Chapter 8-Goodbyes and Worries

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Chapter Eight - Goodbyes and Worries

*Liam's POV*

I wake up and see Niall lying peacefully on the couch.

"Sh, He's sleeping." Harry says front he kitchen. "He didn't sleep very well last night." I nod and walk into the kitchen.

"Breakfast looks good." I tell him.

"Thanks it's just eggs." He says as I hug him.

"Well they look good." I say then I look around the room. "Where is everyone?"

"Niall is sleeping on the couch, you and I are standing in the kitchen, and Louis and Zayn are helping our mums pack." Harry says I laugh at the obvious, but then I get sad as I think about how our mums are leaving today. "Babe, why are you crying?"

"Oh, I honestly didn't know I was." I say wiping my eyes. "I'm just sad our mums are leaving."

"I know. I am too." He says."But they'll be back soon." Harry says. I smile and sit down at the table. Everyone comes down quietly so they don't wake Niall. We begin to eat then soon we hear Niall stirring in the other room.

"Ow, shit!" I hear and I am out of my chair and over to him faster than I thought I could.

"Niall-" I start but he puts his hand out to stop me.

"Just my knee." He says annoyed. Then he gets a look on his face that I don't like. "Can you hand me that bin?" I nod and grab the garbage bin. He takes it from me and begins to puke his guts out. I walk a bit closer and can tell his knee is out. "Sorry." He says between waves of puking.

"It's alright, just let it out." I say patting his back.

"Niall?" His mum asks walking in. I move from my seat next to him so she can sit.

"Hi mum." He says as he starts to puke again.

"Baby, what's wrong?" She asks.

"Just a bit of morning sickness, and...." He is cut off by another wave of puking. "And I think I dislocated my knee again."

"Honey, you have to take it slow and careful." His mother says. He just nods as he continues to puke. "Liam darling, would you get some ice for his knee?" I nod and grab the ice packs out of the freezer.

"Here you go." I say handling it to her. She smiles and places it on Niall's knee.

"Thanks." He says resting his head on his arm. "Sorry for ruining breakfast."

"Baby, stop. You don't have to worry about anything."His mother says. He shrugs and gags again trying not to puke.

"Babe, jest let it out. You'll feel better." I say, not liking how he is holding it in. He nods and closes his eyes. His mum rubs his back as he begins to puke again. I hear sniffling and turn to see Zayn standing by the wall, his eyes glued on Niall. He's crying pretty hard and I can see the pain on his face.

"Babe, I'm fine." Niall tells Zayn. Zayn just shakes his head. "Honestly, it's just morning sickness, and probably repercussions of last night. I'm fine." Zayn continues to cry so Niall holds out his hand. Zayn takes it and Niall gives him a reassuring squeeze. "Just a bit of morning sickness, that's all."

"Come here Zayn." Niall's mother says holding out her arms to Zayn who is shaking and sobbing. He kneels down and sits in front of her. "Niall is fine. This is normal."

"O-okay." He stutters. Soon Niall has stopped puking and he pushes the bin away from him. When he stands up, forgetting about his knee, he hisses and falls back onto the couch.

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