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I've never done a tag before, but I just got tagged by Alexis_08 so... Here we go I guess?

1. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
Breathing under water... It'd be really helpful for my competitive swimming.

2. What's your favorite movie and why?
Cliche, but it's The Fault in Our Stars. It always makes me cry, and I like to cry sometimes.

3. Who's your favorite celebrity?
Does Ellen count? I love Ellen. If she doesn't count, then Leonardo DiCapprio (lol I spelled that so wrong...).

4. Favorite Song.
Compass by Zella Day or Jameson by Zella Day. They are both my jam, and are capable of making me cry.

5. If you could go to dinner with any person that's alive and any person that's dead, who would it be and why?
Tough one... Alive, I'd say Missy Franklin, because she's such a great swimmer. Dead, I'd say Jim Henson because Sesame Street was great.

6. Who's your favorite band?
Zella Day. She goes by her name, but there are people playing instruments in the background. So it's a band! Come on, it count... She's just the best. Oh, and Panic! At the Disco. Also the best band ever.

7. Who's your favorite fictional person?
Um. You have to ask? Nico di Angelo. He went through a crap ton of stuff, and he pushed through it until he found his solace in life (quite literally, I might add).

8. If you could marry anyone in the world, real or fictional, who would it be?
Changed this in case my bf ever finds it... Him. I'd marry my boyfriend

9. What magical world would you like to travel to?
Camp Half-Blood.

10. Who's your OTP?

11. Would you rather get your Hogwarts letter or-
Let me stop you there. Always Hogwarts, unless Camp Half-Blood is involved.

12. If you could eat one meal forever, what would it be?
Pizza, garlic bread, and fettuccine alfredo.

13. Would you rather be able to speak to animals or speak all languages?
All languages. It'd look better on my college application.

So ya. I tag anyone who wants to do it to do those questions above. Ok bye.

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