Chapter 12

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"What do you mean "exact clone"", Astrid asked as she Hiccup and Heather soared over the ocean on their dragons. "I know it sounds crazy"! Hiccup flew closer to Astrid. "But somehow Viggo managed to find an exact copy of me. And come on! You didn't notice the boot over his left foot"!

Astrid rolled her eyes and ignored his last comment. "I don't know how he managed that. But he's gonna pay"! She slammed her fist into her palm.

"Hey Astrid" Heather called from a few feet below. "What about the others and um, well you know".


Astrid had totally forgotten. She groaned and pulled at the loose strands of her hair. "Ugh"! She groaned to no one in particular. She ran her hands through her hair. "Ok Heather, head back to those guys and make sure their ok. Hiccup and I will head to the edge and deal with his clone".

Heather nodded and turned Windshear to the right and Astrid watched as she disappeared into the distance.

"What was that about" Hiccup asked. "What was what about" Astrid asked and crossed her arms defensively. Hiccup rolled his eyes. "You just got really upset. You know you gonna tell me at some point. Just tell me".

Astrid let a long sigh and leaned her hair against Stormfly's neck. "You'll know soon enough" she mumbled. Even though you'll kill me if you do!

She looked up and smiled as she Dragons Edge coming into view. "So do you have a plan or are we just gonna wing it" she called over to Hiccup who smirked at her. "Do you even need to ask"?

Astrid sighed and face palmed herself. "Nope" she muttered. She looked back at Hiccup. Stay hidden in the clouds. "I'll join in a couple minutes".

She directed Stormfly down to the clubhouse platform where she was greeted by no other than Hiccup, or as The real Hiccup called him, Herby. "Astrid" he cried running up. "Where have you been. I was so worried"!

She was pulled into another hug. One side of her told her to sock the guy square in the face. But the other side said no. So instead she threw her arms around him and pretended she liked him. "I'm sorry Hiccup" not! "I took a flight and ran into Heather and we lost track of time"! She pulled back and looked down at his feet.

Two boots.

Just like Hiccup said.

She resisted the urge to roll her eyes and looked back up at him and batted her eyes. "You know I wouldn't do that to you". Yes I would! Herby seamed baffled. "Umm yeah..." He stammered nervously. "So Uh I was wondering if Uh you wanted to do something tonight. You know just you and me"?

Maybe if you were the real Hiccup.

Astrid pretended to care. "Really" she squealed. "Sounds great"! Herby stared. "Really"? "Of course" Astrid laughed. "How could I say no"?

Herby was quite please was how this was going. A pair of eyes watched them from the shadows. She was falling right into Viggo's plan.

Herby smiled then looked around. "Hey, where's everyone else"?

You think he'd be more concerned.

"They went to Berk" Astrid lied. "Umm" she racked her brain for an excuse. "Fishlges won a bet, umm, against Snotlout and uhh, the gang would go to Berk for a couple days so we could be alone"!

That's believable right?

But Herby bought it and grinned. "Great"! He leaned forward and hugged her, much to Astrid's disgust. "I'll see you tonight at sunset"! He walked off, pleased with his work.

As soon as he was ought of sight Astrid stuck her tongue out and shuttered. "Yeesh! I know Hiccup is a total dork but he never gets all lovey dovey"!

She shook her head and hopped back onto her dragon and flew up to where she left Hiccup.

"Hey" he called when he saw her. "What happened"? Astrid rolled her eyes. "I supposably have a date with you tonight". Hiccups eyes widened and he stiffened. Astrid continued, not noticing his stance. "Not that I'll enjoy it. Besides" she looked over at Hiccup to see him staring into space. She smirked. "That doesn't bother you dose it"?

Hiccup finally spoke. "Of course not! How childish would that be"! He crossed his arms over his chest, like a little kid who lost an argument. "Right" Astrid grinned slyly. "Believe what you want. But we gotta catch up with Heather". She turned her dragon and took off, Hiccup following in their wake.

Hiccup flew a couple feet behind thinking about Astrid's "date". It shouldn't bother him. But it did. Why did it bother him was the question. It's not like Astrid actually liked Herby.

"J-just to be clear" Hiccup called out to Astrid. "Your just pretending on your date, right"? Astrid whirled around, a huge smile on her face. "It does bother you" she declared! "Your jealous"!

"Am not"!

Another chapter

I wrote this while I was supposed to be reading, but my moms not watching so who really cares! It's only illegal if you get caught!


Lol, anyway I have 102 days to finish this because that's when the next season supposably comes out. July 22nd I think.

If you go to google and type Httyd countdown in and click on the Twitter link (first or second) it should tell you how many days are left till season 4. 102 as of today April 11th.

I heard someone say that spoliers might be released this month but don't count on it. But if it's true you can release them any day now Dreamworks. :) especially Hiccstrid clips!

I think when I finish this book, I'll do a book of quotes from Race to the Edge. I just really want to do that. Anyway enjoy the chapter!

For @FirstBookworm: I really appreciate the comments you leave! They make me smile. As for the fate of the dragon eye, you may have to wait a while (sorry) but I really glad you think I'm a amazing author. Thanks! 💗

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