Chapter 24

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Once back on Wind Storm the girls took off towards the dragon hunters base. They had decided to go underwater, for the sake of getting used to it. It was actually really cool.

Not to mention the element of surprise was now on their side. They could easily sneak up from the water. As they made their way towards the base, Astrid's mind kept slipping back to Hiccups letter.

A slight smile crossed her face. She believed what Heather said, about Hiccup meaning every word. She would give him a week, she decided, before finally asking him about it. If she didn't, she knew things would get awkward.

It was dark by the time the girls reached the base. Wind Storm couldn't go any father, due to their being no water route into the island.

"We'll be back" Heather promised and rubbed its head. Wind Storm took the hint and sunk below the waves, hunting for a midnight snack.

Heather turned back to Astrid. "I'm going to find Dagur. See if you can find the other riders, that ok"?

Astrid nodded and reached for axe. "Viggo probably got them after we went under". She sighed. "Good luck" she said quietly. Heather nodded and the two took off, each going in separate directions.

Under the cover of night, Astrid weaved throughout the trees and rocks. When she heard voices she dove behind a tree and pressed her back against, hardly daring to breath.

Two dragon hunters stopped mere feet from where she stood. One started talking. "I just can't believe Viggo changed me back! I did a great impression of Hiccup"!

Astrid rolled her eyes. Herby. She was slightly tempted to barge out and say he couldn't act, but decided not to. The other one spoke. "Herby, for the hundredth time, YOU CAN'T ACT! And besides, you let the blond know exactly what Viggo was after"!

Herby crossed his arms in defense. "I can act" he grumbled then changed the subject. "What did ever happen to the dragon riders"? The second one pointed west. "Viggo locked each of them in a different cage. He's questioning Dagur right now. Come on, let's go". The two walked away, and Astrid emerged from behind the tree.

She was worried about Dagur. She had thought he'd changed. Who knew what Viggo was doing to him. But she had to stay focused. Heather would find him. She had to find Hiccup. She left in the direction that the guard had pointed. She made her way to the top of the path, leading to Viggo's tent. Cages were dug into the rock walls. She gulped. Touches lined the walls, so she would have to be extra careful.

She slowly inched her way down, before breaking out in a full out run. She could take the hunters. She just didn't want Ryker or Viggo to find her. Each cage she passed, she had no luck. She could find any of the riders!

That's when she saw five dragon proof cages, equally spaced from one another. And in those five cages, there was one dragon rider. Astrid gulped. Viggo was no doubt in his tent. She couldn't just sneak over and get her friends free, without getting caught.

That's when Viggo's tent flap opened. Astrid panicked. Viggo would spot her any second if she didn't do something. She looked down and saw the water surrounding his tent. She gulped. What choice did she have.

She jumped straight off the cliff and dove right into the water. It was freezing! She had to resist the urge to climb out. No way she was climbing out into Viggo's hands! She dove deeper underwater when she saw Viggo peering down into the water, a couple meters away. The water was dark and cloudy. She shouldn't have to worry.

She watches Viggo's face disappear. She breathed a sigh of relief but quickly clamped her hand over her mouth when bubbles were released. However Viggo didn't reappear.

Astrid looked around and spotted a rock a short distance away. She swam over and pulled herself out of the water. From her spot she cringed as she watched Viggo shove into his tent. Astrid knew she had to act now. She swan as quickly as she could towards the rock the riders were on. She carefully pulled herself out of the water, and crouched down.

She looked around and caught sight of Dagur. His arms had long deep gashes on then, with drying blood. Astrid shuddered. She looked at the nearest cage to her. Just her luck, it was Tuffnut.

"Great" she mumbled sarcastically. She slowly made her way towards him and rolled her eyes when she saw that he was curled up, fast asleep. "Forget it" she sighed.

"Forget what"?

Astrid whipped around and froze. A girl stood there, not much older than she was. Her hair was fiery red. She had a sword tucked under her belt. Astrid reached for her axe. "Who are you" she demanded in a rather low tone. The girl flicked her hair. "Second command to the dragon hunters" she answered. "Now I would suggest giving up and coming with me".

"Never" Astrid seethed and tightened her grip on her axe. "Oh I'm not asking" the other girl drew her sword.

Astrid narrowed her eyes. She ran forward, her axe raised, but the girl met her blow with her sword. The sound of metal being smashed together rang through the air. Astrid knew Viggo heard that. So did the other riders. Those who weren't asleep looked startled to see her there, and Tuffnut jumped to his feet.

"What is going on"! A voice demanded. Astrid panicked.


The girl smirked at Astrid and while Astrid was slightly shocked, the girl disarmed her, sending her axe flying into the water below. Astrid sighed. She would have to get that later.

She turned back to the girl and out on a fake smile. "Well it's been terribly nice meeting you, but..." She was cut off.

"Well well well" someone said behind her. Astrid didn't have to turn around to know who it was. "What's this"?

Viggo stepped in front of Astrid. "Well I'll tell you, I didn't expect you to survive. What's your secret"?

"Like I'd tell you" Astrid spat and slowly began to walk backward. Viggo simply chuckled. "Oh you will" he said. "Now" he pulled out his sword and placed it dangerously close to her neck. "I suggest you come with me".






All the info I know is in the picture above^^^^^^

Comment what u guys are most excited for!!!!!!!!

For me, Hiccstrid development!!! But also the fact that the twins are being left in charge of baby dragons!!!!! What idiot would do that!!!!! Just saying!!!!!

For FirstBookworm : Estie is certainly an important character but she has reasons for the way she is. To tell the truth, she wasn't going to be important but then I decided to make her one. And Astrid is really worried about her friends. But Heather hasn't been captured.... Yet. But agreed their friendship rocks! I really hope she's the one moving in!
Ps: thanks for making me smile when I need it!

For Tuffnut_and_Chicken : Less than a month away!!!! Just keep counting the days!!!🎉🎉

Four weeks left....☁️☁️

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