Chapter 36

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All eight dragons landed on the platform to the stables back at dragons edge. "It feels good to be back" Fishlegs hummed. "The rocks on the island gave Meatlug gas". As if know what Fishlges was talking about, Meatlug let one rip, causing all the riders to plug there nose.

"Ugh" Hiccup waved the air. "That is disgusting". Finally the smell drifted away and the air was breathable again.

Hiccup watched as Dagur hopped off Sparky and rub his side. Hiccup sighed and jumped off Toothless and walked over to him. "I guess I owe you an apology. I guess people can change".

Dagur smiled ever so slightly. "Yeah, I guess people can". A small cough came from nearby and Hiccup looked up to see Heather. "I'll... Give you guys some privacy" he muttered and slowly walked away.

Heather stepped up to Dagur and just kind of stood there, not saying anything. I mean, what was there to say?! "Umm thanks for helping us back there" she said quietly. Dagur sighed. "Yeah your welcome. Ok can we just skip to the part where we make up and everyone lives happily ever after". Heather grinned. "Sure" she paused. "Brother".

Dagur felt a strange feeling in his chest, something he hadn't felt in a while. But at long last he smiled. "Sister".

Meanwhile Hiccup walked over to Astrid, who was petting Stormfly. "Alright" he smirked and crossed his arms. "How'd you survive"?

Astrid slowly turned around, a smirk on her face. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you". Hiccup smiled. "I've seen Dagur riding a Skrill. What Ya got"?

Astrid grinned and reached for her necklace. She pulled it off her neck and handed it to Hiccup. "This" she answered as he took it. He looked up at her confused. "A wave charm"?

Astrid rolled her eyes. "Come with me" she grabbed his wrist then dragged him and jumped straight off the platform, down into the water below, Hiccup in tow.

They crashed into the water and Hiccup instantly began to swim for the surface but Astrid held him back. Instead she clipped the necklace around Hiccups neck.

Hiccup could explain what happened next. It was like a surge of energy flew through his body from head to toe. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.


A deep breath?! UNDERWATER?!

He opened his eyes and Astrid laughed as Hiccup looked up and down in shock over the fact he wasn't drowning. "How" he stammered then his hands flew to his mouth. How was this possible?!

Astrid smiled and took the necklace back from Hiccup. "I told you you wouldn't believe me". Hiccup shook his head. "You had me really worried. I thought you drowned" he paused. "Again"!

Astrid giggled. "No I'm perfectly fine" she smiled then looked up at him. His emerald green eyes were starring into hers. Her mind flashed back to Hiccups letter. "Um Hiccup"?


"About that letter you wrote..."

Hiccup went white right before he went red. "Oh, that letter". Astrid opened her mouth but Hiccup cut her off. "Look, I get it if you don't feel the same, I just um, didn't think you'd see it so soon".

Astrid grinned. "Well I'll tell you one thing. Stay away from poetry. Hiccup didn't get a chance to answer because Astrid grabbed his tunic and pressed her lips against his. He went into a brief moment of shock. By now Astrid usually pulled away, but not this time. So he decided to man up and kiss her back. Thor it was amazing. How long had he been waiting for something like this? Astrid felt the same way.

At long last they pulled apart. Astrid looked up into Hiccups eyes and grinned. Hiccup smiled back. "Ssoooo is that a yes"! Astrid rolled her eyes and laughed. "Yes you idiot, it's a yes"! She nestled into Hiccups chest and felt his arms tighten around her. That had gone well.


Heather ran her hand over Windshear's scales and smiled. "We did it girl" she grinned. She turned around to see Estie standing off by herself out on the platform.

Heather sighed and slowly walked out to see her. Heather stood next to her for a moment not saying anything. Estie said nothing either. Finally Heather broke the silence. "Thanks for helping us" she said quietly. "We couldn't have done it with out you".

Estie felt a smile tug at her lips. "Yeah yeah. Your welcome. I guess it was worth it if Viggo doesn't have the dragon whatever it's called anymore". She turned to look at Heather and her heart dropped.

"What" Heather asked curiously.

"Your necklace" Estie said nervously. "Where is it"? Heather hands flew to her neck and groped around for the charm. But she didn't feel it. "It's gone" Heather gasped and frantically looked around. It was them when a loud clap of thunder shook the sky followed by bursts of lightning.

"Oh no" Estie whispered horrified. "Viggo has it"!


For FirstBookworm : And the dragon eye is back where it belongs! But the necklace is not! Viggo has some big plan *cue dramatic music*😂
OMT the new season is so close! I can't wait to eat chips and cupcakes all day while watching it'😂

Time left:

I already posted the quote.

Picture credit: my edit

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