Chapter 6

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(A/n! I have no idea why there's only two sentences for chapter 6 but here is the rest of it! Please read before chapter 7)

Viggo lead Herby and Estie onto a much smaller ship, a row boat to be exact. He waited till they were on before shoving off from the dragon hunters main ship.

"Remember Herby" he said. "First get Astrid to fall head over heels for you. Then break her heart. She's already mad at Hiccup, so you need to make up with her". "Got it" Herby nodded. Viggo smirked. "Good".


When the storm let up Astrid, Heather, Fishlegs and Dagur left the cave and back to Viggo's base. It took them longer than they should have because Dagur had no idea what he was doing. But after hours of flying (and saving Dagur from falling off Sparky) they reached the dragons hunters base.

"Are you sure that's it's empty" Fishlegs squeaked out nervously. "Positive" Dagur answered, happy to be on the ground. "I personally watched the hunters leave".

"Good" Astrid said and dismounted her dragon. "I would suggest going for the dragon eye, but there's no way Viggo would leave it here. Now" she turned back to Dagur, a slight smirk crossing her face. "About training your dragon".


Viggo stepped back onto his ship, pleased with himself. He just dropped Herby and Estie off at dragons edge and was pleased that he he didn't have to deal with any trouble.

"Why not just kill the boy" Ryker demanded and walked up to Viggo. "We don't need him! Why not just kill him"?!

Viggo simply crossed his arms behind his back. "Patients big brother. Remember, Hiccup is bait for his other pathetic friends, who will bring us the missing lenses for the dragon eye".

"But why do we need the other lenses" Ryker cried, frustrated. "Grandfather kept a journal that had all the information of every lense! A journal that you have"!

"Yes I do" Viggo muttered. "But the poor old man missed something important in his notes. In each lense there was a clue that he forgot the write down. And these clues lead someone to power. Power you couldn't even begin to comprehend! And when I get my hands on it I will be the most powerful man in the world! And no one will be able to stop me".


Astrid watched slightly amused as Dagur tried to train his dragon. So far his hair had only caught on fire three times. It was funny, watching him run for cover every time the Skrill even began to show a single spark of lighting.

Heather stood next to her, smiling and enjoying herself as well. "We should have thought of this a long time ago" she remarked, but the two quickly duck as a blast of lighting flew their way.

They stood back up and Astrid smiled. "Indeed" she said, then looked up at the sun, which was low in the sky. She sighed and whistled for Stormfly. "I'm going back to dragons edge for food and provisions. I'll be back soon. Keep Dagur under control ok"?

Heather nodded. "Ok. If only I had something to capture the moment". Astrid let out a small laugh and turned to climb on her dragon before taking off into the sky. Heather watched her go then turned back to watching her deranged brother.


It took a good half hour for Astrid to reach the edge. She had debated all the way over if she should tell the twins and Snotlout about Dagur. In the end she decided the had too. But she did decided not to tell Hiccup. She was still mad at him. And besides he would try and pull her out.

When she landed she was greeted by Hiccup of course. She rolled her eyes and tried to ignore him but the second her feet hit the ground Hiccup had his arms around her and pulled her into a warm embrace. "Where were you" he gasped. "I was so worried".

Astrid had to pry him off of her. "Yeesh I'm fine"! Hiccup took a step back. "Look I've been meaning to talk to you".

Astrid placed her hands on her hips. "Ok". She said and turned and walked the other way. "Wait" Hiccup called and lunged forward to grab her wrist. He pulled her back and she slammed against his chest. Before she could move Hiccup had his arm around his, holding her close. She squirmed in his arms, trying to get free but he was too strong for her. "Ugh" she cried when she realized she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. "What?! What is so important"?!

Hiccup slowly backed up, taking his arm with him. "I-I just wanted to apologize". Astrid's face went blank. She had honestly expected another snarky remark from him, not an apology. "I'm listening" she crossed her arms. Hiccup took a deep breath. "I was wrong" he admitted. "And I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that to you. I was just mad at Viggo, but that's not a reason for what I said. Can you forgive me"?

Astrid looked at him for a long time before letting out a long sigh. "Your forgiven" she sat at long last. "Just don't do anything like that again". A look of relief washed across Hiccups face. "I promise".

Astrid smiled at him before turned away and walking towards her hut. She failed to notice the smirk that crossed his face or the boot he was wearing over his left foot.

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