Chapter 7- Shops and Press

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Chapter Seven-Shops and Press

*Harry's POV*

"Good morning mum, how did you sleep?" I ask my mother as I hug her.

"Just fine.” She says flipping a pancake. “I'm sad to be going soon."

“Well good thing you’re able to come back soon.” I smile.

“What do you mean?” She asks turning to look at me.

“Well, Niall wants you here for the birth and I want you here for my last trimester, and the birth and I know we will want you to be here to help with your grandkids so… you’ll be coming back soon.” She smiles back and laughs.

“Well, I want to be there for all of it too, but baby I can’t stay with you guys.” She says I look at her funny.

“Why?” I ask cocking my head like a puppy.

“You boys need your privacy and you need to learn how to be parents.” She says I smile.

“I like that word.” I say, she smiles back at me. “Parents, dad, daddy… it just sounds so… ah… I don’t know.”

“Harold you are some kid.” My mum says smiling at me. Then tears rundown her face.

“Aw, mum. What’s wrong?” I ask hugging her.

“Nothing, I just can’t believe my baby’s having a baby.” She says whipping her eyes. “I’m just so happy.”

“I am too.” I smile, letting her get back to cooking. After a few minutes Niall walks in and leans up against the door frame. His stomach exposed by the bunched up shirt. His hair is messy and he looks a bit pail.

“Hey, Nialler.” Mum says smiling at him.

“Morning Mama Styles.” He replies.

“Nialler, you look a bit pail.” I say walking over to him and putting my hand to his forehead. He pulls away and I try again but he pulls away again. “Niall!”

“Geez Haz, calm down.” Niall says this makes me mad.

“Damn it Niall, why won’t you let me help you?” I almost yell at him.

“I don’t need help Harold! I am fine.” Niall says back angrily. By now all the boys and our mums are start standing at the door. “I am fine.”

“Niall, I can’t trust you to tell me your fine because you always say that!” I almost yell at him. “And it hasn’t just started.”

“I don’t know what the big deal is.” He says.

“The big deal is that I want to help you and take care of you and I don’t understand why you won’t let me!” I yell back to him.

“It makes me uncomfortable! It makes me feel like there is something wrong with me!” He yells and my breath hitches and I go to speak. “Save it Harry!” He walks past everyone and soon you can hear a door slam. I can feel tears streaming down my face as I stand there in the kitchen, everyone has their eyes on me.

“I-I…” I start but my words fall out as I cry. Pretty soon Liam comes over to me and hugs me as I cry. After a while I stop crying and just look at everyone.  "S-someone should go check on him."

"Haz, you should do it." Liam says. I nod and stand up. Then I walk up stairs.

"Niall?" I ask opening the door slowly. I see Niall sitting on the bed, with a suit case by him. He is sobbing so hard I am concerned for his breathing. He looks over to me, his eyes full of tears.

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