Chapter 21

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"Hiccup"! Astrid shouted as she ran up to him. She just had to ask him about that letter. She just had to know.

Hiccup turned around as she ran up. "What's up" he asked. He really hoped it wasn't about that note. He still couldn't believe Heather gotten her hands on it! And when has she gotten her hands on it?!

Astrid placed her hands over her stomach. "It's just" she stammered. "I um-".

"What" Hiccup asked softly.

Astrid gulped. It was time to ask him. "Did you really mean what-"

But she was cut off.

"Hiccup"! Heather shouted and rushed up to where the two were standing. "I've got horrible news"!

"What"?! Hiccup asked alarmed. Heather pointed out towards the horizon. Astrid and Hiccup followed her finger.

"No"! Hiccup gasped.

He could clearly see the insignia of the dragon hunters, on their sail, slowly sailing towards the island.

"Dragons" Hiccup barked. "Now"!

Astrid and Heather nodded and took off running. Hiccup faced the horizon again and gulped. He wasn't ready. His hands turned to fists and his knuckles slowly began to turn white.

"I'm not going to loose to you again Viggo"! He growled quietly. "Not this time"!


Viggo watched as his base came into view. His arms were crosses behind his back, a smug look on his face. He turned to face to dragon trapped in the cage behind him. "Why the sad look" he said calmly. The dragon snarled at him. "Oh well" Viggo shrugged. "I guess you'll warm up to us later".

Estie walked back up next to him. "Alright Viggo" she snapped. "Finally got all the mud off"! Viggo smirked. "They do say mud is good for your skin".

Estie glared at him. "Whatever. My question is, how are going to get the other lens. You think Herby would have accidentally spilled it".

"I was counting on it" Viggo began to walk away. Estie ran after him. "What do you mean"? Viggo stopped to face her. "Hiccup knows by now that we want the lens. So he'll be keeping a close eye on them. We re supply here and then head for the edge. I'll deal with him there".

"And do Ryker or I get a say" Estie demanded. Viggo continued to walk away. "Should you"? Estie's mouth dropped. Rude! However she didn't get a chance to answer.

"Dragons riders"!

She whipped around to see six dragons flying towards them. She narrowed her eyes. She was going to prove to Viggo she was just as skilled dragon Hunter as he was. She turned and ran down below the deck where Viggo had kept the jars he found.

She snatched the nearest one, which happened the be red and ran back up to the main deck.

By the time she got up there arrows were already being fired and well as flaming rocks, not to mention the dragons blasts. Estie watched and the dragon riders did their best to avoid the arrows, barley escaping.

She quickly opened the jar, dabbed her fingers in it and flicked them towards the nearest dragon rider.

It was Heather.

She was mad that she was still alive. Estie was about to get even. She excitedly watched as the fireball shot towards Heather at rocket speed.

Heather didn't have time to react. She was pushed from her dragon and plummeted towards the ocean.

"Help"! Heather screamed as she fell. Estie smirked as she splashed into the water.

"Heather"! Someone shouted from the air. Estie watched the blond jump straight off her dragon and dive down into the water after Heather.

"What an idiot". Estie laughed then fired another fireball just where the blond had vanished. "Bye bye" Estie snickered as another no filled the air.

Estie turned to see a night fury (yes a night fury) diving straight towards the water. "Not on my watch" Estie gritted her teeth. She fired one last fireball at the dragon which forced both of them (the dragon and rider) to crash into the ocean.

A net was thrown from nearby, catching both of them. Estie turned to see Viggo leaning smugly against the catapult. "You weren't so bad" he commented. "But you could still use some work".

Viggo turned to pull the night fury up on the deck. Hiccup was coughing and spluttering. His eyes narrowed at Viggo and his mouth turned to a scowl.

"Why the look" Viggo asked sweetly. "I thought we had so much fun playing maces and talons".

"What happened to the girls" he demanded angrily. Estie scoffed and walked over. "Well dragon master. They sleep with the fishes"!

Hiccups eyes widened. He whipped his eyes back to the sea. "No" he whispered, horrified at the thought. Ryker walked up to join them. "Well if it isn't Hiccup" he taunted. "You know, I always wondered what I could get for a night fury".

Hiccup was furious. "Just you try" he gritted through his teeth.

"Enough" Viggo snapped. He opened his mouth but was cut off when a loud crash came from the front of the boat. Viggo turned and smirked at the sight of all six captured dragons. "Put them in a cell" he commanded. He then turned to Hiccup and smirked. "Your coming with me".


Two sets of eyes watched as two girls slowly sank to the bottom of the ocean. Each were out cold. Little chance of surviving. One head turned to the other and nodded. They turned and swam after the girls.



Only 41 more days!!!!!!!!

I literally screamed in delight!!!!

You guys don't know how happy I am. This better be true or I will cry.

JUNE 24th is rumored to be the new release date! A whole month earlier that what Dreamworks was counting down too!!!!!!!!!


Well at least I hope it's true 😂👏

For FirstBookworm : i know your waiting for the letter! I promise it'll be in the next chapter😂 I'm sorry!!!! I actually still need to write it, but I will get it in the next chapter! And the dragon hunters are planning something big. I can tell you that! But they need the other dragon eye lens thought....

For Tuffnut_and_Chicken : I feel your pain!!!!!! I'm gonna be at my dads a lot this summer and I can't watch Netflix there cause it skyrockets our bill! It's horrible😱😰! Lol, but hopefully the episodes are released June 24th. The countdown is on Berk's grape vine and I really hopes its true 👍. Also, you wanna get me a gift in France...... Jk! 😂 have fun!

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