Chapter 22

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Astrid slowly opened her eyes. Her head was pounding and her whole body felt sore. She placed her hand to her forehead and slowly rose to a sitting positions. "Oh man" she moaned, pain coursing through her veins.

The last thing she remembered was jumping in after Heather..... Wait...


Astrid jumped up but tripped as soon as she did and landed on her stomach. She groaned and rolled over to she what see tripped over. It was Heather.

Astrid scrambled over to her friend and placed her ear near her chest.

Oh thank Thor.

Her heart was still beating.

Astrid breathed a sigh of relief. She looked around, wondering where the heck she was. She was on a beach, she noticed. It was a tropical island, with lots of palm trees. A small coo came from the water. Astrid turned around and was shocked at what she saw.

A blue seashocker was laying half in the ocean and half on the sand. What stood out to Astrid was the tiniest scar on its back. "Wait" she mused and walked towards its. "It's that"?

It was. The same scar from Stormfly's spine all those weeks ago. This was the same seashocker from the cove. This dragon must have saved her life.

Astrid had reached the dragon by now. She slowly kneeled down in front of it. "Thank you" she whispered. She shakily reached out her hand and let it brush along the blue scales. Two heads rubbed against her hand and she smiled.

If it wasn't for them, she would have drowned. And what even was that, that had knocked her out?! Some crazy fireball?!



And Hiccup!

"Oh man" Astrid groaned. "Hiccups probably worried sick by now". She turned back to the seashocker. "Think you could help me out here"?

The dragon cooed in response, which Astrid could only assume meant yes. She smiled and scratched its head.

Thinking of Hiccup, Astrid remembered his note. She went to grab it, but gave up when she realized that it was probably laying at the bottom of the ocean.

She turned back to the seashocker, who was looking at her curiously. She smiled and laughed a little. "I still remember reading for the first time" she told the dragon, who seamed to be listing. "I didn't know he could rhyme"!

She smiled to herself before reciting the letter, which she had memorized.


Your hair shines like the sun

Your eyes are as pretty as the sky,

Sometimes I wonder what is between you and I,

Three years later, and I'm finally writing these words on paper,

That I have feelings for you
Do you?

Ok, you know what, this is going nowhere! I can't do poetry! My question is, will you go out with me?

Astrid's smile grew as she finished the letter. She had finally got over the shock of what he said, er, wrote. And it always warmed her heart.

"Well" a voice said. "Are you going to say yes"?

Astrid whipped her head around. Just as she had feared, Heather was standing there, her arms crossed, a sly smirk on her face.

Astrid cringed. "You just heard all of that, didn't you"?

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