Chapter 33

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Stoick walked out of the forge with Gobber and headed towards the great hall for some dinner. It was late and no one was out on the streets. Everyone was in there homes or in the hall.

"'Ey Stoick" Gobber said as he eyed the sky. "Isn't that the Skrill"? "What" Stoick gasped and whipped around, drawing his axe. He defiantly didn't want that crazy purple beast tearing up his house again! That had taken forever to fix.

The Skrill landed in front of the two Vikings and Stoick's and Gobber's mouth both dropped open as its rider stepped off.

"Dagur" Gobber blurted. "You do know the Skrill isn't not trying to kill you right"? It was no secret that Dagur and the Skrill didn't get along.

Dagur rolled his eyes. "No, really I hadn't noticed" his voice oozed sarcasm. Stoick's grip tightened on his axe. "What do you want here" he demanded.

Dagur raised his hands. "Look in not here for trouble" he defended. "For once". Stoick didn't budge. Dagur placed his hands on his hips. "Well fine, if you don't want to know that some lunatic dragon Hunter has your son and his friends trapped waiting their death I won't tell you"!

Stoick's eyes grew wide. "What" he gasped. "Where"?!

Dagur smirked. "Well now that I have your attention".


Astrid, Heather and Estie hauled themselves over the railing of the ship, panting to catch their breath. "Man" Estie panted. "Now I see why Ryker was so tired". The Dark Spot had been on another ship, which wasn't as tall as the one they were.

"Stay here" Estie sighed. "I'll get your dragon". Astrid glared. "Why can't we come"? Estie looked back at Astrid. "This ships is crawling with traps. I know how to deal with them. Now which ones are yours"?

Astrid sighed and told Estie and watched her disappear beneath the deck. It was quite for a minute before Heather spoke. "Hey I've been thinking" she said quietly. "What if Dagur changed sides again"?

Astrid let her arms drop. "I don't know. Do you really think he's on our side"? "I don't know" Heather answered. "I mean, I've seen he's got a lot of news scars recently and I don't know if that's his fault or not. Maybe he... I don't know"?

Astrid placed her hand on Heathers shoulder. "I get, you want a real brother" she smiled slightly. "But until we know for sure, we have to be careful. Besides, right now I would like to see the rest of the gang alive again".

Heather grinned. "Yeah, that'd be nice". It was at that moment Estie reappeared Stormfly and Windshear following.

Heather and Astrid shirked in delight and ran forward, ecstatic to see their dragons, each muttered that they miss them.

"Blah, blah, blah" Estie yawned. "You got your dragons and the necklaces are out of Viggo's clutches. Can I go now"?

Astrid stepped away from her huddle with Stormfly. "No. Your going to help us free our friends". "Why" Estie whined. "I freed you" she pointed at Heather, "and the dragons! That's quite enough goods deeds for me thank you"!

"I'll give my necklace to Viggo" Astrid threatened. Estie gasped. "You wouldn't".

"Try me".

Estie glared at Astrid for a long time. At long last she gave in. "Ugh fine" she huffed. "But only because I don't want Viggo to ruin my life even more. This has nothing to do with my concern for you"!

Heather mounted her dragon. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just hurry up". Estie sighed and reluctantly climbed up on the nearest dragon, which happened to be Stormfly. "Just don't get me killed" she muttered as the two dragons rose into the air.

"Don't give me ideas" Astrid mumbled under her breath.


"Stoick are we really going to trust Dagur" Gobber whispered from where he was seated behind Stoick on Skullcrusher as they soared over the open ocean. "I mean, he is called deranged for a reason"!

Stoick sighed. He didn't trust Dagur as far as he could them him but he was worried about Hiccup. And besides. Dagur was riding the Skrill! If that wasn't a red flag for that fact that he changed, Stoick didn't know what was.

"We'll still be careful" he answered low enough so Dagur didn't here, who was flying a couple yards away. "But if Hiccups in danger were doing the right thing".

Gobber nodded and remained quite for the rest of the ride.


Viggo watched three girls sprint across the islands shore line. Not just any three girls.

Only Heather, the blond (who's name he never learned and his good for nothing ex sister. "Oh Estie" he clicked his tongue. "Your really pathetic. So much for never wanting to see me again".

He frowned as two dragons rushed after the girls. "Great" Viggo sighed, then removed his sword. "Guess if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself".



We get some Astrid and Heather warrior moments👏! Yas! Can they please be rescuing Hiccup? The girls need to do some reducing for once!

Ok guys you are going to get some serious updates tomorrow. Probably one after another! So I might just reply to cents instead of shoutouts.... Cause there's only two more night!!!!!!!


Which clip did you guys love more? The campfire or triple stryke?


For Tuffnut_and_Chicken : If I was caught my mom would take my phone away till morning then I'd get it back. Also, no prob! If I'm being honest I usually find the pictures and stuff under hashtags on instagram😂👏! There a really good source for info! (Cause everyone posts the same thing when something new is out).

Time left:
1⃣ Day (YES!)
4⃣ minutes

Dreamworks Daily Quote:
Hiccup can we keep him? We already know his poop doesn't smell, and he doesn't even act like it! Not like Ruffnur who acts like her poop doesn't smell ~ Tuffnut

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