Chapter 17- Jealousy and Guilt

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Chapter Seventeen- Jealousy and Guilt

*Harry's POV*




"Because why?"

"Because I was raped!"

"Y-You what?"

"I was raped, about a week ago." Niall tells him. I can feel my blood start to boil as he explains it.

"H-how? W-why?" Zayn asks his face sobering.

"I-I... I don't... want to talk about it." Niall sighs.

"But..." Zayn starts, wrong choice.

"I don't want to talk about it!" Niall says a bit louder and more stern. "Just... not yet."

"O-okay." Zayn says. Then Niall starts crying.

"I'm sorry." Niall cries shaking his head. Louis walks over and holds him tight. "I'm sorry."

"Calm down baby, you're okay. You're safe. No one is mad at you. We all love you." Louis tells him smoothing his hair as the blonde continues to shake and cry. "You're okay. You're safe. You're loved."

This goes one for a while. I am just watching as sobs rush through Niall causing his body to quake as he cries. Louis just holds on to him, rubbing his back and repeating, what we call the 'Six-Word Extremism', "You're okay. You're safe. You're loved." Sometimes people need to be reminded of those things.

As I watch I can't help but feel a bit jealous. Louis can touch Niall without a problem. Sometimes Niall needs to have Louis holding onto him, but with the rest of us he freaks out. I'm not sure if it's the hormones or just me but this makes me a bit mad. I mean, why not me? Why Louis? Why not me?

I walk over and sit next to Zayn who is crying. He feels guilty, we were all there. We all got mad at Niall for not letting us love him, and then we got mad for being impatient, the you get hit by the guilt train. It sucks. Then all you can feel is the pain for Niall, but you're also mad at him for choosing Louis over you, and then you're mad at Lou because you want to be the one who Niall trusts. And on top of that you just want to kill the dick who did this to my Nialler.

"Zayn... Please don't..." Niall starts but he can't continue.

Zayn shivers and holds onto me. I rub his back, my eyes locked on Niall who is clutching Louis and crying as hard as he can without passing out due to lack of oxygen.

Liam doesn't know what to do so he just stands there, watching, as tears stream down his face. I can see him trembling and trying to understand everything.

And Louis is trying to stay strong but there are tears slipping from his eyes.

"Uhh! I'm sorry." Niall says barely above a broken whisper as he pulls away from Lou and wipes his face. "How are you feeling?"

"I-I uh... Olay, I guess." Zayn answers a bit confused by Niall. I nod telling him it'd okay. "I'm a bit sore, I guess, a bit shocked... I mean I wake up and I'm told what I remember isn't true, and I almost lost the baby, now yo- uh... Niall I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"It's okay Zayn, I understand." Niall says smiling in reassurance. We can all tell it's a fake smile, but it is still a smile. He's trying. "It was a pretty big bomb to drop on you right away. I'm sorry."

"No, I want you to tell me these things Niall, right away. I don't care if I'm in labor and you want to drop the 'I'm fucking your sister' bomb. I'd rather you didn't fuck my sister, I mean, if she looks like me she must be hot right? but you know..." Zayn starts but Niall is actually chuckling and it makes us all so happy. "You know, we kinda have something... My point is, you can tell me anything at anytime and I will always love you. I won't judge you for anything either."

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