Chapter 28- Awards and Songs

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Chapter Twenty Eight- Awards and Songs

*Liam POV*

We have been traveling for the passed few weeks. During our travels we have been writing songs, recording songs, and planing for the other babies to come. Tommy is such a great kid, and we are so excited for the babies. Shay and Steph are traveling around with us now, and without Shay I don't think we could survive. She is so good with Tommy, and Steph loves him.

"We are going home!" Harry yells as he walks into the room. "I can't do this anymore!"

"What?" I ask walking over to him. "What's wrong?"

"Zayn is about to pop, so are you! I'm huge!" Harry says nearly crying as he tries to explain what is wrong. "I want to be home when we give birth! I don't want to be in weird place where we don't know! I want to have doctors we trust and places that are comfortable!"

"I know babe, I do too." I agree. "We have a break in a week, then we can go home and hopefully I will have the kid during the break, and maybe Zayn too. Then we have another break in December. You should be full term by then, then you'll give birth and everything will work out."

"Zayn!" Harry yells. "Zayn!"

"What? Are you okay?" Zayn comes 'running' in in a panic.

"Ya, I just need you to promise me something." Harry says. "Both of you."

"Sure." Zayn nodded.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Neither of you will go into labor before we are back home." Harry says.

"Harry, they can't promise that." Shay says as she walks in with Tommy.

"Fine... You will try and wait till we are back home." Harry corrects himself. "You know, no stress, no strain, just relax, get good sleep and no labor and NO BIRTH."

"Okay." Zayn nods.

"Don't worry Harry." I smile.

"Thank you." Harry smiles back.

"Shall we watch a movie?" Zayn asked.

"Yes, I think that would be lovely." I nod.

The three of us snuggle on the couch for a while before Shay comes and sits with us and hands Tommy to Zayn. A little bit later Steph comes walking in rubbing his eyes and yawning.

"Morn'n muma." Steph mumbles walking over and climbing onto his mother's lap.

"Morning sweat heart." Shay said kissing her son's forehead.

"Morn'n Uncas." Steph says then closes his eyes and lays his head on Shay.

"Morning." We all say, even though it is almost noon.

"Where Unca Ni? And Unca Ni-Ni an Uncle Looooo?" Stephen asks tiredly.

I notice that when he is tired his speech gets worse than when he is concentrating. He can say "uncle" but when he is half asleep he says "Unca" is adorable.

Then I start to think about Louis and Niall. They are off doing interviews, promotions, meeting with the press and fans, without us just so we can have more time to rest.

"They are at work." Zayn says.

"Oh." Stephen nods then falls asleep again.

"He's cute." Zayn smiles.

"Thank you." Shay says. "Tommy is too. He's such a good baby."

"Yeah." Harry says yawning.

"Get some sleep babe." I tell him.

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