Chapter 34

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Astrid and Heather were having a hard time keeping their cool with Estie. She was whining non stop about the stupidest things. Finally Heather had enough.

"Will you please shut up" Heather blurted. "Seriously your driving me insane"! Estie's eyes narrowed. "Oh really, you think I wanna be here! This is one of the last things I want to do"!

Astrid cut in. "Well could you at least keep quite! It's only a matter of time before someone finds us"!

"Too late".

All three girls froze at the sound of the voice. Without even turning around they knew who it was. Especially Estie. Her face went white.

They slowly turned around and just as they thought Viggo was standing there, leaning on his sword. Estie gulped. If he wanted her gone before, he probably wanted her dead now.

Viggo turned to Astrid and Heather. "You know, I only need one necklace. Give it to me and I'll let your friends free".

Estie panicked. "No, for the love of Thor don't do it"!

Viggo turned to glare at her. "Oh so now your helping the dragon riders. Same. Grandfather would certainly not be proud".

Something inside Estie snapped. She was sick of Viggo treating her like dirt, like she was a useless piece of trash. She felt her fear shrink and be replaced by anger.

"Enough" she shouted, startling Astrid and Heather. Estie was furious. "Viggo you can't go around pretending like your better than everyone! Because your not! And we don't how grandfather would feel but I do know this! You shouldn't have been chief. Let's get this straight. Your only chief because you were closets to Grandfather at the time! Your a horrible chief, a horrible friend and a horrible brother! I've put up with you for sixteen years in the hopes that one day you would except me! But I can see what a waste of time that was! You never cared about anyone but yourself! You don't care about me! You don't care about Dagur! You don't care about Ryker! You clearly don't care about all the people and dragons you've killed! What is wrong with you Viggo Grimborn"?!

Any trace of fear was gone. Estie was furious at him and wasn't afraid to show it. She was done being afraid of Viggo. She was her own person. Not some slave to Viggo.

Heather and Astrid stood their in shock, as Estie glared at Viggo, her fists balled. Viggo seemed pretty surprised too. She had never snapped like that. Ever.

Astrid gulped. What was he going to do now? As if he read her mind, Astrid watched Viggo's knuckled turn white around his sword.

Oh no.

Viggo walked forward, raising his sword. Astrid felt like she was glued to her spot. Viggo neared Estie who didn't do so much as flinch. Viggo's eyes turned to slits. "Big mistake" he growled.

"So what"! Estie demanded. "The only mistake I ever made was being a part of this dumb tribe"!

That only spiked Viggo's temper. "That's it"! He yelled and raised his sword.

Astrid felt powerless to move. She could only watch as Viggo swung his sword towards the girl who only stood there.

Everything seemed to go in slow motion as the sword neared Estie's neck. But suddenly something happened.

A purple plasma blast struck the sword and sent it flying out of Viggo's hand and landed by Heathers feet, who instantly grabbed it.

Estie gasped and placed her hand on her chest. She was still alive!

Viggo was furious. "What" he yelled. "What's this"!

"Hey Viggo"!

All four heads turned to the sky where six dragons soared over head. Astrid and Heather broke into smiles. Astrid grabbed Estie, and hauled her up onto Stormfly. Then the two dragons took to the sky to join the other riders and Stoick and Dagur (yes Dagur!).

Hiccup flew up next to Astrid. "Couldn't let you have all the fun" he smirked before Toothless dove towards the ground.

By now dragon hunters were rushing into the scene, firing arrows and rocks from the catapults. The dragons riders needed no further instructions.

The twins let out a huge line a gas and Belch lit it up, causing a massive explosion, causing several hunters to fall.

"Get up" Viggo shouted furiously. Ryker ha decided to join him. He held up his arm for protection as Hookfang blasted him with fire. "What's going on" he gasped.

Viggo shoved Ryker away. "Just do something" he yelled angrily. Ryker snarled at him, but alas drew his sword.

Meanwhile Astrid Hiccup and the other riders continued to fight off the dragon hunters. Heather didn't join them for a moment. "Dagur" she shouted as Sparky flew by. He stopped and Dagur turned around. "Look, if this is the time where we make up and that cheesy family stuff, can we do it later"?

Heather grinned. She nodded and dove down to help her friends.

Viggo was getting furious. He was loosing men left and right! Viggo knuckles were white. How did the others get loose. Probably that stupid beetle shaped dragon. He really needed a new army.

A solider fell by his feet. His eyes narrowed. Pretty soon he wouldn't have an army! Not now anyway, the majority of his men were just unconscious!

He ducked as a blast of lightning struck right next to him. Oh when he got his hands on Dagur! He should have killed him when he had the chance!

"Hey Viggo" Dagur shouted from the air. Viggo only turned to look, his face as hard as stone.

Dagur held up something in his hand and waved it around. "Looking for this"?!

Viggo's mouth dropped and he instantly went for his own saddle bag and frantically duh through it. No, it couldn't be.

The dragon eye was gone and in Dagur's hands.

Hey guys......

I had some sad family problems today, but I still plan to update.

One more night!!!!!!

But where the heck is the trailer?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


For FirstBookworm : I know! The new season is so close and I'm dying over here!!!! Also: girl power forever! I'm going to get some more action with those three.

For Tuffnut_and_Chicken : So true!!! That picture with their fingers touching was impossible to miss😂! I was all over any social media app😂!

For mehansa12 : Thanks, and I watched the clip on Instagram under #racetotheedge. If you don't have Instagram I'm pretty sure it's ok Facebook by now or tumblr.

For @michellepar2018: I watched them on Instagram under #racetotheedge but three of the four clips are on Berk's grapevine and the campfire one if probably on Facebook and/or tumblr.

For @braixenStormfly: Lol, I don't think it'd be amnesia but I can just already hear Hiccups awkward laugh😂

Time left:

Dreamworks Daily Quote:
All hail Mala, Queen defender of the wing! ~ Throck

Ps: Mal in Spanish means bad😱

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