Chapter 15

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Hiccup stood starring at the sky, wishing time would go faster. He didn't like the fact Astrid was off with some other guy. It still bothered him. He had to keep reminding himself she was just doing it for information. But the other, more insecure side of his brain thought otherwise. What if she wanted to go on a date with him?! No. She wouldn't do that, right?!

He sighed and turned away from the sky and watched the ground as he made his way back to Toothless, who was curled up under a tree. "Hey bud" Hiccup smiled weakly and Toothless perked up. "I'm sorry that I haven't been here with you lately". Hiccup rubbed Toothless's head. "I promise, we'll take a flight first thing tomorrow".

Toothless smiled, showing his gums and Hiccup couldn't help but smile. Maybe everything would be alright.

He sat, leaning against Toothless and watched the others. The twins were fighting. Fishlegs was writing in his book. Snotlout was admiring himself in mirror. And Heather was with Dagur.

Hiccup couldn't help but narrow his eyes. He still thought it was a bad idea. He didn't trust Dagur as far as he could throw him. Hiccup didn't think Dagur would last with the skrill, sorry, Sparky over a week. He didn't like it when Heather pretended to be close to him. He didn't like it when she was close to him! Something was up.


Astrid was getting sick of her pretend date. First a stroll through the forest. Then a moonlight picnic. Finally a midnight swim. They were back at the stables landing platform, looking up at the stars. For a split second Astrid wondered what it would be like if it the real Hiccup she was here with. But she pushed that thought aside.

"So Hiccup" she asked, leaning away from him. "Not to ruin the moment, but what do you think the dragons hunters next move is"?

The question seemed to floor Herby as he began to splutter. "I don't know! Why are you asking me! How should I know! It's not like their going after the other lens or anything"!

A lightbulb went off in Astrid's brain.

The others lens of course! Well their not getting them anytime soon!

Astrid sighed and turned towards Herby. "You know Hiccup, I guess I can say I had fun tonight". Ha! As if! Astrid flipped her hair out of her eyes. "So thanks".

Herby breathed a huge sigh of relief he didn't know he was holding. So she still didn't know what was up. "Hey no problem. We should do this again"!

Astrid almost through up in her mouth. "Yeah" she squeaked out. "That, that'd be great"! Herby looked at her confused. "Are you alright".

"No" Astrid lied. "I must have not cooked that mutton long enough. "I think I'll go to bed now". She stood up and was about to walk off when Herby grabbed her hand. "Until next time" he bowed playfully and winked at her.

"Yeah" Astrid said nervously than socked Herby in the shoulder just for the heck of things. "Owe" he shouted. "What the heck"!

"I always punch you" Astrid told him, although she knew she hadn't punched him in months. "You know that right"?

Herby swallowed. "Oh yeah". He put on a fake smile. "Sorry I guess I forgot after being with you tonight. You know, your um, beauty distracted me".

Astrid had never felt so disgusted in her life. This guy was worse than Snotlout! "Thanks" she mumbled and took off again, tripping over her feet.

She failed to notice Estie step out of the shadows and make her way over to Herby. "Think she's falling for you" she asked, looking gravely in the direction Astrid left. Herby waved his hands. "Of course she is! Who could resist me"!

Estie rolled her eyes. "Anyone's who's met you".


Heather had been helping Dagur get better on riding Sparky. It hasn't been easy considering Dagurs personality but she believed it could be done. However doing this was getting on her last nerve. And she was really tired.

Finally she called quits on training and landed back on the ground. She slid off Windshear and dropped to her knees and leaned down on her back. It was a long day.

Dagur got off Sparky and through his fists in the air. "Nailed it! I'm the best dragon rider ever"! Heather closed her eyes. Not even close!

Nearby Hiccup scoffed. "Please! You've been riding for less than 24 hours. I wouldn't call yourself the best dragon rider".

Dagur rolled his eye. "Who asked you" he spat and crossed his arms. Hiccup stepped forward. I've been riding for years! I think that I'm better than you".

Dagur smirked. "Is that a challenge"?

Hiccup thought over his words. "Yes it is" Hiccup snapped. "Tomorrow morning! Me and you. We'll see who's the best".

"Your on"!

Friday update!

I'm so tired right now I could just fall over!

So before I wrote this I watched Httyd 2 and started balling my eyes out over Stoicks death. 😭😭

It's was creepy cause my eyes turned green! And their brown!

Only 14 weeks till Race to the Edge! I saw a video of a clip of the girl who plays Ruffnut (I forget her name) recording. When did Ruffnut get so deep and sensitive?!

It's in Twitter btw!


For FirstBookworm: I love your comments. They make me smile :)
I'll try to update as often as I can! Glad you like!

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