Chapter 6-Mothers and Bosses

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Chapter Six-Mothers and Bosses

*Niall's POV*

I wake up still in Zayn's arms. Someone is sick, which makes me sad but I don't feel like getting up. I know I'm selfish. Soon I hear the toilet flush and running water. After a while the baby starts kicking so I decide it's time to get up. I carefully slide out of Zayn's arms and walk to the bathroom.

"Louis?" I ask squinting into the bright bathroom light.

"What are you doing up?" Louis asks me, leaning against the counter. "Its four in the morning."

"Oh, I honestly thought it was later." I tell him. "Were you sick all night?"

"Most of it." Louis sighs. "Liam stayed with me for a while then Harry did, and then I was okay, until a few minutes ago."

"Louis, that's not good." I say a bit worried. "You need to see the doctor soon."

"I'll go tomorrow, after we tell our mums." Louis says. I shake my head.

"You need to go today. I'll drive you, we will get in, get you checked out, and then our mums will come." I tell him. He nods and wraps his arms around me and starts to cry. "It’s okay Lou, everything is going to be alright." He nods still sobbing into my shoulder. I rub his back as he does this. Ignoring the kicks I am receiving from little Liam.

"You wanna go lay down?" I ask after he is done sobbing. "I'll make the appointment."

"Okay, but will you come cuddle with me on the couch?" His eyes are still puffy but he doesn't look as red in the face.

 "Of course, let's go." I smile putting my arm around his waist. We walk down stairs and he lies on the couch. After covering him with a light blanket I go into the kitchen and look for the doctor’s number. “It’s not on the fridge… not on the pinup board… Umm… let’s see…” I whisper to myself looking around the kitchen.  I check the little paper holder on the counter and finally find it. After dialing the number I wait a few rings and then an audio voice comes on, telling me that they don’t open until 6am. It’s almost 5am.

I hang up and walk back into the front room where Louis is laying on the couch. He looks a bit green so I bring the garbage bin over and put it in front of him, just in case he can’t hold in the vomit.

“So what time are we going?” He asks, I sigh laying next to him.

“They don’t open ‘til six, I’ll call back then.” I tell him. He nods and lifts my shirt, exposing my stomach. He puts his hand on the small bump and starts to draw circles on it. I smile as Louis does this and his eyes light up when he feels a kick under his hand.

“You’re not going to be able to hide him for long.” Louis chuckles, breaking the comfortable silence. I smile and sigh thinking about how I can barely hide it now.

“I know, I was noticing my shirts are getting a bit tight.” I say with a small laugh.  “I’ll have to wear one of Hazza’s larger shirts today, so my mum doesn’t get suspicious before I am ready to tell her.”

“That’s a good idea.” Louis says. I nod and yawn.

“Let’s get some sleep before we have to go. Yeah?” I ask. He nods and his eyes flutter close. I run my figures through his hair as he smiles at the football game in my stomach. I tuck my head into his neck and fall asleep engulfed in his heat.

After a while I wake up still warm, I smile as my eyes adjust to the light. Louis is still sleeping to I carefully get off the couch and walk into the kitchen and call the doctor again, since it is almost 6:30.

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