Chapter 11

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(Shawn Pov)

        I woke up in Daddy's bed, but no Daddy. I got out of bed and went into Eric's," Umm...You know where Daddy is?" I asked. "Yeah. He got a call about Her, He went there. Dad told me to take you and Maggie to the Pack House," Eric said. "Oh, I well don't pac..." I was cut off by Eric," I did it for you. We staying of a week." I went and took a shower, as I smell breakfast cooking. I put sweats on and went downstairs into the kitchen. Eric cooked his pancakes and bacon, Maggie was at the table eating. I sit down by Maggie and Eric put a plate in front of me and then sat down by me with his own plate.  " Shawn, I'm glad Avery is your mate. I like him, but if he hurts you I'll Kick his ass," Maggie said. I choked on my juice and Eric laugh at me," you should've seen your face. It's was funny your face is all red."Then the front door open to Daddy. He looked tired and sad, "Hey, my pups. Are you ready to go?" Daddy asked. "Yes! Daddy I'm going to put our stuff in your SUV," Maggie said as she ran and jumped into Daddy's arms.


      We were now in Daddy's SUV going to the Pack House that was about 45miles from our house."Oh, Shawn? Dr. Dean is going to meet us at the Pack House. She  will take you to her house for a couple hours," Daddy said. " Ok," I said.  Daddy to us that we were to stay at the Pack for a week or more; Cause of that rogue who tried to take you is found. As we pulled into the Pack House I was pulled out of the SUV by Avery. He held me tight to him; not too tight to hurt me. "I want to go with you; to Dr. Dean's house." "Now, Avery you know better than that, What goes on between a Doctor and Patient is private, and not for others to know," Luna Lily said.  We went into the Pack House, Avery took my bag into his room. "Shawn you will share my room with me if that's ok with you?" Avery asked. "Umm...Yeah, that's fine," I said as I blush so did Avery.  Avery, Eric and I all play games in Avery's room. Maggie was helping Luna Lily with the garden. Daddy and Alpha Zack went into Alpha Zack's office. About two hours later Dr. Dean came for me. 

    Dr. Dean drove us to her house that was only 5miles from the Pack House. Dr. Dean's house was small, one-story house. The house was light- blue and has a white door. Dr. Dean pulled into her driveway; we got out of her car and walked to the front door. Dr. Dean unlocked the door; she opened the door and the smell of cookies. "I love to bake, I make homemade pies, cakes, and cookies," Dr. Dean said.  "It smells good in here; Mother never bakes for us," I said. "Does she cooks dinner for you; and your family?" Dr. Dean asked as she closed the door. "No, I do the cooking; breakfast, dinner, and lunch on the weekends. Only went Daddy not home then he cooks," I said.  The house had an open living room to the small kitchen; that had a breakfast bar. Three bedrooms and one bathroom; the smallest bedroom was turned into a home office.    "Shawn, you are the first patient I had here; in my own home. I normally see them at my office in Town or their's house; never here," Dr. Dean said as we walked into the office.I sat down on the couch and Dr. Dean sat on the chair by the couch. 

      "Shawn I want to tell you my story; about why I had become a  psychiatrist.  I was born and rise in another Pack; this Pack is my Dad's Pack but went he met my Mom his mate. He moved out of this Pack and in with hers. White Knights Pack about 75miles from here." "Um.... Dr. Dean, are you a Beast too?" I asked. "No, My Dad is a Warrior; normal Werewolf. My Mom is a Sub female and had lived and worked in the Pack House; So went they need help from this Pack. Alpha Zack's Dad Alpha Alan was the Alpha at the time; Given Alpha Green some of his Warriors to help them fight off the rogues. My Dad was One of the Warriors who came to the Pack. We three lived in the Pack House and I was friends with Blake Green the Alpha now to White Knights Pack." "Why are they called White Knights Pack?" I asked. " Because all the werewolves are pure white wolves, long ago the white wolves was the Knights to the King of the Beasts. The Beast King had died off long ago so all the white wolves made a Pack name them the White Knights Pack." "Are you a pure white wolf Dr. Dean?" I asked. "No, I'm not pure white; I'm a grayish white wolf. Now please no more questions Shawn."

   "At the age of five, I started school with Blake we met a female wolf named Joann Summers. We became best friends fast; Blake too was her friend. We three was together throughout  high School too. At fourteen I felt more feeling for Joann than friendship. I was afraid to tell her, cause I don't want her to hate me. I never told my parents that I had feeling of other females than males. At the age of sixteen Joann had kissed me, tell me that she was in love with me. I was happy and I also told her I was too in love with her, so we began to date. Only Blake know about us. Joann's parents hated some sex mates; she was always at the Pack House with us. Her Father thought the Joann was Blake's girlfriend; hoping she was his mate too. Not known his future Alpha was gay too. At our eighteen birthday, we found out we were mates. We were happy; Joann wanted to move in with me at the Pack House. We told my parents about us being mates. Mom know and so did Dad; they both loved Joann like a daughter and now she was. That night she went back home to packed and come back the next day, I asked I come with her; I had a bad feeling about her going home. Joann told me she would be fine and she'll be back soon. We said I you love to each other and she walked out the door and never came back." Dr. Dean was now in tears," What happen to her?" I asked as I got up and hugged her. 

    "She was killed; by her Father. Tow days later I went to the Summer's house to see why Joann don't come back; Blake went with me. Mr. Summer open the door," What you two want?" He asked us. "Where's Joann" Is she home sir, may we see her?" Blake asked. "No, she's not here, that bitch left home. Saying have she was disgusting to be Her mate and not her Alpha's mate," Mr. Summers said with disgust in both in his voice and in his eyes. Blake eyes turned dark golden as his wolf pushed out," YOU BASTARD! I AM GAY AND JOANN HAS KNOWN IT FOR YEARS! TELL US WHERE IS SHE, AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER! Blake's wolf growled. Mr. Summers had pissed himself," I....I...I don't know where she is Alpha." We both knew he was lying to us. We looked for her for days; that turned into a month and a half we found her died body 47miles from the Pack's territory in no man's land where rogues came at. She was naked, beaten and raped; her throat was torn out. At first, we thought she was killed by the rogues; till the Doctors find out she was pregnant; about three weeks along. the unborn pup was big enough to do a DNA test to see who's that Father is.  Joann died of a couple of weeks.  Doctors found out also that Joann had been sexually abused for years. Her Father was her pup's Father." Dr. Dean broke down crying in my arms. 

   "The worse part is that Sally; her Mother knew all about the abused, for years she did not the stop him nor to help all three of their daughters. Katie and Jamie had been sexually abused by him too. They told the Alpha Green after they found Joann's body. After that I left that Pack and moved here; I got my degree and become a psychiatrist; to help people like Joann," Dr. Dean said. All that heart broke that she had to go thru herself losing her mate; all she wanted to go is to help others. I had to open up to her now after you sad story.

   "Mother had been in a book club, for two years with other Mothers. I would go with her; I would play with the other kids that the Mother's brought to the meeting. Every Saturday the would meet at each others house to the book club meets, and at the end of the book they read they went out for lunch with their kids; I would go too with Mother. A new Mother Katie Matthews join the club, she had a daughter Stacy; who went to school with me. Mother and Mrs. Matthews hit in off as friends, six months Mrs. Matthews was in the club wanted  to quit , she talks Mother to join too. Then they went out on Saturdays  with Stacy in me. Stacy had a crush on me; she would bug me at school, to be her boyfriend. I told her no. So she told her Mother about it, and then Mother told me that it would be good for us to be dating. The next Saturday Mother and Mrs. Matthews decided to plan a date for Stacy and me. I told them I would not go out with Stacy, cause I don't like her I like guys."

  " Both Mother and Mrs. Matthews was mad at what I said," What your son is a faggot, Annie. You should teach him a lesson; to be a straight boy who fucks my daughter and not some faggot," Mrs. Matthwes said. Mother had agreed with her, two weeks later Daddy had to go the Pack for a week, Eric went to stay at his friend's house for that week too. The moment Daddy left the house Mother; she beat me with Daddy's belt for hours then dragged me down to the basement in that room; I had pissed and shit myself cause Mother had locked me in the room. I don't eat food, she would give me water after she beat me. "I hope you will do as I say and go out with Stacy, I don't want a faggot to be my son. Now tell me you want to go out with Stacy," Mother said. I told her No, that I'm gay and will never be straight," I said crying in Dr. Dean's arms. 

A/N: Sorry it took long to update. Hope you like this chapter. Please Vote and Commant!!! 

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