Chapter 2- Mornings and Sickness

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Chapter Two- Mornings and Sickness

*Harry's POV*

I wake up and walk down stairs to find Niall asleep on the couch. His leg is sticking out of the blanket. When I see the ice pack I know he must be in pain so I don't wake him. I just start making breakfast.  Soon I hear someone move around up stairs then I hear some puking and then the toilet flushing.

Aw someone must have morning sickness. I continue making breakfast until Louis comes down to the kitchen.

"Hey Boo-Bear." I say as he kisses me on the cheek.

"Hey. Something smells good." He says wrapping his arms around me.

"Who was sick?" I ask.

"Liam. He woke up and ran right to the toilet." Louis tells me.

"Poor baby."

"Ouch!" I hear from the living room.

“Niall, babe, you okay?" I call.

"Yeah. No worries." He lies. Louis walks out and then comes back with a concerned look on his face.

"I think his knee is hurting him." Louis says I nod in agreement. Niall limps into the kitchen and sits down on a stool in front of me.

"Babe, maybe you should take it easy today." Zayn tells Liam as they walk into the room.

"Zaynie I'm fine. It’s just a bit of morning sickness." Liam tells Zayn.

"Fine." Zayn says though he won't give up.

"Morning guys." Liam says "Harry, it smells really go-"

Liam pauses and runs to the toilet. I look over to Zayn who has a sad look on his face then the Niall who is turning green.

"You okay Niall?" I ask

"Yeah, Haz, just a bit... I don't like when other people are sick." Niall says turning greener and greener. Soon there is a pause and you can hear Liam heaving.

"Niall you look-" I start but Niall cuts me off.

"Hold that thought." Niall almost yells then runs out of the room to the toilet. Liam comes back with a confused looks on this face.

"Niall heard you puking and it made him puke." Louis informs Liam.

"Aw. Poor baby." Liam says sitting down.

Niall comes back a few minutes later looking really pale.

"What were you saying?" Niall asks me sitting next to Liam.

"I was going to say you looked like you were going to be sick and I guess I was right." I say walking over to feeling his forehead. He pulls away from me and smiles when I give him a face. "Why won't you let me take care of you?"

"Because... I'm fine." Niall says. LIAR!!

"Fine!" I huff walking back to the food. I make the pancakes and we all sit at the table and eat our food. Half way through I notice Niall has barely touched his food and he's really pail.

"Babe, you feeling okay?" I ask Niall he looks up and nods.

"You don't look so good." Zayn says.

"I'm not feeling too hot." He says.

"Are you cold?" I ask causing Niall to chuckle.

"No Haz, I don't feel very good." Niall smiles.

"Oh, I get it sorry." I apologize to him.

"You're so cute." Niall says pinching my cheek. I giggle and blush at his comment.

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