Hazel Finds Out

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A/N: This is just a one shot when Hazel finds out Nico is gay. I'll probably continue the Royals AU tomorrow or Monday.

Now, now, dirty minds. They are JUST MAKING OUT. I repeat JUST MAKING OUT. It is not going to go ANY further. I don't write smut. Especially between two boys and I'm a girl. I HARDLY (😜)(sorry inside joke if my friend reads this) know what goes on during that. So, ya.

Anywho, on to the one shot! Enjoy!

All Nico's POV

"You know, Hazel's visiting today." I said. Will and I are sitting on the edge of the bed in my cabin, talking.

"Are you... ya know... gonna tell her about us?" Will asked. He was biting his lip.

"I mean, she's my sister. I love her. Even though she's from the 1940's, I don't think she could stop loving me. Well, I mean, I've heard the stories where your parents don't accept you and kick you out of the house, but we've been through so much." I rambled on and on. "I just think that she wouldn't mind. Who even knows what her views on it were back when she was alive in the 40s? I'm almost sure that-" Will kisses me to cut me off.

"I think that you should maybe stop talking about it, because you can't predict the future."

"Oh ya, son of Apollo? What about the oracle then?"

"I meant you as in you. Not you as in anyone."

"Sorry. My mistake. It's just that you seem to come up with a lot of deep philosophical sayings that "apply to everyone" a lot." I smirked.

"Why thank you! It must be the poet in me." Will threw a hand over his heart, swelling with fake pride.

"Yeah, yeah, Sunshine." I rolled my eyes and giggled.

Yeah, I giggled. Don't make a big deal out of it. Will makes me happier. Much happier.

I laid down on the bed, and closed my eyes. Not even half a second later, I felt the weight of the bed shift, and Will was standing over me, holding his hands near my sides.

"TICKLE FIGHT!" He started tickling me in the sides and up to my armpits. I was laughing uncontrollably. If I could just reach his mouth, I could probably stop him in an instant. Am I stronger than him? With a sword, absolutely. But the size difference....

Nonetheless, I reached my hands up to his chest (with a lot of difficulty) and attempted to shove him off me. Which didn't work.

"Ok, W-Will s-stop!" I said between laughs. I was crying now.

"Alright, Death Boy. What do you want to do then? Until your sister gets here."

I smiled slyly. "How about... This?" I stood up off the bed and brought my lips to his. He backed up and was leaning against the wall, me practically on top of him.

I laced my fingers in his hair, and deepened the kiss. We stayed kissing for almost 5 more minutes.

I guess we didn't hear the door open. But someone dropped something, and Will and I broke apart in an instant. I turned around. Standing there was my sister, redder than I've ever seen her before.

"Oh gods, guys! I'm so sorry I interrupted! I'll just leave and come back later."

I thought she would be surprised, at least. "Wait. Why aren't you... mad? Or even surprised?"

"Mad? Why would I be mad? Surprised? Jason let the whole "Solangelo" deal get out. To both camps. Entirely. Oh by the way, Reyna's happy for you."

"Solangelo? What the hell is a Solangelo?"

"It's a ship name. Between your last names. Jason fangirls hard (😜 inside joke again) about you guys. All he talks about is you guys and your relationship. It's gotten to the point that the only person who will listen to him talk about you guys is Percy, your other fangirl. Oh, and the entire Aphrodite cabin. Well, minus Piper. She's a little tired of it."

"Fangirl? Solangelo? I'm still confused."

"I'll explain it to you later, Death Boy." Will seemed to think this whole situation was funny. How is it funny that both camps know about us?

"Um. Ok."

"Yeah, why don't you go hang out with your sister for a while?"

"Um. Ok."

I gave Will a quick kiss on the cheek as a goodbye, and left the cabin with my sister, still confused.

A/N: YAY FOR SOLANGELO FLUFF! Sorry the whole kissing scene was short and awkward. But that's how I expect them to be. Awkward. I hope you liked it, Childs!

Peter Pan.

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