Chapter 26

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Hiccup anxiously paced back and forth in his cage. He knew he should have never trusted Dagur. So why was stupid enough to do something like that?! He ran his hands through his hair and groaned. Another question came to mind, where the heck was Astrid?!

She just dove into the water and disappeared. And despite how strong Hiccup had become he couldn't get out of Viggo's hold. And there was another probably he had to worry about.

Viggo had the other dragon eye lens.

Dagur had snatched the bag from after he shoved Hiccup into a cage. Hiccup couldn't do much, considering the axe Dagur had placed close to his throat.

Hiccup sighed and leaned against the wall of the cage. He didn't know what to do. He didn't dare try breaking out. Well until he had a plan. He was however slightly glad Heather was caged up. If she was out she was go nuts and kill anyone at sight, but probably get killed in he process.

Hiccup looked at the water next to him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. What had Astrid been thinking?! Memories flooded his head as he thought back to the time he had saved her from drowning. He had thought he lost her.

He was so lost in his thoughts he failed to notice someone rise on the of the water.


He heard nothing. He was lost in his mind.


That he heard. Hiccup whirled around and his eyes doubled in size. Astrid was there, floating in the water. His jaw dropped as he starred at her. "How are you alive"! He blurted before he could stop. "You were under forever"!

Astrid bit her lip. "It's a long story". She swam closed and rested her arms on the rock by Hiccups cage. "Are you ok"?

Hiccup sighed. "No. Viggo has the other lens Astrid. Who knows what he's going to do now".

Astrid sighed and looked around at the other cages, surrounding Viggo's tent. The others were asleep, because it was just about two am. Astrid looked back to Hiccup, who was just starting off into space. He looked back at her.

"I was really worried about you" he whispered. "I thought, I um, lost you again". Astrid's lip tilted upward. "Again"?

Hiccup flushed. "When Ryker captured Stormfly, leaving you at sea. You had me worried sick". Astrid smiled. "Hey, I lived". "Barley" Hiccup added softly.

"Yeah" Astrid tucked a piece of loose hair behind her year. "Look" her voice became serious. "I need you to get Heather out of here".

Hiccup stopped smiling. "Heather" he asked, a slight hint of hurt in his voice. "Why not me"? "I can't explain it Hiccup" Astrid muttered, "but you just have to trust me".

"Oh like the time you lied to me about Heather" Hiccup snapped before he could stop it. Opps. "Astrid, I" Hiccup stammered. "I didn't mean..."

Astrid cut him off. "Yeah, yeah, I get it". She looked away from him and around, trying to spot Heathers cage. When she had no luck, she turned back to look at Hiccup. She sighed and fingered with her necklace. "Hiccup, please. Trust me on his. Get Heather out. I promise I'll fill you in later. Just get Heather out".

Hiccup said nothing for a while. He just looked at her strangely. Astrid sighed. "Please Hiccup. Trust me".

Hiccup looked at Astrid for a long time. Finally he spoke. "Ok".


Estie tosses a bunch of dragon root arrows in a small wooden boat on the shore of the island. She was just about done with Viggo. He pushed her around as if she was his slave. And she was sick of it. So she decided to go and put an end to what causes this in the first place.

"What are you doing" Ryker asked as he stepped up behind Estie. He looked confused as the boat was loaded up with weapons.

Estie glared at him. "It's time to finish what happened sixteen years ago. I'm sick of bossing me around, and I may not be able to change that he's chief, but I can bring death to what causes it"!

Ryker looked stunned. "But Viggo's your..."

"Stop"! Estie growled. "I know very well how I relate to Viggo and quite frankly, I hate it. He treats me like I'm his slave! You too! He only cares about himself! Now at this point you have two choices. You can run back to the base and stay as Viggo's errand boy, or you can come with me. I'm sorry, but I've put up with Viggo's drama for too long. From now on I'm doing things my way". Just like they always should have been!

Ryker looked at the redhead, then back towards the base. He turned back to Estie. "Count me in".

I'm sorry!!!!!! I know I haven't updated in FOREVER! You would not believe the drama I've been dealing with. And finals don't help.

Shoutout goes to anyone who can guess how Estie relates to Viggo🎉

I only have three days left of school!!!!!:] 🎉🎉👏👏🎉🎉


ONLY 15 Days, 5 hours 57 minutes and 20 seconds till RACE TO THE EDGE!!!!! Aaahhhh!!!

Two weeks from Friday! Anyone else having a marathon?:)

I promise to start updating.....


For FirstBookworm : Sorry for not updating:(! Finals are stressing me out. I will update a lot more next week, cause I'll be out of school! As for Estie, she wants some revenge of her own from her past. And Heather wants revenge on her brother. Wow, so much revenge.....:]

For: @emilymai_sibley: Hiccstrid is the best💗! I really wanna know their secret for the next season! What if Tuff started randomly accusing them of something😂

For: mehansa12 : I feel like we'll end up getting a Hiccstrid hug, and then the kiss is season 4 episode 13. But if the kiss is not in season 3 I will bang my head against the wall and cry. Then watch the whole season all over again😂

For : @hiccstrid13: when I first read your comment I just stared at the screen but then I realized that is a really good point.... All the fan would want to kill him now....

For @sabertooth4: Your comment made my day😂! I laughed so hard. But I feel like some of us would enjoy doing that:)!

Picture credit: @httyd.and.hiccstrid on Instagram

So true....^^^^

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