Chapter 35

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Toothless fired another plasma blast at an approaching net, sending it flying into millions of tiny pieces. Hiccup whipped around to see what was coming next.

His eyes landed on Dagur.

Holding the dragon eye.

His mouth dropped open. When did he get his hands on that! Hiccup was still having a hard time believing Dagur was really on his side this time. But considering the fact that his father was here, Hiccup didn't really have a choice.

He snapped out of his daze when Dagur shouted his name. Hiccup eyes snapped upward and watched as Dagur raised his arm and threw the dragon eye towards him.

Hiccups eyes widened. This was his chance. He reached for it as it soared his way. It was his!

Or..... not.

At the last second a chain flew out of nowhere and snatched the dragon eye. "No" Hiccup shouted as it was pulled back down to the ground. And, you guessed it, into the hands of Ryker.

From her position on Stormfly Estie frowned. "Not on my watch" she mumbled then jumped straight off the dragon and dropped twenty feet to the ground.

"Oh that's so cute" Viggo laughed as he took the dragon eye from Ryker. "Little redhead thinks she can defeat me". Estie hated that nickname. With a roar a fury she lunged forward and tackled Viggo.

Astrid watched in shock as the two rolled around. She glanced at Heather and they shared a nod before swooping down to help.

Heather got their first. She jumped onto Viggo as well, reaching for the dragon eye. However Ryker had other ideas. He picked Heather up by the neck and held her over Viggo. "Not so strong now" he snickered. Until Astrid arrived. She pounced onto Ryker, sending him flying backward, dropping Heather.

Heather raced for Viggo along with Astrid. The two tackled him as well. Normally Estie would want to take him down herself. But in the short minutes she had been on the blonds dragon she realized she didn't have to be alone.

Meanwhile Snotlout was about to fire at Viggo. "No" Hiccup shouted. "Heather and Astrid are too close"! Snotlout was stubborn. "Well we have to do something"!

"He's right Hiccup" Dagur shouted. "They could be killed". Hiccup frantically looked around. His eyes landed on his metal leg.

"That's it" he shouted. "Stay here" he shouted and took off again. Dagur rolled his eyes and turned to Stoick. "Is he always this stubborn"?!

Stoick sighed. He didn't need to answer that question.

Meanwhile Estie finally managed to pry the dragon eye from Viggo's grasp. She jumped back and held the object behind her back. "Face it Viggo" she snarled. "You lost".

Viggo stared. He didn't lose. He was Viggo Grimborn for Thor's sake! He didn't go down like this. However before he could answer, something smacked him upside the head.

"Ow" he shouted and whirled around to catch the strange object. "What" he gasped at the sight of the metal leg.

"Hey Viggo" Hiccup called from a couple yards away. "It's been a pleasure playing, but this time I think I won"!

Viggo stood frozen in place. His eyes scanned the scene where almost all of his men lay out cold. But wait, was that..... It was! Viggo smirked.

"This isn't over" Viggo warned. "Go, enjoy your victory. But you haven't seen the last of me". Hiccup looked at Viggo strangely. What could that possibly mean?

"Hey dragon boy" Dagur shouted. "Let's go"! Hiccup ignored him and looked back at Viggo who was still smirked at him. "What" Viggo asked innocently. "Aren't you going to celebrate that you have the dragon eye"?

"Why would you say that" Hiccup asked. "That's all you want. Why are you letting us have it"? Viggo shrugged. "Never let it be said that I'm not a good sport. I lost".

Hiccup didn't believe that for one second. Viggo was up to something. He knew it.

"Hiccup" Astrid called. "Are you coming"! Hiccup looked back at Astrid then to Viggo. "You up to something" he accused. "And I will find out".

Viggo merely shrugged and smirked as Hiccup flew off with the other riders.

Ryker came storming over. "Are you crazy" he shouted angrily. "You let them get away"!

Viggo said nothing then walked a few steps forward and knelt down to pick something up in the dirt. He held it up for Ryker to see, who's eyes widened.

Viggo chuckled as he dangled the wave necklace in his hand. "Seems like they forgot something" he said. "Get the other jars. The dragon eye should be ours once again within twenty four hours".


At least we got another clip......

I got cupcakes and chips for tomorrow! And no school so I can wake up and watch all 13 episodes!👏💯


For Tuffnut_and_Chicken : I feel like the trailer will either 1) come out thirty minutes before the show or 2) not be released at all 😬😶😑! It's like you watch the whole season THEN the trailer comes out :|

For mehansa12 : Ikr! The new season comes out with in 6 hours and there still isn't a trailer! 😲

For @SiddhathMawalage: Same, in so excited! Also thank you for your concern. That's means a lot💗

For @emilymai_sibley: thanks! Also when I first saw the clip and Snotlout made that face I was like: lightbulb! And this, that picture was born😂

Time left :
0⃣Days (and no trailer!)

Dreamworks Daily Quote:
All hail Mala, Queen defender of the wing! ~ Throck

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