Chapter 1

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Hiccup say atop Toothless fuming. He was mad. He was mad at Viggo for manipulating him. He was mad that Viggo had the dragon eye. He was mad at all the dragon hunters. But most importantly he was mad at himself. He let the riders down. He let the dragons down. He let himself down. His knuckles tightened, so they were turning white.

Astrid just so happened to glance his way. The smile on her face disappeared and she slowly approached him. His head snapped her way when he heard her step next to Toothless. Hiccup glanced around at the riders for a brief second before looking back to Astrid. "Where's Heather"?

Astrid just shook her head and made her lips form a straight line, meaning she was ok but had left so the hunters wouldn't get to her. Hiccup sighed and closed his eyes. "He got the dragon eye didn't he" Astrid asked, already knowing the answer. Hiccup looked at her then back down at his saddle and closed his eyes again his fists tightening.

"We'll get it back Hiccup" Astrid tried to convince him. "Besides, he no Snow Wraith key. Without that, it's useless". Hiccup gritted his teeth. "And he knows that" he said pulled out once of the maces and talons pieces. "So why did he want it so badly"?

Astrid looked up at Hiccup and placed one of her hands on his, which was still white. "I don't know Hiccup. But let's head back to the edge". Hiccup didn't do so much as flinch. Astrid sighed and tried again. "Hiccup, look at us. Look at you! We're tired and exhausted. We need sleep. We'll talk about what we're gonna do in the morning".

Hiccup sighed before opening Toothless's tail and taking off to the skies, not looking back. Astrid sighed and turned back to the rest of the gang. "Alright guys back to the Edge" she said and turned to go get her dragon as everyone else took off. Astrid was about to do the same when she heard her name.

"Astrid" someone snapped from behind the bushes. Astrid whirled around, axe raised. "Who's there" she demanded. A figure stepped out of the shadows and lowered her axe. "Oh thank Thor your ok" Astrid smiled and walked up to hug Heather, who returned it. When they pulled apart Astrid spoke. "How are you here! How'd you get free"? Heather ran her hand through her slick black hair. "Dagur" she answered, causing Astrid's eyes to widen. "He brought me to Windshear and cut my chains".

Astrid stood in shock for a couple moments. "I" she stammered. "I don't know what to say". "Neither do I" Heather admitted. "But still be careful around him. We don't know if he's still evil or not". Astrid nodded. "Ok".

Hiccup lay awake on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. It was well past midnight and he still couldn't sleep. His head was buzzing with ideas of getting the dragon eye back. He had to get it back. He just had too. He didn't know what to do. But he was sure of one thing.

He was getting the dragon eye back. No matter what it would take.

Astrid yawned as she stretched the next morning. She was in a good mood for about ten seconds before the previous nights events hit her like a ton of bricks. She sighed and ran her hand through her hair. She rolled out of bed and headed towards the door. She wanted to check on Hiccup to make sure he was doing ok.

She made her way out of her hut, taking a piece of bread along the way. She made her way up the bridge connecting her and Hiccups huts, slowly eating her bread. She knocked on his door and waited for a couple seconds. When nobody answered she opened his door for herself and walked in. She wasn't prepared for what she saw.

Hiccup was hunched over his desk, scribbling furiously, multiple crossed out papers were scattered across the floor. The mirror that was above Hiccups desk showed Astrid's his eyes. Bags hung from them and he looked as though her hadn't gotten any sleep in months.

Suddenly he cringed, drew lines all over the paper her was currently working on, crumpled it up and threw it behind him. "Ugh"! He exclaimed and slammed his fist on the wood. Astrid took a step back. She had never seen Hiccup so upset. "Hey" she said quietly, announcing her presence. Hiccups head shot up and he saw it was her from the reflection in the mirror. "Hey" he grunted, not even turning to look at her.

Instead he grabbed another paper and began furiously scribbling. "What are you doing" Astrid asked as she slowly made her way towards him. "Trying to figure out how to get the dragon eye back" he snapped. "But nothing's working"! Astrid didn't know what to do. He never got this mad around her.

"Do-do you need help" Astrid asked, slightly nervous about getting yelled at. "I'm fine". Hiccup mumbled and crossed out another paper. "Are you sure" Astrid began but Hiccup cut her off. "I already told you, I don't need help! Just leave me alone ok?! Why not go punch the twins or something"!

Astrid took a step back. This was not the Hiccup she was used to. She stood in shock for a split second before her anger took over. "Fine" she spat and stormed out of his hut, startling Toothless who was lounging outside.

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