Chapter 33- Truth and Tears

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Chapter Thirty Three- Truth and Tears

*Liam's POV*

"So..." I say breaking he awkward silence between Zayn and I as we sit in the kitchen full of tension.

"What do you think is going on?" Zayn asks.

"More than we know." I sigh. "I can't believe Niall would do something like this."

"Don't be so quick to put all the blame on Niall." Zayn told me. "His actions may not have been the best, but we don't know if Harry did something to make him react this way."

"Harry's hormonal and in labor, not to mention nearly a week overdue." I tell Zayn, stating the obvious.

"And Niall is struggling with depression because of losing a son, not to mention he was raped." Zayn tells me making sound like its my fault.

"What are you saying? Are you accusing me of letting him get raped?"

"Well, I was unconscious." Zayn shrugged.

"Zayn, we were at the hospital because you left that night! You walked out and got in a car accident. He wouldn't have been around that area if you would have just talked to us like an adult." I let out a rush of words in frustration.

"Why was he walking alone? Why didn't one of you go with him? Or stop him?" Zayn asks shaking with anger.

"He's not a child, Zayn!" I tell him. "He can make his own decisions."

"Like that therapy group? What that his decision Liam?" Zayn asks hitting a nerve with that memory.

"I was trying to help him!" I yell, tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"Really? And what are you doing now? Giving up? Blaming him? Accepting his act as the truth? Remaining blissfully ignorant? What is it Liam?" Zayn asks tears in his own eyes.

"I- I just don't want to hurt him more." I say quietly.

"Not doing anything, is making everything worse, obviously." Zayn says calming down a bit and grabbing my arms. "And blaming him is going to send everything over the edge."

"He's scaring me." I admit. "I just want to know what's going on with him."

"I know, me too." Zayn says pulling me into a hug.

"Niall! Open the goddamn door!" I hear Louis yell from upstairs. I look to Zayn who is starting at me with wide eyes. "Come on! Niall! Just- open the door!"

"Zayn." My voice is shaky and I can feel tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Let's go." Zayn nods.

We run up stairs and find Louis sitting in the hallway, leaning against the door of the bathroom, talking to Niall through the door.

"-s okay." Louis finishes his sentence in a hushed tone, just loud enough for Niall to hear through the door. "I'm not mad, I'm just worried. And Harry- Harry is fine, he just wants to make sure you're okay. And Anne's worried about you too. She wants to know if you're safe. I'd like to be able to tell them you're safe."

"I'm fine." Niall's voice is muffled through the door and tears, and it sounds broken.

"I believe you, but Niall, remember our agreement? We talk face to face? So we can fully understand what we mean?" Louis asks. "So can you unlock the door so we can talk?"

"Louis..." Niall is crying, I can hear it.

"Listen, Niall, I'll come in." Louis says. "It'll just be me. No one else. We can talk, no judgment, nothing leaves the room that you're not comfortable with. How's that sound?"

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