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I guess I never really took the time to explain just how GOOD or aesthetically pleasing it was to have Connor's arm around my shoulder..
I felt like fucking Bella as him being my Cullen..
He even had shades on..
Not to mention his arm was pretty heavy...
He didn't have 'messy' or 'curly' hair that 'fell into his eyes so that it required him to flip it back every ten seconds'...
Like ew, no, THAT would be awfully fuckin' gayass..
And ain't nobody got time for that..
He had cropped black hair, standing like he had gelled them (which is true) and was floppy on rainy or non-gelled days..
His green eyes, luminous as always, twinkling extra when he leaned in, was brighter than day...
His arms, flexible as ever, was flexed my more than ever...
His abs, HARD as ever, just got sturdier..
But his innuendos Just. Wouldn't. Stop...
"Hey baby?"
"I can do anything if you say please.." He winked..
"Da eff? You just randomly spurt out bullshit every five seconds Con?"
"If you can't bulldoze her with your brilliance...?-"
"Baffle her with you bullshit...that right?"
Then I started friggin cackling but somehow he looked so in awe with it I straightened up..
"Mgggghmmm.. Sor-"
"I- that was.. Wow, I feel like friggin superman everytime you laugh.. You know how your face cracks up? Breaking into little dimples of happiness? For your personality sweety, that's like fuckin Happy Feet!"
I snorted again, and then I started laughing all over again, Connor eventually joining in..
"Alright, alright.. " I laughed back agreeably.. Gazing at his sharp Adam's apple move up and down..
"Alright, meet up after school?"
But before I left he yanked me back into his warm body..
And whispered huskily down my ear..
"I think you'll always be MILES hotter than Amanda.. Also, Alyssa was shit.."
My eyes widened at the last sentence, but I never had a chance as his smirk and him just camouflaged suddenly..
He was just gone in a flash, merging with hallway crowd..
Retard didn't know we were gonna meet afterwards and that I was goin to drill the shit out of him...later..
The first I heard was Lisa's oh-so-lively-SHRILL travel at sonic speed through the hallway..
"Lisaaa!" I gave a pretty feeble reply back..
That was definitely Lisa, she was literally fucking yelling that through the goddamn hallway, wading through the waves of people..
It was literally a gurl shoving books, glasses, lethal experiments and teachers while screaming directly at my face.. And she was screaming the entire time she was mock swimming..
It was truly hilarious and I wasn't in one piece by the time she reached me..
"Whhaaat? Answerin' a gurl's texts ain't funnai!"
"Well, that girlfrind acting psycho apparently is!"
She smirked..
"All for you baby!"
"Uh huh.."
I slung an arm over her and whispered.
"Guess who I snagged for a BF!"
"Taylor Laurner!"
I deadpaned her, shotting her a glare at the same time.
"Anyone else on your mind who isn't a hollywood hill-billy?"
"Uhmm.. You tell me.." She smirked, already planning my baby names..
"Well duh! Even a blind donkey could see the sex tension!"
Well, were we that obvious?
I dunno..
"Yehh.. But about that Taylor Lautne-"
"Ohh, would you look at the time!"
I seriously didn't want to stand through a 3 hour rant about how Tay-Tay was soo NOT a hill-billy, but a hottastic husband for her..
I would nod along, but I was runnig late!
Just then Amanda stepped in front of me, sneering..
"Tess? Oh. My. Gawdd.. You've changed!"
"Yeup, but my accents intact, no thank you!"
I glared back at her..
She narrowed her eyes and sneered at Lisa..
"Look what the pauper threw up!"
"Look what the slut gave burth to!"
Liz winked at me as we mentally high-fived..
Amanda was slowly looking more and more pissed..
"Uhh.. Such.. Whores..!"
"You done with the insults bi-yotch?"
"That's right, a bitch always stutters!"
Lisa just winked and shoved HER outta the way as well..
"Baby! We ain't got time for wannabes! We got Harvard to pass..
(And while she shot daggers at Amanda)
withOUT our bodies!"
She then did a final cutesy wave as Amanda just gawped at us..
While we sashayed into the sunset..
But not before..
"Well Connor picked me for YOU TJayy!"
Amanda screamed bur I couldn't help this one.
"Funny, he's my steady boyfriend now.. Seems like he just doesn't like used toys!"
I smirked at her as her mouth hung wide open..
I had thrown that 'steady' word in to make her fall, but she looked like she was about to fall backwords, like a plank..
Or an erectile skunk..
She didn't have any other comebacks the entire way to History..
Guess that solved our problems for a good ol' three leçons....
Lesson later
"You know Mr.Mchugh sure can teach!"
"Yehh.." I had shrugged off that comment as the older memory was still on my mind...
Not surprisingly Klein wasn't in class today, and I was relieved till Nepal and back..
I didn't want to be forced to even be in the same atmosphere as that pathetic c***...
Well, finally, the Klein nightmare was over..
But something told me, not yet..
"Hey, you okay? Something you wanted to talk to me about?"
"Yeh.. By the way, to die for wedges!"
"Thanks babe!"
"Anyway, about me and Con-"
"Ladies! Mind if I join you for lunch?"
Oh shit...

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