Chapter 5

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Heather was having trouble seeing in the storm that was raging in front of her. "Are you sure this is safe" Fishelgs called over the wind. "Not at all" she shot back, turning Fishlegs white as a ghost. A bolt of lightning struck from behind and as fate would have it, struck Toothless's artificial tail-fin.

"Windshear" Heather yelled and she plummeted with the night fury down to the rocky mountain below her. "Help"! Windshear shot after her rider and saved both her and Toothless just before the two crashed into rocks. Windshear brought them safely down to a small ledge on the mountain and as luck would have it, there a cave waiting for them. Fishlegs was quick to land next to her. "Are you alright" he asked, the obvious worry in his voice.

"I think so" Heather brushed herself off. She was about to say something when another voice echoed through the air. "Heather? Fishlegs"? Heather whirled around and was the most surprised person on earth to see Astrid of all people in the cave. Her mouth fell open as she stared at her blond friend. Then she ran up and hugged her, which Astrid returned. "What are you doing here" they both asked at the exact same time when they pulled apart.

Heather went first. "I went to dragons edge to check on you guys and when we couldn't find you I decided to come and search for you. What are you doing in this weather"?! Astrid gulped, dreading to answer the question. But she didn't have too.

Before she could answer Dagur walked over, Soarky following. "Hey what's going..." His voice died in his throat when he saw his sister. Heather was at a loss for words as well. Her brother?! With the Skrill?! Her mouth fell open again and she turned to Astrid, believing she was dreaming. Astrid cringed and looked at the floor.

"I went to find you this morning. When I couldn't I had to rest on a nearby island which happened to be Viggo's base. There I watched him toss Dagur in a cage and take off on his ship. And now that the dragon hunters know what he did for you, they consider him a traitor. And I couldn't just let him die. So when Viggo left I let him free and dragged him here so he could train his own dragon. Yeah I know, I'm crazy! But the dragon hunters don't trust him now so we might as well recruit him for our side". Astrid was slightly out of breath when she finished. She prayed to the gods Heather wouldn't be mad, because she was her best friend.

Heather closed her mouth and eyes, taking all the information in. She sucked in a deep breath before ironing her eyes and turning to her brother. "Look Dagur. I know we have our differences. But if Astrid is right and your gonna train this dragon" she nodded towards the Skrill, I'll help. But you better not turn on us. Your going to help us take down the dragon hunters. Deal"?! She held out her hand.

Astrid couldn't have been more relived. Heather wasn't mad! And from the looks of things, the Skrill was warming up to Dagur.

Dagur was hesitant before slowly extending his hand and shaking his sisters hand. Astrid and Heather shared a small smile before Fishlegs finally spoke. "Umm I hate to ruin this moment, but what are we gonna do when the storm stops? How exactly do you think the rest of the gang would react to this" he waved his hands towards Dagur and the Skrill.

Astrid grinned. "Oh don't worry. I know a place we can stay".

Hiccups mind raced with possible escape plans. All of which would fail because the required the use of his arms, and impossible task with them all tied up and to a wall.

He heard more footsteps approaching and couldn't help but roll his eyes. He looked up and this time his eyes widened and his mouth fell open. "How" he spluttered in utter shock.

He was looking at two people. Viggo and another boy. Only the boy looked EXACTLY like him! The same tunic, the same leather armor, the same hair, the same facial features! The only difference was that his left foot was covered up by a boot that once again, matched Hiccups.

"How did you do that" Hiccup gasped as he looked at his twin who was smirking down at him. Even the small scar under his chin! What was going on! Viggo smirked and wrapped his arm around the boys shoulders. "This is Herby. Makes a pretty good Hiccup doesn't he"?!

"What are you doing this for" Hiccup spat, hardly believing his eyes. Viggo picked at his nails. "Herby here is going to break Astrid's heart". He snapped his fingers and a young woman, about Hiccups age stepped into the room. She had bright long flowing red hair and dark brown eyes that could burn a hole in you. "This is Estie. Once Herby breaks Astrid's heart by flirting with Estie, your team falls apart and it'll be easy to get those dragon eye lenses".

"Leave Astrid out of this" Hiccup snapped angrily. "This is between me and you"! "Is it" Viggo asked innocently. "If I remember correctly, you told Astrid to leave you alone and go punch the twins right? Not in the nicest time I might add".

Hiccup just glared. But that was the problem. Astrid was probably still mad at him. And yes, he felt awful about what he did. He was just upset. But if Herby tricked her and broke her heart, Astrid would never speak to him again and their whole world would fall apart.

Hiccup could only watch helplessly as the three of the exited the room, putting their plan into action.

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