Chapter 3

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(Eric's POV)

It has bugged me all day, how in the hell could Mr. Carr fuck Shawn? He's a math teacher, and a well-loved coach at Cherry Hill High school. He's a good guy, and now my bastard fag of a brother is dragging his name through the mud. Our mom is in jail because of his fucking lies. Goddess, I hate him.

First, he stole my best friend Avery from me. Avery said we are being too mean to Shawn. We pushed Shawn around just having some fun. I mean come on; being a fag makes him an easy target. Avery has been acting weird lately, too. He stopped dating period. He has not been on a date in months. All of his usual girls were getting upset. Now, my other friends have stopped hanging out with me because Mr. Carr got fired, and they blamed me for it. It is not like I had anything to do with it. As I said before, I fucking well hate Shawn.

After my last class I went to my locker to get my stuff when someone grabbed my head and slammed it into my locker door. This caused my right cheek hurt like hell. I elbowed the person in the stomach; he grunted, and I turned to see Zech Carr.

"What the fuck, Zech?"

He got up and punched me in the face. "What the fuck? What do you mean, what the fuck? Your stupid faggot brother is wrong about my dad, that's what!! My dad would never touch someone like him because he has my mom, his mate" Zech said as he lunged at me. We fought through the hallway.

"Boys stop it!" Mrs. Carr said. She sounded like she has been crying. "Please, Zech, stop this right now."

We ignored her. She called two male teachers over to pull us apart. I looked at Mrs. Carr, the music teacher. She looked like hell, she had puffy red eyes, and her skin was pale and gaunt. She wouldn't look at me.

"Eric Dennis, go home. I'll call your father after I speak with Zech," Mr. Brooks, the principal, instructed. I picked up my stuff, put it all back in my bag, and walked out of the building. I walked to my Firebird and drove off. It is not just a car that is my baby. I had to pick up Maggie from her school.

Then it hit me... It's true; All of it everything Dad and Shawn said about Mom, Mr. Carr, and all of the others was all-true.

"I am such a fucking asshole," I said out loud. I needed to apologize to Shawn, big time. I pulled up in front of Cherry Hill Middle School about 5 minutes later, and Maggie got into the car.

"What happen to you, Eric?" Maggie asked.

"I got the truth knocked into me, kid," I said. I started to cry. Maggie just sat there patting my leg.

"It's going to be okay now, Eric. It has to be because we are a family, and Shawn needs us. We can not let it turn out any other way," Maggie said.

"Goddess, are you sure you are only 10? Sometimes you talk like a 30-year-old adult, Sis."

"Yeah, I do, don't I? Well, I was raised by Shawn, and not the bitch of a mother of ours," Maggie said.

Thinking back Maggie was right. Shawn was the one who took cared of us, not Mom. When I was five, I thought a monster lived under my bed; I would get too scared to sleep in my room. Shawn, who at the time was eight, would always come into my room in the middle of the night to yell at the monster.

"Leave my little brother alone you meanie, or I'll beat you up," Shawn would say under my bed. Then he would climb into bed with me, and we would fall asleep in each other's arms. We slept like that until I was seven, and I told him that I don't need to be protected from the monster anymore. Shawn was hurt when I told him that I was a big wolf now and don't him. I was eleven when Shawn told to us that he was gay. I did not know what that meant, so I asked Mom about it.

"Shawn is sick. He is not right. It is wrong," Mom said. I believe her that Shawn was sick, but now I see she was the one sick and not right. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I pulled behind Dad's truck. We got out and went to the house.

As soon as Dad saw me, he asked, "What the hell happen to you, Son?" I could smell his anger.

"Eric?" Shawn whispered across the room. If it were not for my wolf hearing I probably would not have heard him. I crossed the room so that I was standing in front of him. He flinched as I raised my arms. I knew he thought I'm going to hit him, but instead I hugged him tightly.

"I'm soooo-so sorry, Shawn. I should never have believed that bitch over you," I said.

Dad was piss I call his mate that; he growled so low that Shawn couldn't hear it, but Maggie and I could. "Eric don't call your mother that," Dad said.

Then to our surprise, "Why not, Daddy? She is one for what she did to Shawn. She is a sick, and twisted BITCH," Maggie said.

Dad ignored Maggie and asked me again, "Eric, who did this to you, Son?"

I turned to look at Dad. "Zech Carr did it. He jumped me, saying my fag brother was wrong about what his Dad did. So, we started fighting. Mrs. Carr came with some other teachers to separate us. Mrs. Carr had been crying. She looked like hell, but she wouldn't look at me. It was almost like she couldn't. That is when I truly believed you, Dad," I said as I turned back to Shawn, and kissed his cheek.

Shawn froze in shock as I tightened my arms around him. "You don't hate me, Eric?" Shawn asked as he started to cry. Maggie come behind Shawn and hugged him, too.

"No, Shawn, I don't hate you. If they gave out an award for World's Biggest Asshole, I would win hands down. Can you forgive me, Big Brother?" I asked as I buried my nose into his neck, and breathed in his sweet candied scent. Goddess, I missed his scent.

Dad came up to give and pulled us into a bear hug. "My pups, I love you guys so much," Dad, said. We went into the living room. I didn't stop holding on to Shawn. We watched TV as Dad cooked dinner. Shawn had his head on my shoulder as Maggie channel surfed to find classic re-runs of her favorite show, Dora and Friends. An hour later Dad calls out that dinner was ready. Dad cooked fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans and homemade cream gravy. We dug in. I mean, come on... Three werewolves and a human teenager, plus Dad is an amazing cook. (Hint: we did not have leftovers.)

Dad cleared his throat. "Shawn, would you want to go to the Packhouse this weekend? Luna Kayla would like you and me to come over for dinner. She misses seeing you." Dad said.

"Sure, Daddy. I have missed her, too. It would be nice to go over and see her," Shawn said. After dinner I helped Shawn clean the kitchen, and do the dishes. Goddess, Dad is a messy cook.

"Shawn, would you like to watch a movie with me? Dad just bought me the new X365. I hooked it up the other day, and can stream on it now." I had been super excited when dad brought it home the other day (right before all of this with Mom started).

"Yeah, Eric, I would like that." We went upstairs to my room. We sat down on my bed as I turned my TV and gaming console. I queued up Netflix, and we watched a couple of horror movies before Shawn fell asleep.

When I was ready for bed I turned off both systems, and laid down beside Shawn. I lean over to whisper in his ear, "You don't have to worry anymore, Big Brother, I will never let the big scary monsters get you again. It is my turn to protect you." I kiss his cheek as I laid down beside him pulling him into my arms. As I fell asleep he rolled over on his side wrapping his arms around me. That night we slept together like we use to so long ago.

Edited by Veldrin

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