Chapter 18

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Viggo sat in his quarters holding a small jar of a shimmery red substance. He grinned wickedly. "Well Hiccup" he mused. "You know, I was disappointed when you didn't last longer in maces and talons. But you know, if you hand I may not have found this".

He opened the jar and dipped his fingers into the substance. He pulled them out, fingered with the substance, then flicked it towards the one broken maces and talons pieces, which had been Heather. The piece was quickly consumed in flames and in a matter of seconds was disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Viggo smirked.

"Two down. Threeto go".


Hiccup sat on one of the seas tacks, surrounding Viggo's base, his knees clutched to his chest. Astrid had told him and the other riders what she had leaned from Herby and he didn't like it. Not one bit. Problem was he wasn't sure what his next move should be.

Viggo was bound to come back. Herby was still at dragons edges (who knew if he could fight). And he couldn't gave his father back at Berk. He sighed and closed his eyes. This was all his fault. He was the one who snapped at Astrid. He was the one who took that walk and got captured. More importantly, he was the one who lost the dragon eye. He was the one who fell for Viggo's plan. He was so lost in his thoughts he failed to noticed a certain female warrior step up next to him.

"Hey" she said softly, to get his attention. Hiccup jumped but relaxed when he saw Astrid, standing a couple feet away. "Hey" he mumbled back, hugging his knees closer.

Astrid sat down next to him and stared out at the sea. "Way to kick Dagur's butt today" she smiled slightly. "I don't think he'll ever forget that".

Hiccup showed a small smile, but said nothing. Astrid turned to face him. "Hey, you ok"? Hiccup looked up at the stars.

No, he wasn't. But he couldn't say that. He had always been the one to keep a level head in the group. He couldn't fall apart now. "I'm fine" he laid down on the soft grass. Astrid blew he hair from her eyes. "You know I can tell your lying".

Hiccup closed his eyes. "Well it's just- I dunno. For the first time I don't know what to do. I've always been able to come up with some plan, but Viggo is always one step ahead". He opened his eyes to look at her. "Astrid, Viggo makes me question how much I'm really capable of. I've always thought I couldn't handle anything the world throws at me. But then Viggo shows up and ruins my world". He closed his eyes again.

Astrid wasn't sure if it was the moonlight or not, but she thought she saw a tear roll down his cheek. Astrid placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Hiccup" she whispered. "I wanna tell you something".

Hiccup opened his eyes.

Astrid took a deep breath. "When I was a little girl, I always hated the fact that my uncle was shamed for freezing in front of the flightmare. But I got over it. And you wanna know how"?

Hiccup sat up and nodded.

Astrid inter wound her hand with his. "Because I had you" she whispered. "Hiccup, last time you faced Viggo, you were all by yourself. You need to let others help you once and a while. You don't need to prove yourself".

Hiccup looked down at their hands. He slowly folded his fingers over hers. He didn't say anything for a while, savoring the feeling of her hand in his. "I did it because I don't want anything to you. To the gang! Astrid, if I let you get captured and tortured, I'd never forgive myself. I can handle if the tortured me. I couldn't handle it if it happened to you guys".

Astrid used her free hand to place on Hiccups cheek. "Hiccup, listen to me. We're all here for you. I'll never leave you. But you have to let us help you. It's seven strong dragon riders, and Dagur, against Viggo. We always do things better together". She smiled as she mocked Hiccup. "We're supposed to be a team Hiccup".

Hiccup leaned into her touch. "I know" he whispered softly. Then he smiled. "Also, I don't sound like that"!

Astrid laughed and squeezed Hiccups hand. "We'll always be there for you Hiccup". She leaned forward and quickly kissed his cheek. "I promise".

Hiccup smiled, never breaking his gaze from hers. Astrid flushed and spoke. "And come on! That impression was dead on"!

Excuses why I haven't updated: I forgot😂

I found my old DdI XL over the weekend and it still works!:) I made my dad buy me the Httyd game for it😂😂👏👏

Spring break is over😰😰😱😱

*dramatic no*!

I'm debating on my next story....

I'm thinking a sports academy or a cross over with Phineas and Ferb! (That show was my child hood😂)

Or I might do both! Who knows:)

For FirstBookworm: a certain girl with a razorwhip might have watched Hiccup and Astrid's little moment. *wink wink*😂
I had a Rtte marathon the other night and your "the plot thickens" comment (about Estie) totally reminded me of Dagur from "Gone Gustav Gone"😂
Also I am planning a Hiccstrid date!💗

Also to all of you READ THIS🎉:

That mega fan Race to the Edge video said that in the next season Hiccup and the gang are gonna use to dragon to go on exciting adventures. NEWSFLASH: If they are gonna use it, that means they'll have to get it back! You ruined he next season dreamworks! (But I still plan to watch!) #logic!

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