Chapter 7

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(Avery Pov)

I walked into the house and Mom pulled me into a hug," I heard you told Shawn; that he's your mate, I'm happy he accept you as his Mate," Mom said then she hit me in the back of the head. "Ouch, Mom that hurt," I said. It did too, Mom is petite female at 5'2 with long honey blonde hair and blueish green eyes. Mom is tanned and has a slim lean built, but she hits harder than a warrior if you get her pissed. "Yes, I know cause It supposes too. Avery telling Shawn in a diner you two are mates. "Mom. I wanted Shawn to know I feel the same for him; as he does me," I said. "I love Shawn; as he was my own, but this is too soon for him to deal with Avery. It's too soon for you two; to be mating. Goddess Avery! You look smart but you're stupid to tell him two days to the beast's Moon," Mom said. I went pale, Oh Fuck! I forgot that was this month, shit I am so stupid," I said. Every third Full Moon we turned into our beast from for two whole nights. "Yes, son you are; your beast will want to mate with Shawn. I don't think he knows about mates and mating and our beasts; I don't think Rick had told him nothing about it," Mom said. "I have to talk to Rick and Dad about that, cause I know my beast will hunt Shawn down," I said. "Yes, son I would agree with you, Rick probably be pissed, but he has to let your beast be with Shawn," Mom said. She kissed me as I went to see my Dad. As I was about to reach Dad's office I get stopped by Elly Darker,"Hi, Avery."

I could smell she was going into heat; that making me sick. To think that a unmated female would be close to a male that's not her mate. Know the smell of her heat would bring him to lust and force himself onto her; if or not she wanted too. Good thing I was a mated male and not unmated one; I would have taken her and get her pregnant,cause her heat. Looking into her eyes tell me she wants that; to be the Luna. "Elly, please move I need to see my Father," I said. "Oh, I wanted to see if we could go out tonight," Elly said came closer to me. My wolf and beast didn't like her trying to seduce us. both force a growl out low in my throat, Elly stepped back from me," I'm sorry Elly , but I have a mate. You need to stay home for a week," I said. "Wait? You can't find your mate this early Avery; if so then I maybe," Elly said as she tries to touch me. "No! I growled at her and she went pale. She backed up more from me and she knows now that I did have a Mate and it's not Her," Sorry Alpha Avery," Her wolf whined. She then runs off from me. I walked down the hallway and opened Dad's office door and walked into in and closed the door. Dad looked up from his paperwork," Avery."


(Shawn Pov)

"So. What is this about Mates I don't know about?" I asked Eric after Alice left us with our drinks orders. "I learned about from Dad at the age of fourteen; all fourteen werewolves have to learn about Mates. First: Mates is our other half of our soul. The Moon Goddess had our mates born to us; we can't choose them for ourselves. Second: No wolf can't live with their mates; so if you rejected your mate, you have rejected you soulmate. That would be both your deaths, slowly and painful. Third: If you have not found you mate in the four years after you turned eighteen; two things would happen to you. One: your wolf will give up on life and slowly die. Two: Your wolf will become feral and you turned into a rogue," Eric said. "So, If I said no to Avery, I would had killed him," I said. "Both, you would have killed; you both. Even as a human you will fell ill and would die faster than Avery would have," Eric said. "So I'm his soulmate and I was born to him. I'm not clean for him Er, he will hate me for not want for him," I said sadly. "Shawn, Don't say that Avery will love you and want you. Avery didn't want you too," Eric said. It was true I know Avery had girlfriends and they hated me. "Yeah, will he liked girls and now he has a male mate, what if he wants a girl to give him kids. I said. I could tell Eric was thinking about that. Alice comes with our milkshakes; Eric ordered a Sunday milkshake and me; a cherry milkshake. She even bright some cheese sticks too," Ok, now here you two go," Alice said as she put both our milkshakes down in front of us. "Thanks," we both said. "What you two want of your meals?" Alice asked. "I want the house special with salad please," I said. " Have the same,"Erick said. "Ok, your dinners will be ready in 20munties," Alice said as she walked away from the table.

"Shawn, with new mates they need to have a mating bond; mark their mate's os others will smell their scents on you and to stay away," Eric said. "You mean to bite me ," Yeah I know that, I have seen Mother's mark," I said. "Yeah, well to have a mate's mark you need to mate; means to make love," Eric said. My eyes went wide," You mean to have sex with Avery; is the only way to mark me as his? Then he knows I'm not clean or pure. He would hate me and leave me," I said now crying. "Shawn, Avery isn't pure, he being with a few females too," Eric said. "Yeah, I know that Eric, but I'm dirty and used," I said. Eric growled low in his throat," No, you, not Shawn, the bastards who hurt you are dirty," Eric said. "Yeah but Avery won't want to touch me, if he sees me," I hiccuped. Eric came and hugged me. We held each other till our food came. Then we broke apart to eat.

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