bit..
"Tess? I'm so sorry!"
It was Connor..
"Oh hey!"
I managed to put on a cheery, high pitched voice in spite of dripping wet -totally-miserable voice...
I finally sneaked my hands up to my face and squeezed my eyes to drain the water...
I looked like I ran a marathon..
I felt like it... As well but the rain was just too amazing..
Connor green eyes hit me the second I opened my eyes, looking at me with concern etched..
"Lovely day am I right?"
His face slowly but surely morphed into a smile, tugging upwards..
"Wow, you make the best of everything huh?"
"How's your backpack?"
I suddenly unslung my bag and started rifling through my thoroughly drenched books with withered pages..
My phone? It was in the car...
Thank god for small mercies..
"So, uhm? What now?"
"Oh, I'm just gonna head over to the girl's washroom.."
He slowly nodded, moving aside in the empty hallway..
"Maybe I can walk you there?"
"Alright..." I signed, putting one soggy pant leg in front of the next..
"So Tess, about yester-"
"Don't worry about it.. Just a mistake.. I was just.. There was a lot of things running through my mind then.." I shook my head dismissively while ranting it out at top speed...
"Yeh.. Mistake... I understand.."
He suddenly growled the last part and then looked away.. Seemingly pissed off..
"Hey am I that late?"
"So just go to your class.."
"Might as well.." He exhaled a soleful amount before shaking his head..
"Cya when I cya.".
"You too.. Bye."
I waved before taking a sharp, skid worthy right and almost slapped into the door..
The bathroom door..
As I tumbled into the depressingly empty bathroom as well, I hesitantly approached the taunting mirror..
I cringed.
I died that day..
Cringe worthy, totally-not-The Notebook-drench, met me...
I was just a seawhale outta water..
That's putting it mildly..
And how did Con still walk with me when my pants were slapping around me?
Score 0 for Amanda..
I carefully decided to put myself under the hand dryer, however funny the situation seemed..
My shirt thankfully wasn't see-through otherwise I would have to go and bitch slap Connor..
After standing with my head bent for a few minutes the door pushed open revealing Amanda herself..
Speak of the devil..
Why oh why couldn't it have been Laura trying to skip classes?!!!!
Speaking of her..
Well anyway..
Amanda saunterd into the bathroom, clicking her heels and white-knuckling her tube of lipgloss..
She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me.. Almost falling over with those wide eyed, mascara trained eyes of hers..
Then she started cackling, like literally cackling and then slowly falling into giggling, gasping-for-air pieces...
She was literally bitch laughing in my face..
"What? Never seen a wet person before?"
"I haven't seen a sewer rat before though, no.."
She evilly eyeballed me and still smirking tried to concentrate to apply her stupid product..
It smeared everywhere but she still wouldn't stop laughing while I just looked at her with a bored look..
Like literally this- happens-everday look..
"Hah! And to think Connor actually liked you."
"Says the joker." I snickered..
"Well atleast I don't look like I need a major 'dry up'.."
She started laughing at her own petty pun( wasn't even a proper one) and then started tantalizingly slowly removing the messy edges..
"Ohhh sweety, good luck surviving study hall!"
She jangled her fake bracelets at me while flaunting her too short skirt..
"Cya later hun!"
She blew a kiss and walked out in her clattery boot heels...
And they said hell didn't exist..
Or the wicked witch of the West...

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