Chapter 21- Flashbacks and Fighting

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Chapter Twenty One- Flashbacks and Fighting

*Niall's POV*

I wake up with a pounding headache and a pub smell to go with it. Zayn is snuggled into my side as he lightly snores. I lay there for a few more minutes until I become to dizzy to think straight, then I start to feel sick so I rush to the bathroom. I hold myself over the toilet and gag until bile spills from my mouth. I kneel down, still gripping the cold sides of the toilet as I begin to shiver.

"Niall? Babe?" A voice asks from behind me. "You alright?"

"Yeah." I choke, forcing the acidy liquid to stay down. "Just a bit hungover."

"I know, you were up most of the night, puking." I turn to see Zayn walking a bit closer.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep you up." I apologize, feeling guilty for making him take care of me.

"No, it's okay. I was just starting to get a bit worried." He admits kneeling next to me. I give him a funny look as he starts to rub my back.

"Babe, you've seen me hungover loads of times." I state sitting back on my heels. "It's never bugged you before."

"I know, but it just... I really don't like when you're sick... And I guess with the stupid hormones I can't hide it." He says beginning to cry. I grab his hand and hold it more a moment.

"Hey, everything is fine." I tell him. "It's not even that bad of a hangover."

"You sure?" He asks tucking some hair behind my ear. His attempt is rendered useless when the hair falls right back into my eyes. With us on holiday, we haven't been able to have Lou do our hair. I'm defiantly due for a hair cut.

"Yes, now let's go back to bed." I tell him but his face flushes and he starts to gag. I move over and rub his back as he pukes. "Or you know, we could stay here for a little bit."

"No." Zayn chuckles as he chokes on bile. "Don't make me laugh."

"I'm sorry." I say chuckling. Then I notice he is crying. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?"

"I-" He turns and clutches my shirt as I hold him tight against my chest. "I swear I didn't!"

"You didn't what?" I ask starting to worry.

"You have to believe me!" He almost yells. "It was a mistake, a misunderstanding, I swear I didn't do it!"

"Babe, what didn't you do?" I ask holding his face so he is looking at me. "Talk to me. Tell me what's going on."

"H-Harry and Liam f-found..." Zayn is cut off by yelling.

"Damn it Louis! Just tell me the truth!" I hear Harry, I think, yell.

"Not again." Zayn starts to cry as he brings his hands to his face.

"Calm down babe. You're okay." I tell him. After a moment the yelling continues so I stumble out of the bathroom and walk into the front room and see Harry standing with one of Louis' old jackets, that no longer fits because of his stomach. Louis has tears in his eyes and hand on his stomach.

"How could you be so irresponsible as to put our child in danger like that!" Harry yells. "I can't believe you!"

"Stop it!" Louis cries, letting out a hard sob. I clear my throat and he rushes over to me and collapses in my arms. "Please Haz, just stop."

I look over to Harry as I sooth a shaking Louis. "Kitchen now." Harry nods and walks into the kitchen and I fallow with Louis still clutching me.

"I swear I-I-" Louis starts but I just nod and kiss his forehead.

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