Chapter 23

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Shawn's Dream: From the Beast King pasted

        I was in a cold dark room with four men they are chanting,"come to us, come to us, come to us. We call upon the King of all Demons to come to us We calling you Demon King, TO COME TO US! " The room began to shooked and then the room split open. "Yes! Demon King! Open the gates of Hell!" I say it was hell; as I could feel the fire on my face. I could smell burning flesh then a black shadow came out in front of the four men; in a deep voice, the shadow asked," What have you called me for sorcerers? What you want from me?" We called you to us; for your armies to fight for us," The four men said. I will give you my army for a price. I want the hearts of witches; then I will give you anything you wish for." The shadow said. One of the men stand up and said,"Yes, that is what we want; to have all the witches kill and then we will have their powers. To become more powerful."The Black Shadow laughed," No! I could not give you that power; as I do not have the power to take a witch's power from them; as they are the ones who close my gates and kept me here. You have to free me; with the blood and heart of a young witch who is not into her's powers yet. Then I will have the power to kill all the whiches, then give you their powers." The four men looked at each other, bobbed their heads. "Yes, we will agree with you; to give us your army and we will give you those witches hearts to you," said the leader of the four men. The Black Shadow smile an evil smile at the four men," Yes! I could give you one of mine armies, for now, I will give you, my DemonsBeasts army. Then soon you will have all my armies."

Then the room began to vanish and I moved forward. I stopped moving; now it was night and I could tell I was not in a room anymore.

     I was outside; as it was cold and snowing. I saw a girl; beaten and had a torn bloodied dress on and she was pregnant.  She had long messy brown hair and dull green eyes, skinny and pale skin. She was walking in the deep snow without any shoes on; you could see her bloody footprints in the snow as she walked. My heart stopped to see her like that; cause she looked to be no more than fourteen years old. Then I saw the biggest Beast coming at her. He was ten feet tall with grayish-black fur; a small white spot on his chest. The girl dropped to her knees in the snow," Please do not hurt me, King Beast. Not anymore," the girl said before she passed out. The Beast King pick her up and ran fast; with the girl; held tightly to his chest. He went into a big cave; there was another Beast; a Head Warrior Beast. Sleeping on a bed of hay; he opens his eyes to see the Beast King standing in front of the bed holding the girl. "Brother? Why you have a female in your arms? Why does she smell like the sorcerers?" The Head Warrior Beast asked. "They had lied to us, telling us the witches are evil. I saw through her eyes. They are the ones that are evil. The had taken this female from her parents; they killed them cause she is a powerful witch. then for years; they beat her and forced themselves onto her. She is pregnant too; she is mine pup, Brother she is mine daughter. "No, Brother she is ours; as she is mine too, and we will protect her from those sorcerers we will kill them all," Head Warrior Beast said. He got up from the bed of hay and the Beast King put his daughter down on the bed. "I will go hunt for her. Brother, you have to make a fire to keep her warm," The Beast King said. The Head Warrior made a big fire for the girl. She woke up a half hour later, she sit up on the bad and she saw the Beast in front of the fire.  Her eyes went wide and she went more paler; the young girl was sceard of the Beast before her.The Head Warrior turned to see his daughter sitting up on the bed and he saw on her face; she was afraid of him. "No, daughter do not fear me. I will never hurt you, nor will let others hurt you again." The Head Warrior Beast said." The girl looked at the Beast and couldn't believe her own ears;  The Beast called her his daughter. " me your daughter why? Where is the King Beast?" " You are our daughter.... we want nothing more to love you as our Daughter.Brother went out the hunting food for you. Brother is my mate. What is your name, sweet daughter?" The Head Warrior asked.  She looked up at the Head Warrior and crawled to him and throw herself to him, and cries in his blackish brown fur. The Head Warrior wrapped his arms tightly around her and pulls her closer to him. "My name is Genevieve Sarah Foster. I am fourteen years old. I am a born witch and the sorcerers wanted to have a daughter with me. Then would kill me after I given birth to her. Please, Father, do not take me back there," Genevieve said. "No! Genevieve, we will never give you to them, We will kill them for what they did to you," Head Warrior said. Genevieve said thank you, Father, then she passed out again. Head Warrior Beast put her back down onto the bed of hay.  Hours later Beast King came back to the cave with a bear in his hands. "Brother! I have food for ous all," Beast King said. "Mate, Our daughter name is Geneveieve Sarah Foster. She told me that the Sorcerers wanted a daughter from her; then kill her after she had given birth to her," Head Warroir Beast said. The Beast King growled deep in his throat," We are going to the Witches; to make allies with them. To help them fight and kill the others Demons. Beast King said. "Yes, Mate we will. But frist we need to feed our Daughter; give her water and clean her wounds. I will go and get the water and cook her food; you with stay here and heal our Geneveieve," Head Warrior Beast said.

Then the Cove began to vanish and I moved forward again. As I stopped this time I was still outside at a end of a war. The Beasts and the Demons; the Beast win the battle.

      Genevieve was an old woman now standing by her was a young lady who looks a lot like of Genevieve but with long reddish brown hair, bright green eyes, tanned and have a lean build.The both were beside the Two Beasts; Beast King and Head Warrior Beast. "Now that all the Demons or all gone and the Sorcerers are killed. You and the others Beasts will have to be going to the Werewolves' host soon. I will miss you Grandpa, and You too Granddad," said the young lady. " Adeline, We will miss you too. We are sorry we couldn't see you grow up and to see our Great- Grandpups. "Beast King said. "We will aways be watching you from a far Little one," Head Warrior Beast said. They hugged each other. Two Mates watched Genevieve and Adeline walked away from them. "Brother what about us? Will....We still be together? Brothers and Mates?" Head Warrior Beast asked. "Yes, We will always be together. The Moon Goddess herself told me that we will. But My host with have; another mate to share with. Our Fathers will be twins and our mother will be the some," Beast King said. 

 Wait!? He said that twins Brothers would Father them; I am the Beast King and Eric's Beast is the Beast King's brother. My real Father is  Daddy's twin brother? He never told us he had a twin brother. Is Mother his mate too!? "No! Our Father is not that Bitch; Annie Sander Mate! She once was a powerful Witch; that taken Our Father from is Witch mate. Mine Daughter's bloodline." Someone said in my head. "Who are you?" I asked. Then the King Beast stood in front of me. "Our Father is the Hell Beast; Richeson Dennis, Brother to Head Warrior Beast; Rickson Dennis. You will soon fine out Shawn. But I want you not to tell anyone what you now know. Our Father is coming with your half-Sisters that our too powerful Witches."

End of Dream

   I woke up in Eric's arms, I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom. After I was done I went back to bed; but before I could go to the bed I walked it to a woman with long brown hair and bright green eyes. "Hello, Shawn I'm your real Father's mate; I'm Claire Dennis," said the woman in front of me.

A/N: Thanks for reading my story; I have 1k readers and 74 Votes. 

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Loving Daddy:  incest. boyxboyx boy Mpreg ( being Editing )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora