Chapter 17

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Hiccup was even more determined then ever. He sat on top of Toothless waiting for Dagur to be ready. He watched Dagur mount up and he stole a glance at Astrid who flashed him a smile. He smiled back at her and tightened his grip on Toothless's reins. I can do this he thought. He smirked and positioned his leg so it opened Toothless's tail.

"Alright" Heather stepped forward. "Snotlout and the twins are hiding in different places around the island, each loaded with colorful bags of paint. Not my idea" she glared at Fishlegs. "Anyway, you have to do five laps around the island without getting hit. If you get hit your out. Also, you can only be five feet above the trees. Anyway questions"?

"Actually" Dagur spoke up but Heather didn't care. "Great no questions" she rose her voice. "On you marks, get set, go"!

Hiccup and Dagur blasted into the sky, each determined to win. Astrid stepped up next to Heather, both girls watching the riders. Astrid smiled. "Dagur's gonna get creamed". Heather grinned. "Yep".

Meanwhile Hiccup and Dagur shot across the outer perimeter of the island. Hiccup never realized how many trees there were. He weaved Toothless in and out of the branches, while Dagur just had Sparky blast everything in sight.

"Whoa"! Hiccup shouted as a blast of red paint flew past him. He turned to see Snotlout reloading his crossbow. No way Hiccup was sticking around. He had Toothless get the heck out of there before Snotlout could fire again.

One lap down.

Dagur never got out of twenty feet from Hiccup. He had to admit that Skrill was fast. But Toothless was faster.

Two laps down.

"Whoa! Hey" Hiccup shouted back when a blast of lightning narrowly missed his head. "It was his idea" Dagur retorted. Hiccup rolled his eyes and tried to focus on the race. Toothless was not having it.

"Hey"! Hiccup gasped and Toothless did a front flip, firing at Dagur as he did so. Dagur barley managed to duck. He gritted his teeth at Hiccup and had Sparky fire again.

Three laps down.

Hiccup swerved in and out of Dagur's blasts. This was getting out of hand. So was Toothless. He took every chance he got to fire back at Dagur, who would always return it. Hiccup groaned. He needed to think of something. It was also hard to avoid Snotlout and the twins firing. That had almost lead him to crashing into a tree.

And a rock.

And the ocean.

Four laps down.

Dagur was closing in on him. And he was getting closer. Hiccup gulped. His eyes narrowed as he saw he was getting closer to where the twins were stationed. He had a feeling they wouldn't hold back. That's when he remembered his shield started to his back. Astrid had brought it back on Stormfly.

A lightbulb went off in his brain. He pulled the shield off his back and set it to crossbow mode. "Alright bud" he murmured. "Let's do this".

He steered Toothless straight into the trees, a horrible idea really, but his only shot. He neared the twins, who were crouched down, waiting for their prey. That's when Tuff spotted Hiccup.

"What the"! He exclaimed but Toothless had already shot by.

"Mind if I borrow this" Hiccup called and snatched up a sack of paint and quickly loaded it into his shield. He blasted out of the twins hiding space and back above the island. Dagur had gotten a lead on him by now, and the finish line was approaching.

It was now or never.

Hiccup aimed his shield. He pulled back on the strings and released the arrow.

It soared through the air at lightning speed, straight towards Dagur. Hiccup kept his eyes on the scenes as Toothless pressed on. The arrow neared Dagur.

Hiccup held his breath.

The arrow struck Dagur right in the back of his head. Green paint exploded around his head, making him pause mid-air, allowing Hiccup to pass him.

"You don't look good with green hair either" Hiccup shouted back to Dagur, who yelled and fury and shot after him. But it was no use.

Hiccup crossed the finish line.

Hiccup was the winner.

Hiccup had the title of best dragon rider.

Hiccup couldn't keep the smile off his face as Toothless landed. He pumped his fist in the air in victory. "Yes" he shouted to no one in particular. "I did it! I won"!

He didn't sound like he was bragging. Although he really wanted to. Dagur landed next to him, his arms crossed. "Fine whatever"! He huffed. "Good race brother".

Hiccup wasn't sure if he was imagining it or not, but he thought he saw a smile on Dagur's face. He grinned and hopped of Toothless and walked up to Dagur. He held out his hand. "Good game" he asked hopefully. Dagur stared strangely at Hiccups hand.

"Hey" Hiccup said. "My arms getting tired". Dagur couldn't help but roll his eyes. But he grabbed Hiccups hand and shook it. "Good game".


Estie stepped up on the platform of the stables and scanned the sky, her arms crossed. She frowned at the setting sun.

She hadn't seen Astrid all day. Herby stepped up next to her. "Maybe she just went for a flight" he argued. "She does that, doesn't she"!

Estie rolled her eyes. "Your an idiot" she turned around and went to slap him, but he managed to duck, just in time. "She knows your not the real Hiccup"!

Herby scoffed. "Please! Do you remember that summer I spent studying theater"?!

Estie turned around to glare at him. "Get you money back" she snarked then turned back to face the sky. "She knows something's up. She must have gone to tell her friends". She gritted her teeth. "All because you can't act"! She snarled at Herby, as she turned to face him. "Seriously! You blew it"!

She huffed and turned back to the sinking sun. "She knows" she muttered. "We need to tell Viggo".

So yeah... That's up.

Ummmmm I don't know what to say.....

I love spring break!

Rant time:
People on Instagram say the the new season is coming out July 15th! Like 1) Dreamwork's isn't even sure on the real release date (not cool 😑) and 2) Dreamwork's actually posted that there counting down the the 22nd! Like WTF! Can't you people count!


Soooo Hiccups and Dagur little friendship scene. Don't know where that came from.....

Well, for FirstBookworm : Hiccstrid for life! There will defiantly be more Hiccstrid💗!
Also Herby has the Iq of Snotlout and Tuffnut combined (not very smart! 😂)! So he buys all the crap Astrid tells him. Lol. Estie in the other hand, is smarter than she is credited for..... I have a huge plot twist with her planned.... Thanks for the awesome comments!:)

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