Royals AU Part 8

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A/N: Ready? I hope you are ;)

All "Prince" Nico's POV

Crap. Crappity crap crap. I swear, I seem to have the worst luck. All the time, too!

Will's dad, King Apollo, just kind of stood there and stared at us, and we did the same. Apollo was so red in the face, he was starting to turn purple.

Probably about 3 minutes later, Apollo cleared his throat. Then he stared at us for 5 more minutes, then cleared his throat again. Then he started opening and closing his mouth, like he wanted to say something, but he couldn't.

Finally, he leaned down and picked up his crown, and made his way over to Will and me.

At the perfect time, Bianca chose to open the door. (Notice the sarcasm.)

"What's going on? It just got really quiet." Bianca then noticed King Apollo, and attempted to curtsy, but Apollo held up his hand and she stopped.

"William. Solace. What. On. Earth. Do. You. Think. You're. Doing?" King Apollo had finally spoken.

"Your majesty, it was all my-" I attempted to say it was my fault, but Apollo once again held up his hand, cutting me off.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Apollo asked, looking hurt. Will shot me a confused look, and then turned back to his dad.

"Uh, sorry?" Will said, but it came out more like a question.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were gay?" Apollo clarified. He put a hand on Will's shoulder.

"I- what?" Will was utterly confused.

"Will, I'm your dad. I could never not love you. Why didn't you tell me? I wouldn't have arranged this marriage. No offense to you, Bianca."

"None taken, your majesty." Bianca had a playful smile on her lips.

Will gaped at his father, and so did I. We both kind of thought he'd be extremely angry. (Didn't you all think that?)

"You should've told me sooner. I'm disappointed in you, Will. You should've been honest." He turned away and walked back down the stairs.

Will turned to me, with a surprised expression on his face. He looked so shocked, I had to laugh. Soon, Bianca started laughing, too. Then Will lost the expression and cracked up. We were all kind of just standing there, laughing so hard we were starting to cry.

I don't know exactly why we were laughing. Maybe it was just the fact that he looked so angry, but for reasons we didn't even expect. And the relief was so great, it also caused us to laugh.

Now, we were leaning against each other, still laughing. I looked at Bianca, and thought about how much I love her. I looked at Will, and I saw the potential for love, and for a future.

I saw potential for a husband.

A/N: Now, before you get cranky about how unrealistic this is, shut yo mouth, bruh. Because I ain't hearing none of your crap.

Ok, jk, jk. I just kind of thought that 1) Apollo would be supportive (I mean, just because it's an AU doesn't mean I have to change their personalities or anything), 2) I needed to wrap this story up (I mean, seriously, it was getting kind of long).

If you didn't feel that Apollo would've supported them because of the time period, well good for you. I just really only write fluff. Cuz it's cute, and SOLANGELO.

Oh, there will be an epilogue to this story. But this is the last official chapter. Don't worry, there WILL BE AN EPILOGUE! A GREAT ENDING TO THIS GREAT AU! YAY!

Ok, you probably didn't read all that. If you did, you deserve some virtual cookies and a virtual cake. Yay!

Also, I'm 178 reads away from 2k! THX GUYS!

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