Royals AU Epilogue 1

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A/N: The one that everyone's been waiting for...

Prince Nico's POV

I rub my sweaty palms on my suit pants again as Bianca adjusts my collar. She leans and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. She says something, but I don't hear it. I'm too nervous.

I check my hair in the mirror, and my other "bridesmaids" walk in. I say that because they're all girls, and I obviously can't call them groomsmen. Hazel, my recently found long-lost sister (boy does my dad get around), Annabeth, Reyna, Thalia, Lou Ellen, and Piper. Thalia and Reyna are the only female Knights at my father's palace. Annabeth and Piper are the girlfriends of my two best friends, Percy and Jason. They're Will's groomsmen, among others. Lou Ellen is a maid I met at Will's palace. Bianca, my maid of honor, is obviously my sister.

"Ahhhhhhh! I'm so excited for you, Neeks! You're finally getting married! Its been long enough," Hazel says as she kisses me on the cheek.

"I'm so glad your parents were so accepting of you. This is going to be the first gay marriage in the history of the whole country!" Leave it to Annabeth to know all the facts.

"Honestly, I can't even think straight. (When does he ever think straight?) I'm so nervous. Its ridiculous. I'm probably going to trip and mess everything up, or forget my vows. This is going to be a disaster," I say while staring at my feet.

Reyna steps forward and gently lays her hand on my arm. "You'll be fine. He loves you, you love him. You won't mess up. Everything has been leading up to this moment, and you know it's going to go perfectly," she reassures me.

"Hey, at least you have us girls here helping you prepare for the wedding rather than those doofuses Will has with him. I mean seriously, I bet Leo and Percy are telling him exactly how to get in bed with you. Which, btw, is probably going to be really embarrassing if he actually follows their lead. I can assure you, so can Calypso," Annabeth says, rolling her eyes as if remembering exactly what Percy had said.

I didn't make Calypso one of my bridesmaids, instead I made her flower girl. There aren't any young children in either my father's palace or Will's, so we went with an older girl.

"I imagine Will will probably take their advice," I say, imagining how bad it could be. I decided pretty bad.

Calypso burst through the doors. "THE WEDDING STARTS IN 30 SECONDS! GET READY!" She was the one warning us, even though she was the one who was hardly ready, and she was the first one to walk down the aisle.

She pushed open the doors with her flower basket full of petals that had been died black and gold. She is in a golden dress, just as all of my bridesmaids are. All of Will's groomsmen are in black suits. Will and I are also in black suits, but he's wearing a golden tie while I'm wearing a black one.

Annabeth and Percy walked out following Calypso. They were followed by Piper and Jason, Thalia and Leo, Frank and Hazel, Lou Ellen and Cecil, Reyna and Lee (Will's brother), and then Bianca and her boyfriend from back home, Zach.

Finally, it was my turn, as Will was already standing up there. I looked around for my dad, seeing if he had showed up. Although he had given permission for me to marry Will, he didn't fully support it. He was supposed to walk me down the aisle, but I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't show.

But at the last possible second, he did.

He gave me a hug, and I took his arm. We made our way down the aisle, and he put my hand in Will's, giving me off to him.

A tear rolled down my cheek, and Will quickly reached up and brushed it away. He looked at me with all of the love in the world contained in his eyes, and suddenly I forgot all about being nervous.

A/N: That was getting long. I hope you're awaiting part two!

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