Chapter 35 - Home and Paradise

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Chapter Thirty Five - Home and Paradise

*Zayns POV*

After Harry gave birth he stayed in the hospital overnight, mainly because he was exhausted. We all stayed that night and took shifts watching our baby girl sleep. His mum and Shay went back to the house to help Kelly take care of Steph and the other babies, and to give us our privacy. 

At three in the morning, Paradise woke up and started fussing. Louis stood from the cot we were sharing and scooped the little girl up and cradled her against his chest. She made a couple squeaks as she settled into his embrace then relaxed and fell asleep as Louis soothed her. I smiled as I watched this scene, he's an amazing father already and a great partner. He just has so much pressure on him, and wont share it. 

"Shh... You're okay. You're safe. No one is going to hurt you baby girl." Louis whispered to the baby in his arms, as he rocked her. "We're going to take care of you."

In the morning, Harry was released and we brought him and our baby girl home. When we got home our house was full, our mums, Shay, Kelly, Stephen and our kids were all waiting in the living room to greet the newest addition to the family. I stopped when I got the door, and watched as Liam walked in, carrying Paradise in her car seat, followed by Harry who had his arm draped over Louis' shoulders because he was still sore, then Niall who had Harry's overnight bag. I took a breath and grabbed Niall's hand and we walked into the busy room together. 

"Oh my! Let me see her!" Anne cooed as Liam took Paradise out of her car seat. 

"Here you go." Liam handed our baby girl to her grandmother and smiled. 

"So what's her name?" My mum asked as she looked at the small bundle in Anne's arms. 

"Paradise Anne." Harry blushed as he leaned into Louis. 

"Harry..." His mother looked up to him, then back at the child in her arms. "That's amazing."

"We're glad you like it." Louis smiled. "It would have been easier if we had five girls, but since you helped us so much, and you're Harry's mum..."

"But we don't want you guys to be angry or I don't know... you know... we don't want it to seem like we're playing favorites..." Niall was trying to explain.

"We understand baby." His mum told him as she came over and kissed his cheek. 

"You don't have to explain yourselves to us. We're your mothers, we love you." Louis's mum said. 

"Thanks mum." Louis smiled. 

"Looks like little Paradise is going to have a lot of older brothers looking after her." My mother said as she picked Stephen up so he could see Paradise. "Isn't that right Stephen."

"Yes." Stephen whispered.

"How were the babies?" I asked Shay as Niall and I go to play with the babies in the play pen. 

"They were good. A little fussy, I think they missed their daddies." Shay told us. "Conner didn't calm down until Kelly came up with the idea of taking a pillowcase from your bed and putting it in his crib, then he calmed down."

"Cool idea." I smiled down at the child who was still holding onto the pillow case. 

"That's adorable." Niall said as he picked up Nate.

"Yeah, well, your kids are kind of adorable." Shay smiled. "How was Paradise?"

"A little fussy, but she calms down as soon as she gets a little attention." I smirk.

Shay chuckled. "A true diva from day one." 

"Yeah, it's I'm scared to find out what she'll be like when she's olde-"

"Ouch!" Niall yelped from beside me causing most of the eyes in the room to go to him. He was bending over the playpen and gripping the side while holding Nate in one arm.

"Niall... You okay?" Liam asked. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." Niall nodded and slowly lowered Nate into the playpen then picked up Conner who was starting to cry. I went over and grabbed Nate and Tommy out of the playpen then sat on the couch next to Niall and Conner.

"Hey, you sure you're okay?" I whispered.

"Yeah, I think... I think sleeping on the cot hurt my back or something." He shrugged. 

"Oh. Do you want me to give you back rub?" I asked. 

"No, I'm okay." He shook his head. "It was just a weird pain. Maybe from bending over the playpen." 

"Yeah... maybe." I nodded. 

"Alright, lets get a picture!" Shay called. 

The mums sat on the sofa holding the babies, and we stood behind them. Shay and Kelly were taking pictures on the multiple phones and cameras and somehow Stephen found his way into Niall's arms, though, nobody minds because he is family. 

That night was difficult. At first we thought it would be good to put Paradise in the nursery with the other babies, but we soon learned that was not a good idea. Paradise, was awake at least every two hours, and when she would wake up she would cry, this would wake up another baby and then when we would finally get everyone asleep, someone else would wake up and start crying and the cycle would start all over again. So, at around 2 am, Liam had the idea to move Conner and Paradise into our room, because they seemed to be the fussiest out of the four, and let Tommy and Nate sleep peacefully together in the nursery. This was an easy fix, and not all that difficult to do at two in the morning, because we still have the travel cribs and just set on up in our room and laid Paradise and Conner in the crib.

The idea worked, a little. We got more sleep then we were getting. Paradise was still waking up every two hours and Conner was still fussy but he wasn't crying anymore. Really the ones who benefited from this sleeping arraignment most was Tommy and Nate. They slept the rest of the night, without making a sound. 

A week after our families left, we fell into a rhythm of taking care of the babies, the chores and each other. Two weeks after that we lost the rhythm and everything fell apart. There was laundry thrown around the house, no clean dishes, and many of us hadn't showered in many days. Shay stepped in and made us a scheduled to follow. With the help of Shay and Kelly we somehow made it through a month of parenthood with four babies. 






a/n::::::::: hey.... its been a while.... sorry. also sorry this is a shorter chapter. yea... just all around. sorry. lolz hope you enjoyed:) 

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