Chapter 6

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(Eric Pov)

I was looking at the new Warriors; six males and four females. "Ok, Newbies Warriors before you could fight for are Pack; we'll have to learn how to work together. Now I want two teams of five; face each other," I said. The Newbies got in teams each got two females in each team. "Ok, now one of you will fight the other will defend. Now go Newbies," I said. The Newbies Warriors was good, but not good enough to be a Warrior," Newbies I want to see blood and hear broken bones. In a real fight; the rogues will not take it easy on you; they want to kill you. Now show me you want to be a Warrior," I said. I saw blood come from some Newbies nose and mouth and ears too. The noise of broken bones made my wolf proud. Two hours into the training; the Newbies was tired and move slowly. "Ok, five minutes broke then we change up," I said. "Eric, Shawn was almost taken by a rogue; at his college. I've sent out some trackers and Warriors out the way. Your Father was you to stay calm and go with you training," Alpha Zack mind link me.

"Fucking! Rouges!" I yelled. "Hey, Avery you heard the new about my brother?" "Yes, I did Eric. Dad told me, I'm going to see if Shawn is ok," Avery said sound worried. By the Moon Goddess Avery sometimes acts like he's Shawn;s mate than a friend. "Hey, Eric is everything already? Cause we can stop if you need to go to your weak sick brother," Axel said. He was one of the Newbies Warriors and hates humans. Axel is two inches taller than me but I'm bigger than him. "Fuck, you! Shawn is not sick, and you could get the fuck out of here. I will tell the Alpha that what you have said, and Avery would love to hear it too. As your future Alpha is my brother friend," I said. "Yeah, will I would be his friend too if he giving me head," Axel said. "Axel James Ross, You will go to your Father and tell him what you have said young pup," said Mrs. Ross Axel Mother.


After I trained the Newbies they all left; will not Elly Darker. She's has a thing for Avery and wants him; big time. She's tall at 6'3 with long blonde hair and green eyes. She's tanned and as a lean built. She's is hot, but not a slut. "Hey, Eric if you see Avery tell him I need to talk to him," Elly said. "You know we, not friends anymore," I said. "His, at your house most of the time with your brother," Elly said. I walked away from her; she's not the only female wants me to tell Avery about them. I went to my car and got into the car, I'm meeting Shawn at the liberty. "Eric, don't pick up Maggie from school. I will and come home at nine, remember what I said about having Shawn paid for dinner," Dad said."Yes, Dad. I do remember about praying to the Moom Goddess for my life," I said. "Don't be a smartass, Eric. We have to talk to Shawn about mates; the full moon is in two days and he found out he has a mate," Dad said. "Who, Dad? Please tell me it's not Avery is it," I said. "Yes, Son it's Avery. He told me about an hour ago. Maggie and I are having dinner with him," Dad said. "So, Shawn said yes then. I don't think Shawn is ready for this Dad." "I know that Eric, Avery is good for him and I want Shawn to not freak out. I know Annie did when she saw my other form on the full moon." Dad and I stopped mind talking as I pulled into the parking lot of Cherry Liberty. I parking by Shawn's bug and got out and walked into the building.

I saw Shawn at the back of the liberty on a computer writing a paper for one of his class. "Hey, big bro. I heard about earlier," I said as I sat down in the chair next to him. "Oh, Eric... I have something to tell you. Please don't hate me, but Avery asked me out and I said yes. I know he's younger than me, but I do really like him, I hope he likes me too,"Shawn said sound worried. "Avery loves you, you're his mate and the only one for him. We werewolves can't live with not our mates. I will tell you about mates, cause Dad told me at the age of fourteen. Not here, we can go to Sky's Diner for dinner," I said. Shawn grabs his stuff and we went out of the liberty. "We'll take my car Shawn," I said. We got into my car and I drove to Sky's Diner.

Sky's Diner is a Werewolf Diner; only humans that are family to us are allowed in. Dad took us there for a Pack meeting; Mom and Shawn went too. Mom hates it, Shawn likes it, cause they had made him a cherry milkshake. Sky is an Elder who loves to cook, so he brought this old diner that is about 3miles off our territory; on rouge has come here, cause most of the Pack is here eating. Sky real name is Skyler and he retired about seven years ago; now he's a cook and own's Sky's Diner. He pulled into the parking lot of Sky's Diner. We got out of the car and walked into the Diner. "Welcome to Sky's Diner," Alice said. Alice is Sky's daughter, and to sixteen, but she's homeschool . "A boot seat for us please," I said. She pulled out two menus and we follow her to the last boot in the back of the Diner. "Luna Shawn, your meals are fee here for now on, You have to pay for your Eric," Alice said as she walked away. "Why did Alice call me Luna, I'm not a girl?" "Luna is the rack of an Alphas mate, Shawn. Some will call you Alpha too, but you will be the Luna of the Pack," I said. Shawn don't look to happy to be called Luna, but I know he'll love being called Alpha.

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