Chapter 30

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Hiccup groaned as Viggo shoved him and Tuffnut into one of the cages drilled into the cliff walls. Then lock the cage. Then add a million and one chains to it.

"Just in case you have any ideas about escaping" Viggo snarled and walked away once more.

"Just great" Hiccup moaned. "No what"!

Tuffnut tapped his chin in deep thought. "I know, we use acid to cut through the bars"! Hiccup rolled his eyes. "And the acid comes from where"? Tuffnut's face dropped. "I'm still stumped on that". Then his face lit up again. "Oh, I know I know I know! You marry one of the guards and..."

Hiccup cut him off. "No! First off, I'm
nineteen, second, all the guards are guys! Third, and not that I need a third, even if any of the guards were females, why would one of them want to marry me"?!

Tuffnur only shrugged. "Eh"?

Hiccup slapped his forehead. "Ugh"! He groaned. "We are never getting out of here"!


Astrid squeezed out the water from her hair on the shoreline of a island not far from the dragon hunters base. She had seen the red haired girl come here crying her eyes out on a small rowboat. She was more than curious to see what this was all about.

Astrid found the girl in question sitting against a tree, knees pulled to her chest, sobbing. She raised her eyebrow and stared at the girl. Some dragon hunter she thought then cleared her throat.


Her head snapped up and her eyes narrowed. Astrid watched the girl instantly wipe away her tears. "Are you following me"?

Astrid scoffed. "Why would I do that? I do valuable things with my time. So call me crazy for coming to see if your ok"?

The girl got to her feet and blew past Astrid. "Well I don't need your help" she snapped. Astrid rolled her eyes.

"I heard what Viggo said"!

The redhead stopped dead in her tracks. She slowly turned around to face the blond. "What"?

Astrid sighed and walked closer to the girl. "I know that Viggo disowned you". The girl tensed and wrapped her arms around herself. She said nothing.

So Astrid continued. "If you don't mind me asking. Why'd you stay with him. You look old enough to fend for yourself".

Astrid could have sworn a year trickled down her cheek. "They were my only family" the girl whispered quietly. "I thought eventually Viggo would accept me".

Astrid eyed the girl strangely. Who would have expected this from a relative of Viggo? Well, who really expected for Viggo to have a sister?! That was just shocking in itself.

The girl finished drying for her tears and snarled at Astrid. "Are you stalking me or something".

Astrid rolled her eyes. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if she was still an emotional wreck! After all she could tell this girl she could now survive underwater and had been passing by the ship when Viggo had disowned her.

"Wait" the girl moved closer to Astrid. "Your necklace". Astrid hands went to her neck. "You can't have it" she said defensibly. "No, no, no" the other girl rolled her eyes. "I don't want! Why would I?! It just..." Suddenly she gasped and jumped back.

"You can breath underwater"! She gasped and pointed at Astrid. Now it was Astrid's turn to be shocked. "How'd you know" she blurted instead of denying it like she should have.

The girl moved close to look at the necklace. "You were with someone else" she determined. "Viggo told me that there was certain way to deal with the jars. I guess this is what happens when you don't do it the right way".

"Will you please tell me what's going on" Astrid snapped. "How do you know all this stuff about me"?!

The redhead flipped her hair out of her eyes. "Duh! It's what's Viggo's after". The girls eyes suddenly became serious. "You can't let Viggo get a hold of that. Do you have any idea what he'll be able to do"!

"Does it look like I do" Astrid snapped. "And why in Thor's name would I want to give this up"!

The other girls eyes flashed. "I'm being serious! If you let Viggo get a hold of that necklace, we'll both be in serious trouble! And whoever has the other one too! He only needs one"!

"You know, you haven't made much sense this whole conversation, but now your really pushing it" Astrid retorted.

The redhead was now red in the face. "Ugh! Look you have to listen to me! I'm not big on helping dragon riders, but I really don't Viggo to make my life more miserable than he already has! So you have to trust me on this"!

Astrid stared at the girl. "I'll trust you if you tell me your name". The other girl rolled her eyes. "It's Estie ok? Happy now"?

Astrid shrugged. "I've had better company". "Please" Estie snorted. "You think I want to be here! Can you imagine if Viggo hadn't disowned me and caught me hanging out with you"!

Astrid rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Well, if what you say is true and Viggo only needs one necklace for whatever he's planning, my friends still caged up with her necklace. It's only a matter of time before Viggo gets it".

Estie groaned. "Perfect" she muttered. "This means I have to help save her now doesn't it"! Astrid nearly shrugged. "You are now"!

Estie groaned. "Let's just get this over with". The two headed back towards the boat. "Let's just make one thing clear" Estie piped up. "I'm not doing this for you, but for me"! "I really didn't care either way" Astrid muttered.

I love being out of school.... :)


For FirstBookworm : I know, I kept thinking I gotta bring Astrid back but I couldn't figure out where! I think I'm gonna start updating twice a day from now on. Cause we're so close and I wanna finish this before the new season and I have another big thing planned.
I personally think Ruffnut's right. The Buffalord is kind of cute! I would love to have one as a pet😂! I think we're gonna get some Hiccstrid moments the fans want (especially the figure touching thing!)

For Tuffnut_and_Chicken : SAME! I always get yelled at because it's nice out and I'm always in my room on my phone and iPad reading and writing fanfic! But it's Httyd! Is there anything else better to do?!😂👏 This is why I always do everything fan related after 10 o clock at night. Because everyone goes to bed and I can be my fangirl self😂

Picture credit: unknown (but so true!)

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Dreamworks Daily Quote: Ri yi yi ya co co macala diyoi yangoy ~ Tuffnut

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