Chapter 16

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Astrid quietly snuck into Hiccups hut and tried to shut the door as quietly as possible. Which wasn't very quiet. She cringed but was quickly relived when she herd snoring from upstairs. She rolled her eyes and snuck over to the chest Hiccup kept by his cupboards.

She eased it open and quickly dug through it. Where are they she thought miserably. She picked up one of Hiccups extra legs and chuckled it over her shoulder, momentarily forgetting she had to be quite. She froze as it smashed to the floor.

She hardly dared to breath. "Is someone there" she heard Herby mumble, half asleep. She panicked. "Umm... no"?

"Ok" Herby mumbled and within moments snores filled the room. Astrid stared, slight confused before returned to digging through Hiccups chest. When she pulled out a scrolled up price of parchment she stopped. She narrowed her eyes when she spotted her name scribbled at the top. She made a metal note to read that later. She tucked it in her belt and turned back to the chest.

"Gotcha" she whispered as her fingers closed around a single dragon eye lens. She dug in deeper and found another one. She smiled, pleased and quickly shut the chest and bolted out the door to her awaiting dragon.


The sun peaked over the rock cliffs on the dragon hunter island. Hiccup and Dagur were both seated on top of their dragon, glaring straight ahead. Hiccup kept repeating to himself that he would win. As if there was any question about it.

Heather and Fishlegs stood in front of them, acting as the judges. "Alright" Heather yawned. "Let's get this over with". Snotlout and the twins sat off to the side, making bets on who would win.

Fishlegs cleared his throat. "Alight" he clasped his hands. "First is the tag and shoot". Heather stepped forward and handed Hiccup and Dagur a bow along with a quiver of arrows, loaded with bright color paint. "You have five minutes to shoot each other as many times as you can. Each arrow has a different color. Good luck" Heather mumbled and stepped back by Fishlegs.

"You also might want these" Fishlegs handed each competed a thick brown cloak. Hiccup tied his around his shoulders and glared at Dagur. "Your going down" he snapped, his fists balled. Dagur rolled his eyes. "Look who's talking"!

Heather sighed and buried her face in her hands. Fishlegs rocked back and forth on his feet. "Alright then. Your five minutes starts now"!

Hiccup and Toothless bolted into the air, Dagur and Sparky following straight after. Dagur waisted no time in firing at Hiccup who barley managed to duck out of the way. He turned around and fired back. A bright purple for exploded around Dagur's shoulder.

He snarled at Hiccup and shot right back. Hiccup didn't move in time and was blasted with green. He growled and turned Toothless and bolted, Dagur following him.

Hiccup steered Toothless straight in the direction a huge rock cliff, Dagur still firing. The cliff came closer. Hiccup smirked. At the last second he yanked on Toothless's reins and Toothless shot upwards, narrowly avoiding the cliff. Dagur and Sparky weren't so lucky.

They slammed into the rocks and Sparky drew back, shaking his head. While Dagur was distracted, Hiccup took the opportunity to slam Dagur with bright yellow paint straight in his hair.

"Hey"! Dagur yelled angrily. "Sorry" Hiccup laughed. "Also, you don't look good as a blond"! He shouted before taking off again. Dagur yelled in frustration before following Hiccup.

As the event went on, they both kept getting more colorful. There was thirty seconds left and they each had ten colorful dots on them. Each were hovering in the air, arrows at the ready glaring at each other.

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