Chapter 12- Fainting and Fluid

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Chapter Twelve- Fainting and Fluid

*Harry's POV*

I get up and walk to the single bathroom in the private room Niall was moved to after the delivery.

"Liam?" I ask softly and tired.

"Yeah?" He asks before emptying his stomach again.

It sounds terrible. I walk over and kneel next to him, rubbing his back as he pukes.

"I don't like seeing you this way." I say as he rests his head on his arm.

"Then go back to bed." He sighs picking his head up and beginning to puke again.

"No, no, that's not what I meant." I say rubbing his back more. "I meant I don't like when you're sick."

"I know Harry... I just feel... mad..." Liam says holding back vomit.

"It's okay babe, let it out. Don't hold it back." I tell him, he nods and breathes deep. Soon he is puking again. "There you go."

"Haz..?" He asks I can hear him almost crying.

"Yeah?" I'm very concerned now.

"Do you think Niall will be okay?" He asks. I sigh not knowing how to answer.

"Honestly babe, I don't know." I say sadly.

He nods and continues to puke. After about an hour he finally stops and we go back to the cots. I carefully lift Louis's arm and wrap it around me as I snuggle in under the blanket with him. I feel him tighten his hand around me and his face snuggle into the back of my neck. I smile as I feel his breath tickle my neck, but my heart sinks when I feel his warm tears run down his face.

"How's Liam?" Louis whispers, his voice broken and shaky.

"He'll be okay." I whisper snuggling back into him more. I can feel his small bump and smile a bit, then I begin to cry as I hear Niall's broken sobs being held back.

"Uncle Ni-Ni?" Stephen asks still half asleep.

"Sorry bud, I didn't mean to wake you." Niall sniffs.

"It totay." Stephen yawns, I hear Niall chuckle a bit then take in a sharp breath. This worries me a bit but starts to hum to Stephen so I snuggle back into Lou and let my self drift off to sleep, silent tears trickling from my eyes.

I can't believe my son... is dead...

"Harry? A-are you awake?" a broken voice asks. I open my eyes and see Niall laying on his bed, breathing heavy. His face is red and there are tears streaming down face.

"Yeah, what's up? What's wrong?" I ask, carefully moving Louis's arm so I don't wake him.

"I-I..." Niall starts, but he takes a deep breath as more tears flow. "I c-can't br-eathe."

"It's okay calm down, do you want me to get the doctor?" I ask. He looks around a the room. "Don't worry about them, you're fine. Do you need Dr. Harrison, or a nurse?"

He opens his mouth to speak but just nods. I go out into the hall and search for a nurse. What time is it?

"Mr. Styles, is everything alright?" Dr. Harrison asks from behind me.

"No, Niall can't breathe, I think he's having like a panic attack or something." I say beginning to cry.

"Alright, calm down son. I'll go take a look at him." Dr. Harrison smiles.

"Thank you." I say following him back to the room.

Before we get into the room we hear some coughing and then some gasps.

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