You Go To A Bookstore (Josh)

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I'm sitting at a table in a bookstore reading a book while Josh looks around for something he would like to buy. I hear his voice and look up to see that he is sitting in the children's corner of the bookstore on a bean bag reading to a bunch of little kids. All the kids are staring intently at Josh waiting for him to read on "I'm going to huff and puff and blow your house down!" Josh says in a really deep voice. The kids laugh and say "Keep reading! Keep reading!" Josh turns the page and then in a really high pitch voice says "I'll never let you in my house you old nasty wolf, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin." Josh turns the book around to show the kids a picture of a little pig in a brick house with the wolf at his door. Josh finishes the story and then the children say "Please read more!" "One more and that's it." he says with a laugh. I look down and see that he is wearing his "Dad" shirt. He's so adorable, I think to myself. I sit and watch him read to the kids and make them laugh with his impersonations of the characters. I can't help but laugh with them. Josh would be such a great dad, he's so good with kids. Maybe one day Josh and I will have kids. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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