Chapter 29

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Hiccup sat in Viggo's tent, his hands tied to his chair, in case he had any thoughts of escape. Hiccup was leaning back in his chair, extremely board. Viggo had dragged him in here about half an hour ago, because Hiccup loosing in real life maces and talons wasn't enough, Hiccup was now playing the real board game with Viggo.

Hiccup honestly wasn't trying. He was just looking for anything that could help him or Heather escape. It still slightly bothered him Astrid wanted Heather to get out before the others. Why her? He understood that Astrid and Heather were close, but he thought he and Astrid were closer.

But he trusted her. Hiccup trusted Astrid with his life! It bothered him, but he trusted her.

Hiccup sighed and tried to loosen the grip the rope had on his hands. Man Viggo had a way with knots!

"Hey Hiccup, how's it's going"?

Hiccup froze. He knew that voice all to well.

He whipped around and his mouth dropped open! Sometimes he couldn't stand the viking in front of him, but he had never been more happy to see him.

"Tuffnut"! Hiccup blurted. "How"?!

Tuffnut shrugged. "I got bored sitting in the cage so I jammed my helmet in the lock and it popped open! Isn't that great"!

Hiccup laughed. "Tuff that's amazing! Now get over here and untie me".

Tuffnut shrugged, undid Hiccups ropes and Hiccup lept to his feet (er, foot) and rubbed his hands. "Oh thank Thor" he mumbled. "That hurt".

He turned back to the idiotic viking. "Did you let the others out"? Tuffnut looked confused. "Why would I do that"? Hiccup closed his eyes and slapped his forehead. There were also multiple reasons to hate this guy!

Hiccups head snapped up when he heard talking. Two men. Hiccup identified them in a flash.

Ryker and Viggo.

And by the sound of their growing voices, they were walking in their direction!

"What's this"! Ryker bellowed. "One of them got out"!

This was not good....

Hiccup glanced nervously at Tuffnut. They were basically trapped! That's when Tuffnut shoved Hiccup behind Viggo's desk. Hiccup knew this was a stupid plan. But what choice did he have?

Hiccup sensed Viggo enter the tent. And he wasn't happy. "Curse you Haddock"! Viggo snapped angrily. "I wouldn't be surprised if it was my good for nothing ex sister"!

Hiccups eyes widened. Sister he mouthed to Tuffnut, who only shrugged. Viggo stormed from the tent, barking orders to find the two "rouge" riders.

Once he was gone, Hiccup slowly peaked over the desk. "I'd say we have five minutes. We have to think of something quick".

"We could always swim for it" Tuffnur suggested, picking at his nails. Hiccup had the urge to face palm again. There were times when Tuffnut drove you completely crazy!

"Tuff, that's a stupid idea" Hiccup hissed. "One, we can't breath under water! Two, Is there even a path to the ocean? Three, if there is, I highly doubt we can hold our breath that long"!

"Well Astrid must be able to" Tuffnut argued. "How'd she survive! Hey, maybe it's a dragon rider thing. Maybe we can do that now"!

Tuffnut jumped up, but Hiccup tackled him to the floor. "Are you crazy" Hiccup snapped. "And I don't know how Astrid is surviving but we certainly can't breath underwater! We have to come up with a better plan"!

"Do you now"?

Both boys slowly looked up at the sound of the new voice and any hope Hiccup had vanished. "Viggo" he laughed nervously. "We still up for maces and talons"?


"What happened to you" Dagur asked Ryker as he walked by with a block of ice against his head. Ryker groaned. "My stupid sister" he moaned. Dagur's eyes widened. Ryker sighed. "You know, the redhead from yesterday".

"That's you sister" Dagur blurted. "She looks nothing like you"! Ryker shrugged. "I know. But she wanted to kill some dragon and I went with her".

Ryker kept the part about the dragon being the Dark Spot and the fact that it killed his grandfather to himself. He still wasn't very found of Dagur. He was quite annoying.

"So what happened to you" Dagur asked again. He was getting slightly impatient.

"The beast smashed into the mast and part of it broke and before I could move it hit me". Ryker didn't add it knocked him out. That was just another blow to his pride. He decided to change the subject. "Where's you sparky lizard"?

"Viggo caged him up for the time being" Dagur said quietly. His face drained of any emotion. He paused before continuing. "Where's your sister"?

Ryker shrugged. "She was gone when I woke up. The dragon too. I wouldn't be surprised it it was at the bottom of the ocean. I have no clue where my sister is".

"She isn't our sister anymore".

Dagur and Ryker looked up as Viggo approached them. Ryker looked confused. "What do you mean"?

Viggo's face was hard as stone. "I cut her off from the family. She is no longer on of us". The was all Viggo said. He walked off, his face never showing any change.

Dagur stared in the direction he left. "You just let him disown your sister" he snapped at Ryker. "Are you crazy"?!

Ryker snarled at him and Dagur took a small step back. "Since when do you care about what happens to sisters" Ryker said harshly, then walked away without looking back.

Dagur watched him leave, his words echoing in his head. His hand ran over one of his newest scars, that for once wasn't his fault. He turned to look in the direction of where Heather was caged up. He felt something in his chest he couldn't explain. Just ignore it he thought miserably. One slip up and that's it!

Dagur sighed and walked off.

Hhhhiiii people👋

I totally bombed the last six pointer on my geometry regents😂! I guessed on all three parts😂😂! They couldn't have given us a super hard trig question! I at least know how to do those😂!

Guess I'll be taking it again in August... Lol.


For FirstBookworm : No prob for the shoutouts! Oh my Thor Race to the Edge is so close and I start ranting about it to anyone I see😂! I need those episodes now! If I had to pick a dragon I would go with the Buffalord cause it sounds like the dragon riders need it for a cure for Astrid so that probably means Hiccstrid!💗

For Tuffnut_and_Chicken : Lol, I'm always on social media (watpadd included) cause people on their, actually like the show! And I get lectured for always being on my phone and I'm just like: well who else am I supposed to talk to about RTTE😂👏?

Time left:
5⃣ Days
4⃣ hours
3⃣6⃣ minutes

Dreamworks Daily quote:
Hiccup Haddock! Let's talk this out, like men! ~ Ryker

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