Chapter 30- Sadness and Shock

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Chapter Thirty- Sadness and Shock

*Zany's POV*

It's been a month since Nathan was born. He was small, but not too small. The doctors wanted to be safe so they kept him in the ICU for three days. Liam stayed over night. Niall was able to walk out that night, with only a cast on his hand. Of course, he didn't want Liam to know, so instead of being carful with it, he put his jacket over it and pretended like everything was fine. Liam cried until he almost puked. Then Niall kissed his four head and told him it was okay, and Louis and Niall stayed with Liam while Harry and I went back to the hotel to sleep.

Since brining Nathan "home" we have not been to our home. We have been to three hotels, all of which I have thrown up in at least once. Niall had a birthday. He's now twenty one, and excited to go to America. It's good to see him excited.

It's October and we have been planning  for Halloween. Even though the kids won't remember it, we will, and we can take pictures. So why not.

Louis and Niall are still doing most of the work. They want Liam to get some rest and spend some time with his kids. They say that they don't want Liam going back to work before he has to. And it's better to have one of us there helping with the kids because there are now four kids under the age of six and only Shay, Harry, Liam and I to take care of them. Which would be okay, but Harry and I are practically useless because of how pregnant we are. We could be considered kids ourselves the way people are taking care of us.

"Alright, you ready?" Louis whispers to Niall as they get ready to start their day.

"No... I need coffee." Niall groans.

"We'll get some on the way." Louis chuckles and fixes the collar of Niall's shirt.

"I'm ready for another year long break." Niall says as they exit the room.

"Maybe this time it will last a year." Louis adds.

Poor guys. They are working so hard so we don't have to work. I take a look at the clock next to my bed and it reads 5 0'clock and I begin to cry.

"Zayn?" Liam asks rolling over in he bed. "What's wrong?"

"It's five. And Louis and Niall are already working." I cry.

"They'll be back." Liam mumbles. "Coming home at ten."

In his half asleep state he must not realize if they come back at ten, it'll be five hours. I cry a bit more then end up falling asleep again.

When wake up again I hear hushed voices coming from the other room. I force myself out of the bed and walk toward the noise. When I get to the room Niall and Louis are sitting on the couch with Tommy and Nathan. I smile to myself before I notice they are playing with them while they eat.

"Hi." I say announcing my presence.

"Oh, hi." Louis says not looking away from the babies sitting in the bassinet in front of them.

"How long have you guys been back?" I ask.

"About thirty minutes." Louis says tickling Tommy's tummy.

"Oh." I say.

"We didn't want to wake you guys." Niall says as he tickles a finger under Nathan's chin.

"Shay and Lou took Lux and Steph to the park, so when these guys woke up we decided to have lunch together." Louis smiles and makes faces at both the babies.

"Sorry if woke you." Niall says. "Nathan was getting fussy so we started singing."

"No, you didn't wake me." I say. "My stomach did."

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