Meeting Apollo

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I still have a bit of writers block for the Royals AU. I promise, I will continue it later. I'm going to do a chapter about Nico meeting Apollo, and a chapter about Will meeting Hades.

Ok, enjoy. All Nico's POV.

"Neeks? Are you ready?" Will called from outside the bathroom. Right now I was showering and changing. I was getting ready to meet Apollo. Well, I technically met him when I was 10. But I mean actually meet him, especially now that Will and I are dating.

"Yeah, one second!" I buttoned up a black shirt, slipped on my black converse, and ran my hands through my hair. Will says it looks best when it's unruly and all over the place. That's good, because that just makes it easier for me. I don't have to do my hair.

I walked out of the bathroom, and Will whistled, which made me blush.

"Damn, Nico. You look... Sexy." I turned a bright red at that word. I have never been described as "sexy" before.

"Thanks, Solace. You do too." I told him. He gave me a quick, but deep, kiss on the lips. I grabbed his hand, and we shadow travelled to the Empire State Building.


"Six-hundredth floor, please." Will said to the man at the desk.

"That floor doesn't exist, kiddo." The man explained.

"Well, this is my boyfriend here. Son of Hades, the Ghost King, and also has a Stygian Iron sword that could kill you in an instant. Does the floor exist now?" Will put his sassy tone on. He smiled at the man, but Will was being scary. Sometimes, he had that affect on people.

"Why, yes. The floor does exist now. Here's the keycard." The man scrambled around his desk to find it. He looked downright terrified.

"Wonderful. Thank you." The man at the front desk nodded. We made our way to the elevator, and inserted the keycard. I pressed the 600 button, and we went up.

When we reached the top, I grabbed for Will's hand. He squeezed it, comforting me. I wasn't really nervous, I heard Apollo was very laid back. But, nonetheless, he's a god. And gods can be scary if they want to.

We made our way to the throne room, and sitting there was not only Apollo, but Aphrodite as well.

"AHHHHHH!! It's SOLANGELO!" I'm going to give you a second to guess who that was. Hint, it was not Aphrodite. Will and I both blushed.

"Greatest couple since Percabeth." Aphrodite added.

"How are you guys? Come closer, we won't bite!" Apollo said, and they both turned from giant god into human form.

"Um, I'm good." Will answered. "We're good."

"Nico, I just think you and Will are just the CUTEST couple ever!" Apollo said. "But we need to have a serious conversation." Apollo's voice changed into a serious tone.

"Um, ok." I said and Will nodded.

"Sit, sit." Apollo snapped his fingers and four chairs appeared. Will and I sat down.

"You guys, you have to remember to use protection." Apollo said this in a very stern voice.

I looked at Will, and he was the same color I was turning. Bright red.

"Dad! We haven't even- I don't even- we don't want to- DAD!" Will said, trying to think of what to say.

Aphrodite snickered, and Apollo couldn't keep a straight (haha, get it? Cuz Apollo isn't straight) face anymore. They both burst out laughing.

"Oh, Will, I know. I just wanted to see your reaction." Apollo said, wiping a tear from his eye.

"Here's a APOLLOgy gift." Apollo snapped his fingers, and a small wrapped box appeared in front of us.

"I swear, dad. If that is what I think it is, Nico and I are leaving." Will said.

"Darn. I really wished you would've opened it."

"Goodbye, dad." Will and I left in a rush.

I hope that was at least a little funny.

You should check out my new story, In The Future.

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