Chapter 31- Pictures and Showers

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Chapter thirty one- Pictures and Showers

*Niall's POV*

Louis and I are sitting in the back of the car. I am bouncing leg up and down as I clutch my phone, waiting for a text from Harry or Liam. I just want to know what's going on with Zayn. Finally my phone buzzes, at the same time Louis's does, and we both look at our messages. I click on the photo Liam sent me... It's a baby. My son... Zayn gave birth... We missed it... I look over to Louis who is crying harder than I am and but is not taking his eyes off of his phone.

"We missed it." He says after a few minutes. "We missed the whole birth."

"Does that make us terrible parents?" I ask.

"Yes." Louis nods tears streaming down his face.

"Shit." I begin to cry harder as my emotions get the better of me.
I feel sick for letting another son down.

"Niall?" Louis asks turning to see what's wrong.

I'm clutching the door handle and the side of the seat as I swallow my gags.

"I'm going to be sick." I tell him.

"Pull over!" He calls to the driver.

We are on the highway but the driver does so and pulls off to the shoulder and I climb out and begin to empty my stomach onto the road next to the car. Luckily I am shielded from people looking at me by the car. Louis stands behind me and rubs my back and tries to hush my sobs.

"I failed!" I cry. "I failed another one!"

"Are you talking about the kid?" Louis asked sniffing.

"Yes!" I cry and gag. "I can't do it any more Louis... I can't fucking do it."

"Niall don't talk like that." Louis cries as he tried to comfort me.

"Louis! Our child was born and we were texted a picture!" I yell. "What are we doing?"

"We are doing our best." Louis tells me.

"Our best is not good enough!" I yell, heaving once more then I just lean against the car. "What are we going to do Louis?"

"What- what do you mean?" Louis asks.

"How are we going to be parents?" I sigh as I climb back into the car.

"We already are." Louis says.

"No... We are fathers... How are we going to be dads?" I ask. "How do we show them we love them? How- " I pause. "I'm good now, you can continue driving."

"I don't know." Louis says after a while of silence. "I just don't know."

It is silent in the car as we drive to the hospital. Louis is staring at his phone, and I am staring out the window. When we finally get to the hospital, we run to the room where they are keeping Zayn and the baby. Shay is standing in the hallway talking on her phone.

"Shay?" Louis asks walking up to her. "How- how is he?"

"He's okay. They are both good." Shay tells us taking the phone away from her face. "You can go in."

"Thank you." Louis says then walks into the room.

I follow him, but linger in the entrance. Louis rushes over to Zayn, who is shaky and looks pale, but is okay. He is alive.

"Hey Lou, you wanna meet your son?" Liam asks moving closer to Louis to show him the baby he was holding.

"Oh..." Louis looks at the kid, and rubs his thumb over the baby's face. "Look at you."

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